Obama : Check the box and lead the way for all liberals/progressives...


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Please in your continued class warfare drive to divide the country maybe you could when doing your taxes in 2012 just take the simple tax form i.e.
don't take the deductions for donations, for mortgage payments, interest as you did in 2010!

$1,728,096 Obama's Adjusted gross income
245,075 14.18% of his income as donations to charities
and you paid:
$453,770 26.26% of gross income.

If your 2010 you decide NOT to deduct donations the $245,075 you donated then you would have paid more taxes to fund your wife's vacations!

You as a "millionaire" took tax deductions of 14% which if you lead the "Ben & Jerry's limousine liberal millionaires like you" had done that instead of hypocritically accusing others maybe more Americans like me would have a little more respect!

You of ALL people could have "donated" the $245,075 you wrote off PLUS
you could have paid instead of just $453,770 (26%) another $236,839
to the government!

Why didn't you at least mitigate people calling you an hypocrite?
Remember Obama constantly reminds us :
""It is that fundamental belief — I am my brother's keeper, I am my sister's keeper —"

I guess that means "full brother" cause his half brother still lives in a $12/yr hut!
So why are all you 99% not responding to the FACT Obama used tax loopholes?
That is my biggest issue with Obama's class warfare comments is that HE could take the lead and encourage other limousine liberals to follow suit and NOT take any deductions!

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