Obama: Building a 700-mile fence on SW border consistent w/principles of the Dem Party


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
In 2019, the federal government will spend a whopping $4.407 trillion. Yet Congress and the president are shutting down the government in a dispute between the $1.3 billion the Democrats have approved for border security and the $5.7 billion the president is demanding -- precisely 0.0998 percent of the total federal budget. In Washington, that is considered a rounding error.

Worse, Democrats are doing it over a border wall strikingly similar to one that they almost unanimously supported just five years ago. While House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., now says that "a wall is an immorality," back in 2013, she supported a bill that required the construction of 700 miles of border fencing. (Trump has called for a wall of "anywhere from 700 to 900 miles" long.)

The bill negotiated by the Gang of Eight, which included current Democratic leaders Sens. Charles Schumer, N.Y., and Dick Durbin, Ill., declared that "not later than 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary [of Homeland Security] shall establish ... the 'Southern Border Fencing Strategy,' to identify where 700 miles of fencing (including double-layer fencing) ... should be deployed along the Southern border."

Democrats agreed that no illegal immigrants could get a path to citizenship until all 700 miles of border fencing had been fully completed.

Every Senate Democrat voted for the Gang of Eight bill -- including 36 Democratic senators still serving today.

Obama said building a 700-mile fence on the southern border was consistent with the principles of the Democratic Party.

Pelosi supported the Gang of Eight bill, saying at the time that "every piece of this legislation has had bipartisan support". But now we are shutting down the government over a wall much like the one that Pelosi and Senate Democrats fully supported just five years ago?

Marc Thiessen: This is the stupidest government shutdown in US history. When will Dems get smart about it?

The exposed facts and liberal hypocrisy prove Pelosi, Schumer, and Democrats are now standing with illegal criminals against Americans to shut down the government out of HATRED for Trump and to politically hurt the President's chances at re-election....Party before Country!
I have watched Trump's number tumble during the shutdown. Every day I checked, it gets worse for Trump.
Your failing President is going on down. Why?


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Democrats go slack jawed when they see their own leaders such as Obama, Schumer, Feinstein, Clinton etc. stating the problems with illegals and border control sounding like they are channeling Donald Trump. There is a very simple reason for this.


The reason they are now spewing disinformation and doing a complete reversal is out of pure lust for power and pure hatred for the President. The Democratic Party has set a new low in American politics.
In 2019, the federal government will spend a whopping $4.407 trillion. Yet Congress and the president are shutting down the government in a dispute between the $1.3 billion the Democrats have approved for border security and the $5.7 billion the president is demanding -- precisely 0.0998 percent of the total federal budget. In Washington, that is considered a rounding error.

Worse, Democrats are doing it over a border wall strikingly similar to one that they almost unanimously supported just five years ago. While House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., now says that "a wall is an immorality," back in 2013, she supported a bill that required the construction of 700 miles of border fencing. (Trump has called for a wall of "anywhere from 700 to 900 miles" long.)

The bill negotiated by the Gang of Eight, which included current Democratic leaders Sens. Charles Schumer, N.Y., and Dick Durbin, Ill., declared that "not later than 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary [of Homeland Security] shall establish ... the 'Southern Border Fencing Strategy,' to identify where 700 miles of fencing (including double-layer fencing) ... should be deployed along the Southern border."

Democrats agreed that no illegal immigrants could get a path to citizenship until all 700 miles of border fencing had been fully completed.

Every Senate Democrat voted for the Gang of Eight bill -- including 36 Democratic senators still serving today.

Obama said building a 700-mile fence on the southern border was consistent with the principles of the Democratic Party.

Pelosi supported the Gang of Eight bill, saying at the time that "every piece of this legislation has had bipartisan support". But now we are shutting down the government over a wall much like the one that Pelosi and Senate Democrats fully supported just five years ago?

Marc Thiessen: This is the stupidest government shutdown in US history. When will Dems get smart about it?

The exposed facts and liberal hypocrisy prove Pelosi, Schumer, and Democrats are now standing with illegal criminals against Americans to shut down the government out of HATRED for Trump and to politically hurt the President's chances at re-election....Party before Country!

I have watched Trump's number tumble during the shutdown. Every day I checked, it gets worse for Trump.
Your failing President is going on down. Why?


RCP Poll Average
President Trump Job Approval

Approve 42.0

Disapprove 54.1

Net 12.1 Difference.
RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval

And that excuses Obama's and the Democrats' hypocrisy, selective outrage, and lies HOW...?

Last I checked, Trump is president and is out of touch with America.
America wants a representative government. The Dems policy position reflects the will of the people and the mood of the majority. That's what they were elected to do, represent those who elected them
In 2019, the federal government will spend a whopping $4.407 trillion. Yet Congress and the president are shutting down the government in a dispute between the $1.3 billion the Democrats have approved for border security and the $5.7 billion the president is demanding -- precisely 0.0998 percent of the total federal budget. In Washington, that is considered a rounding error.

Worse, Democrats are doing it over a border wall strikingly similar to one that they almost unanimously supported just five years ago. While House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., now says that "a wall is an immorality," back in 2013, she supported a bill that required the construction of 700 miles of border fencing. (Trump has called for a wall of "anywhere from 700 to 900 miles" long.)

The bill negotiated by the Gang of Eight, which included current Democratic leaders Sens. Charles Schumer, N.Y., and Dick Durbin, Ill., declared that "not later than 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary [of Homeland Security] shall establish ... the 'Southern Border Fencing Strategy,' to identify where 700 miles of fencing (including double-layer fencing) ... should be deployed along the Southern border."

Democrats agreed that no illegal immigrants could get a path to citizenship until all 700 miles of border fencing had been fully completed.

Every Senate Democrat voted for the Gang of Eight bill -- including 36 Democratic senators still serving today.

Obama said building a 700-mile fence on the southern border was consistent with the principles of the Democratic Party.

Pelosi supported the Gang of Eight bill, saying at the time that "every piece of this legislation has had bipartisan support". But now we are shutting down the government over a wall much like the one that Pelosi and Senate Democrats fully supported just five years ago?

Marc Thiessen: This is the stupidest government shutdown in US history. When will Dems get smart about it?

The exposed facts and liberal hypocrisy prove Pelosi, Schumer, and Democrats are now standing with illegal criminals against Americans to shut down the government out of HATRED for Trump and to politically hurt the President's chances at re-election....Party before Country!

I have watched Trump's number tumble during the shutdown. Every day I checked, it gets worse for Trump.
Your failing President is going on down. Why?


RCP Poll Average
President Trump Job Approval

Approve 42.0

Disapprove 54.1

Net 12.1 Difference.
RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval

And that excuses Obama's and the Democrats' hypocrisy, selective outrage, and lies HOW...?

Last I checked, Trump is president and is out of touch with America.
America wants a representative government. The Dems policy position reflects the will of the people and the mood of the majority. That's what they were elected to do, represent those who elected them

Last I checked Obama lied to the American people, aided and abetted our enemies, and was / is a big hypocrite, just like the Democrats engaging in hypocrisy, selective outrage, and proving they are purposely standing against and hurting Americans out of partisan hatred and the political desire to sabotage Trump's re-election.

Hard to say who was / is worse - Pelosi / Schumer / Democrats or Obama...
In 2019, the federal government will spend a whopping $4.407 trillion. Yet Congress and the president are shutting down the government in a dispute between the $1.3 billion the Democrats have approved for border security and the $5.7 billion the president is demanding -- precisely 0.0998 percent of the total federal budget. In Washington, that is considered a rounding error.

Worse, Democrats are doing it over a border wall strikingly similar to one that they almost unanimously supported just five years ago. While House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., now says that "a wall is an immorality," back in 2013, she supported a bill that required the construction of 700 miles of border fencing. (Trump has called for a wall of "anywhere from 700 to 900 miles" long.)

The bill negotiated by the Gang of Eight, which included current Democratic leaders Sens. Charles Schumer, N.Y., and Dick Durbin, Ill., declared that "not later than 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary [of Homeland Security] shall establish ... the 'Southern Border Fencing Strategy,' to identify where 700 miles of fencing (including double-layer fencing) ... should be deployed along the Southern border."

Democrats agreed that no illegal immigrants could get a path to citizenship until all 700 miles of border fencing had been fully completed.

Every Senate Democrat voted for the Gang of Eight bill -- including 36 Democratic senators still serving today.

Obama said building a 700-mile fence on the southern border was consistent with the principles of the Democratic Party.

Pelosi supported the Gang of Eight bill, saying at the time that "every piece of this legislation has had bipartisan support". But now we are shutting down the government over a wall much like the one that Pelosi and Senate Democrats fully supported just five years ago?

Marc Thiessen: This is the stupidest government shutdown in US history. When will Dems get smart about it?

The exposed facts and liberal hypocrisy prove Pelosi, Schumer, and Democrats are now standing with illegal criminals against Americans to shut down the government out of HATRED for Trump and to politically hurt the President's chances at re-election....Party before Country!

I have watched Trump's number tumble during the shutdown. Every day I checked, it gets worse for Trump.
Your failing President is going on down. Why?


RCP Poll Average
President Trump Job Approval

Approve 42.0

Disapprove 54.1

Net 12.1 Difference.
RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval

And that excuses Obama's and the Democrats' hypocrisy, selective outrage, and lies HOW...?

Last I checked, Trump is president and is out of touch with America.
America wants a representative government. The Dems policy position reflects the will of the people and the mood of the majority. That's what they were elected to do, represent those who elected them

Last I checked Obama lied to the American people, aided and abetted our enemies, and was / is a big hypocrite, just like the Democrats engaging in hypocrisy, selective outrage, and proving they are purposely standing against and hurting Americans out of partisan hatred and the political desire to sabotage Trump's re-election.

Hard to say who was / is worse - Pelosi / Schumer / Democrats or Obama...

Oh, I am sure Obama, Pelosi and Schumer have lied. As a matter of fact, there's a book on Amazon that document's Obama's lies throughout his career. A whooping 1,375!
But in just two years Trump has told at least five times the lies that Obama told in his entire career.(7,645). No one has been able to debunk WaPo's list of lies. Not Trump, Trump's team or Trump supporters.
Thanks easyt, for bring up lies as a discussion piece. :happy-1:
In 2019, the federal government will spend a whopping $4.407 trillion. Yet Congress and the president are shutting down the government in a dispute between the $1.3 billion the Democrats have approved for border security and the $5.7 billion the president is demanding -- precisely 0.0998 percent of the total federal budget. In Washington, that is considered a rounding error.

Worse, Democrats are doing it over a border wall strikingly similar to one that they almost unanimously supported just five years ago. While House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., now says that "a wall is an immorality," back in 2013, she supported a bill that required the construction of 700 miles of border fencing. (Trump has called for a wall of "anywhere from 700 to 900 miles" long.)

The bill negotiated by the Gang of Eight, which included current Democratic leaders Sens. Charles Schumer, N.Y., and Dick Durbin, Ill., declared that "not later than 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary [of Homeland Security] shall establish ... the 'Southern Border Fencing Strategy,' to identify where 700 miles of fencing (including double-layer fencing) ... should be deployed along the Southern border."

Democrats agreed that no illegal immigrants could get a path to citizenship until all 700 miles of border fencing had been fully completed.

Every Senate Democrat voted for the Gang of Eight bill -- including 36 Democratic senators still serving today.

Obama said building a 700-mile fence on the southern border was consistent with the principles of the Democratic Party.

Pelosi supported the Gang of Eight bill, saying at the time that "every piece of this legislation has had bipartisan support". But now we are shutting down the government over a wall much like the one that Pelosi and Senate Democrats fully supported just five years ago?

Marc Thiessen: This is the stupidest government shutdown in US history. When will Dems get smart about it?

The exposed facts and liberal hypocrisy prove Pelosi, Schumer, and Democrats are now standing with illegal criminals against Americans to shut down the government out of HATRED for Trump and to politically hurt the President's chances at re-election....Party before Country!

Did Mexico pay for it?
Trump being investigated is consistent with communist traitors.
In 2019, the federal government will spend a whopping $4.407 trillion. Yet Congress and the president are shutting down the government in a dispute between the $1.3 billion the Democrats have approved for border security and the $5.7 billion the president is demanding -- precisely 0.0998 percent of the total federal budget. In Washington, that is considered a rounding error.

Worse, Democrats are doing it over a border wall strikingly similar to one that they almost unanimously supported just five years ago. While House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., now says that "a wall is an immorality," back in 2013, she supported a bill that required the construction of 700 miles of border fencing. (Trump has called for a wall of "anywhere from 700 to 900 miles" long.)

The bill negotiated by the Gang of Eight, which included current Democratic leaders Sens. Charles Schumer, N.Y., and Dick Durbin, Ill., declared that "not later than 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary [of Homeland Security] shall establish ... the 'Southern Border Fencing Strategy,' to identify where 700 miles of fencing (including double-layer fencing) ... should be deployed along the Southern border."

Democrats agreed that no illegal immigrants could get a path to citizenship until all 700 miles of border fencing had been fully completed.

Every Senate Democrat voted for the Gang of Eight bill -- including 36 Democratic senators still serving today.

Obama said building a 700-mile fence on the southern border was consistent with the principles of the Democratic Party.

Pelosi supported the Gang of Eight bill, saying at the time that "every piece of this legislation has had bipartisan support". But now we are shutting down the government over a wall much like the one that Pelosi and Senate Democrats fully supported just five years ago?

Marc Thiessen: This is the stupidest government shutdown in US history. When will Dems get smart about it?

The exposed facts and liberal hypocrisy prove Pelosi, Schumer, and Democrats are now standing with illegal criminals against Americans to shut down the government out of HATRED for Trump and to politically hurt the President's chances at re-election....Party before Country!

Did Mexico pay for it?

hell no ..

the renegotiated North American Free Trade Agreement is not in effect yet. Trump rebranded the updated NAFTA as the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA), but it still needs congressional approval.

And the deal, literally, does not include any language saying Mexico will pay the United States for the wall.

In addition, U.S.-Mexico trade has been duty free for more than a decade, and the renegotiated trade deal does not add new tariffs on goods coming from Mexico to the United States, said Lori Wallach, director at Public Citizen's Global Trade Watch.

he still needs Congress just like I've been saying ever since he started his wall bullshit.
In 2019, the federal government will spend a whopping $4.407 trillion. Yet Congress and the president are shutting down the government in a dispute between the $1.3 billion the Democrats have approved for border security and the $5.7 billion the president is demanding -- precisely 0.0998 percent of the total federal budget. In Washington, that is considered a rounding error.

Worse, Democrats are doing it over a border wall strikingly similar to one that they almost unanimously supported just five years ago. While House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., now says that "a wall is an immorality," back in 2013, she supported a bill that required the construction of 700 miles of border fencing. (Trump has called for a wall of "anywhere from 700 to 900 miles" long.)

The bill negotiated by the Gang of Eight, which included current Democratic leaders Sens. Charles Schumer, N.Y., and Dick Durbin, Ill., declared that "not later than 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary [of Homeland Security] shall establish ... the 'Southern Border Fencing Strategy,' to identify where 700 miles of fencing (including double-layer fencing) ... should be deployed along the Southern border."

Democrats agreed that no illegal immigrants could get a path to citizenship until all 700 miles of border fencing had been fully completed.

Every Senate Democrat voted for the Gang of Eight bill -- including 36 Democratic senators still serving today.

Obama said building a 700-mile fence on the southern border was consistent with the principles of the Democratic Party.

Pelosi supported the Gang of Eight bill, saying at the time that "every piece of this legislation has had bipartisan support". But now we are shutting down the government over a wall much like the one that Pelosi and Senate Democrats fully supported just five years ago?

Marc Thiessen: This is the stupidest government shutdown in US history. When will Dems get smart about it?

The exposed facts and liberal hypocrisy prove Pelosi, Schumer, and Democrats are now standing with illegal criminals against Americans to shut down the government out of HATRED for Trump and to politically hurt the President's chances at re-election....Party before Country!
They don’t really oppose border security, they oppose trump and the wall he wants to build. Have you not figured that out by now?
The article conveniently leaves out that a vast majority of the 700 miles of fencing was already completed by 2013.
In 2019, the federal government will spend a whopping $4.407 trillion. Yet Congress and the president are shutting down the government in a dispute between the $1.3 billion the Democrats have approved for border security and the $5.7 billion the president is demanding -- precisely 0.0998 percent of the total federal budget. In Washington, that is considered a rounding error.

Worse, Democrats are doing it over a border wall strikingly similar to one that they almost unanimously supported just five years ago. While House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., now says that "a wall is an immorality," back in 2013, she supported a bill that required the construction of 700 miles of border fencing. (Trump has called for a wall of "anywhere from 700 to 900 miles" long.)

The bill negotiated by the Gang of Eight, which included current Democratic leaders Sens. Charles Schumer, N.Y., and Dick Durbin, Ill., declared that "not later than 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary [of Homeland Security] shall establish ... the 'Southern Border Fencing Strategy,' to identify where 700 miles of fencing (including double-layer fencing) ... should be deployed along the Southern border."

Democrats agreed that no illegal immigrants could get a path to citizenship until all 700 miles of border fencing had been fully completed.

Every Senate Democrat voted for the Gang of Eight bill -- including 36 Democratic senators still serving today.

Obama said building a 700-mile fence on the southern border was consistent with the principles of the Democratic Party.

Pelosi supported the Gang of Eight bill, saying at the time that "every piece of this legislation has had bipartisan support". But now we are shutting down the government over a wall much like the one that Pelosi and Senate Democrats fully supported just five years ago?

Marc Thiessen: This is the stupidest government shutdown in US history. When will Dems get smart about it?

The exposed facts and liberal hypocrisy prove Pelosi, Schumer, and Democrats are now standing with illegal criminals against Americans to shut down the government out of HATRED for Trump and to politically hurt the President's chances at re-election....Party before Country!
They don’t really oppose border security, they oppose trump and the wall he wants to build. Have you not figured that out by now?
There is clearly a political component here. I'm not a wall advocate, but these folks in DC are not exactly adept at hiding their agendas.
The democrats have a choice, to build the wall and let their constituents get better jobs and better pay, or stop the wall and let the hordes of migrants thru flooding the job market with cheap labor. They obviously chose to flood the country with cheap labor, who after a few years will also flood the polls with new democrat voters. Calling their scam a "political component" doesn't do it justice. They prefer that the peons in their urban plantations depend on them for welfare and food stamps, than to move up the economic scale.
Sounds like a good dem talking point for the 2020 debates. Add it to your list.

I would encourage any 'America first' advocate to take note

We're being played, and played hard

Yea legilsative pen is mighter than ye wall....

Last I checked, Trump is president and is out of touch with America.
America wants a representative government. The Dems policy position reflects the will of the people and the mood of the majority. That's what they were elected to do, represent those who elected them

The will of the people is to enforce our immigration laws, and secure our border like EVERY other country does. Why do you want potential criminals, and terrorists to come here? Why do you want to put American citizens at risk?
Last I checked, Trump is president and is out of touch with America.
America wants a representative government. The Dems policy position reflects the will of the people and the mood of the majority. That's what they were elected to do, represent those who elected them

The will of the people is to enforce our immigration laws, and secure our border like EVERY other country does. Why do you want potential criminals, and terrorists to come here? Why do you want to put American citizens at risk?

because they work cheap.....


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