The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
Obama Bin Spying, The Muslim Manchurian Candidate was the Best Friend that Every Jihadi could Pray to the Goat god, allah for.

I could go over his history of aiding and abetting America's Enemies, such as his, interfering in Israel's elections, his purchasing Russian Propaganda from Putin, his Complicity with Putin and his helping Putin get control of not only Natural Gas supplied for Europe, but The Crimea and and gaining control of The Ukraine through corrupt Russian Owned Politicians. Then there were The COUPS and assassinations in Syria, Libya, and his committing War Crimes by paying terrorists to launch COUPs, and using Benghazi as an Illegal Weapons Depot.

But the most treacherous acts he committed to date was his coordination of giving Putin's company Rosatom, 20% of our Uranium, and then giving Iran $150 Billion dollars to not only buy this Uranium, but to purchase Russian Centrifuges, and pay Russian Scientists to help them produce Nuclear Weapons which they want to point at Israel. Yet, that isn't all. Obama Bin Lying's $150 Billion shot in the arm for Iran, and his Shady Permissive Nuclear Deal, emboldened Iran, gave them access to the finances to finance more terrorist acts and terrorist groups, and then send them weapons, particularly send weapons to HAMAS, and Islamic Jihad in Palestine which they used to launch 1,500 rockets in to Israel this past week and a half. And as if that were not enough, Obama has also given Palestine truck loads of money, which were supposed to be used for roads, hospitals and schools, yet he looked the other way, probably with a smile on his face, while they embezzled and rediverted that money in to building concrete reinforced terrorist tunnels in to Israel so that Iran, and Palestine, Hamas, Hezbollah, The PLO, ISIS, and Islamic Jihad could do what they are promising to do, and that is to Exterminate The Jew.

There is Obama's Legacy right there. When History is done being written, it will not reflect kindly on the man who gave Birth to World War 3.

Hamas official: Iran ordered rocket attack on central Israel - report

A senior Hamas official, speaking anonymously to Israel Hayom on Tuesday, claimed that the rocket which struck a moshav in central Israel on Monday was ordered by Iran.

Hamas reportedly gave its blessing for the rocket attack in hopes of disrupting Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's election campaign.

The rocket attack on Mishmeret, which hit and destroyed a home, left seven family members injured, including two infants, as well as a neighboring child.

He claimed that Iran "went over the heads” of Hamas leadership and ordered an Islamic Jihad cell operating out of the Gaza Strip to carry out the attack.

While senior officials in both Egypt and Gaza confirmed that Iran had ordered the attack, they claimed that the Hamas leadership was aware of the plans to fire a rocket deep into Israeli territory.

This has led to a major escalation of the conflict between Israel and Gaza.

The official claimed that Hamas leaders gave their blessing to the attack.

Full Article at the link provided.


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