Obama Appoints Iran Lobbyist to Investigate Libyan Consulate Attack


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Obama Appoints Iran Lobbyist to Investigate Libyan Consulate Attack

by Daniel Greenfield
Oct 5th, 2012

Pickering has had an extensive diplomatic career and is known for a lot of things. One of them is serving on the board of the American-Iranian Council. The AIC is a problematic organization because while it has more credibility than the NIAC, the National Iranian American Council which is a straight front for the Iranian government, it’s still a group basically dedicated to pushing the Iranian agenda.

The AIC is technically not a lobbying group, but it’s a place where prominent politicians and officials stop by. Its president, Hooshang Amirahmadi, was a registered candidate in Iran’s presidential election. And the AIC has been described as an unofficial lobby for Iran and Hooshang has made that unofficial title more official during a visit to Iran.

“There is clash between various regional [Middle East] lobbies. Israelites will fast gather around Obama . Arabs will also spend their money to get close to Obama. Unfortunately, Iran is very lonely in Washington, and those few, like us, who defend the Iranian rights, are subject of unkind hostility in Tehran. These gentlemen [in Iran] do not truly understand what they do, and how they weaken our position. As a result the field is left wide open for Israelis and Arabs and enemies of Iran. Firstly, Iran should realize that, and empower its friends in Washington, especially in the next one to two months, which is the time [to do it].

Iranian leaders should pay attention to what is going on, and strengthen their friends. They [Iranian leaders] should have confidence in, energize, and trust their friends [in Washington] so they enter the arena. This is very important. Therefore the next two or three months are the time to conquer Obama’s heart and mind and that of his teams. Anyone who acts faster will rest trouble free for the next 8 years. Anyone who does not go to that bazaar [marketplace] now, will have a tough time entering that bazaar in future.”

Thomas Pickering is still a member of the honorary board of the AIC, which is a conflict of interest when investigating a terrorist incident that Iran is probably not involved in, but that it is not outside the realm of possibility that it might have been a factor in.

Obama Appoints Iran Lobbyist to Investigate Libyan Consulate Attack | FrontPage Magazine
Yep, it must be some kind of liberal conspiracy alright...especially when one considers that Pickering also served as Ronald Reagan's Ambassador to Nigeria, El Salvador (remember Iran-Contra?) and Israel; G.H.W. Bush's Ambassador to the United Nations; and served as a Special Assistant Secretary to SecState William Rogers and Henry Kissinger.
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