Obama Apologizes To Our Enemies But Not To Romney


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

What does it say about a president that goes around the world apologizing to everyone in the world for America's acts past and present but refuses to apologize for a mistake his campaign made to another American?

Seriously......what does this say about him?

Obama goes out of his way to apologize for America to our enemies yet he won't take 30 seconds to apologize for his campaign calling Mitt Romney a felon.

Everyone knows now that the accusations are false yet the Obama campaign still drives on with the lies. This morning on Fox one of his representatives actually claimed that Mitt Romney admitted he committed a felony and when she was called on it, asked to produce proof that he admitted it they got no response.

Romney has asked for an apology Friday and Obama refuses. Guess this is all they have to run on.


I'm waiting for Mitt to take off the gloves on Obama. Seems to me he's a rock thrower living in a glass house.

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that does not seem fair.

if he apologizes to your enemies, then of course he should apologize to romney as well.

Romney doesn't talk about Rev. Wright or Tony Rezco. All he talks about is Obama's record.

Romney hasn't said a word about Fast & Furious.

Obama is the low-life scum that is accusing Romney of committing felonies.

What's next.....murder????

Romney shows class and Obama shows his lack of class.

It's as simple as that.
I agree. Romney is just as big an enemy as the rest of them..

Get real.

When Romney flies a jet into a skyscraper or shoots one of our soldiers in the head then you might be right.

Until then I think you're way off.

Well I think you're way off when you say Obama apologizes to terrorists.

He's been doing that to the Taliban. Working behind the scenes to work out deals to keep them from attacking us. Negotiating is the same thing.

He also apologized to Pakistan after the Koran burnings.

Both are terrorist supporters.

He's also good friends with the Muslim Brotherhood.
fuck that noise....mitt is just a whiner and liar...we all know he has never considered a woman for vp

mitt outsources his money ......but lets not mention that
Fact is Obama has been apologizing to everyone....and everyone that attacks us expects an apology from him.

Our soldiers in Afghanistan are being executed left and right yet Obama apologies.

It's pretty pathetic.

Yet he won't apologize to Romney.
mitt is a felon, says obama,, how low will he go? chicago low? he sure as fuck fixed chicago didn't he?
fuck that noise....mitt is just a whiner and liar...we all know he has never considered a woman for vp

mitt outsources his money ......but lets not mention that

The Kennedy family has most of their money offshore.

John Kerry married a foreign national and he has her millions outside the states.

Nancy Pelosi has a plantation in American Samoa.

Everyone does it. It's not illegal. Guess this is just one more normal activity that Dems what to turn into criminality.

Maybe we should open the books on everyone and see where they have their money stashed. How bout that????

Personally....I don't think where he puts his money is anyone's GD business.
fuck that noise....mitt is just a whiner and liar...we all know he has never considered a woman for vp

mitt outsources his money ......but lets not mention that

The Kennedy family has most of their money offshore.

John Kerry married a foreign national and he has her millions outside the states.

Nancy Pelosi has a plantation in American Samoa.

Everyone does it. It's not illegal. Guess this is just one more normal activity that Dems what to turn into criminality.

Maybe we should open the books on everyone and see where they have their money stashed. How bout that????

Personally....I don't think where he puts his money is anyone's GD business.

That would be most interesting, although I think you know bones and the dems would be all for covering it up like a cat covers up some shit.

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