Obama and the Left have turned race relations back decades.


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Decades ago, Black Panthers, Neo Nazis and Klansmen marched the streets. There were racially motivated beatings and killings. The races couldn't mingle or do shit together. Then society changed, slowly, over decades where that shit mostly died down. Sure, there was an occassional spark of something. There were hidden KKK clans in backwoods of rural areas. The Panthers existed in isolated areas of some urban spots.

But unlike the first part of the last century, blacks and whites fought wars together, alongside each other, and cried for each other. Blacks and whites can be seen in huge stadiums, cheering for a common team, hugging each other, and the ONLY color that matters is the uniform their team has on. Interracial dating is not only accepted, but 99% of people dont even have a concious thought about it.

We've come so far in race relations, almost to the point that, for a while there had we just let that "RACISM" word go away, the whole thing would have been an afterthought.

But then January 1, 2009 happened. And a huge effort to remind everyone how racist we are began. To remind everyone "Hey, you are NOT the same, look at your skin color". Eric Holder reminded us we are racial "cowards" and refuse to discuss it. Well, Eric, did you think maybe most of us (black and white) have simply moved on BEYOND that stupid shit? Thanks for dragging us back. So rather than running stories on how and why blacks are killing other blacks at such a frightening rate in the inner cities on MSNBC, they pick an isolated incident that they can use to remind everyone "Hey, racism still exists, Al Sharpton still needs a job, and we still want to make sure all you races know the other is different and probably hates you."

Thanks left wingers. Thanks Obama. Thanks Holder. Thanks MSNBC.

We are almost back to the 1960's now. And to think....we were so close. Ho hum. Maybe in another 50 years.
I agree, conservatives knew it was going to happen. The main reason is the race industry doesnt want race issues solved or they are out of bidness.
I agree, conservatives knew it was going to happen. The main reason is the race industry doesnt want race issues solved or they are out of bidness.
Well.. maybe these race barrons are in the last gasps.

I mean if it weren't for the MSM ginning up the issue where would Sharpton/et.al. be?
21 years ago the cry from Rodney King.."why can't we all get along".. and when the LA COPS were acquitted the streets turn bloody and true race rioting occurred.

I'm thinking with twitter,flash mobs, etc. LA riots could be repeated... BUT the biggest difference between then and now... BLACK upward social class mobility.
the new black middle class has been channeled largely into public-sector jobs
so maybe some of the upward mobile blacks won't be as receptive to destroying the local Starbucks!
Multiculturarism has stymied individual liberty for decades and people like Holder fall into it. America is founded upon the concept of the individual and we need to see the individual for what they are worth rather than seeing the individual belonging to a larger group identity that may or may not reflect their individualism.

Certainly, America's record on race relations is nothing to brag about. In fact, it has been atrocious at times. However, we have this concept of individual liberty that transcends race relations. It is unfortunate that many cannot understand.

Instead of being a melting pot where people join together, we have to uphold this violent ideology of multiculturalism where we have to value individuals based on a group identity rather than an individual identity.
Kudos to the OP.
The race-card has been overplayed ad infinitum by the left and continues to be.
If this was poker, the race-card has become the equivilent of 'aces n' eights'!
Where are the sane conservatives? Seriously. Why don't you people put these assholes in their place? Are you afraid of them?

Wow the one line dissmisive again, care to contribute anything beyond a sentance or two? Do you actually form an arguement and discuss or do you just like calling people crazy and stupid?
Multiculturarism has stymied individual liberty for decades and people like Holder fall into it. America is founded upon the concept of the individual and we need to see the individual for what they are worth rather than seeing the individual belonging to a larger group identity that may or may not reflect their individualism.

Certainly, America's record on race relations is nothing to brag about. In fact, it has been atrocious at times. However, we have this concept of individual liberty that transcends race relations. It is unfortunate that many cannot understand.

Instead of being a melting pot where people join together, we have to uphold this violent ideology of multiculturalism where we have to value individuals based on a group identity rather than an individual identity.

nice way to put it, but loner will call you stupid since he cant dicsuss the issue. Maybe if you're lucky he and his band of liberals may catch a typo to talk about.
Where are the sane conservatives? Seriously. Why don't you people put these assholes in their place? Are you afraid of them?

Wow the one line dissmisive again, care to contribute anything beyond a sentance or two? Do you actually form an arguement and discuss or do you just like calling people crazy and stupid?

Not possible. He can only memorize one sentence at a time off of the DU.
Neither one is that conservative. Santorum is on social issues, economic issues I'd have to dig a little deeper and with Romney we'll see, but he's better than Obama

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=woBC5b3Ti0M&feature=endscreen]Obama Supporters are Idiots! - YouTube[/ame]

The only thing I disagree with is they dont vote for Obama because he is black, but because he is a democrat. If Obama was a republican they'd call him an Uncle Tom
Decades ago, Black Panthers, Neo Nazis and Klansmen marched the streets. There were racially motivated beatings and killings. The races couldn't mingle or do shit together. Then society changed, slowly, over decades where that shit mostly died down. Sure, there was an occassional spark of something. There were hidden KKK clans in backwoods of rural areas. The Panthers existed in isolated areas of some urban spots.

But unlike the first part of the last century, blacks and whites fought wars together, alongside each other, and cried for each other. Blacks and whites can be seen in huge stadiums, cheering for a common team, hugging each other, and the ONLY color that matters is the uniform their team has on. Interracial dating is not only accepted, but 99% of people dont even have a concious thought about it.

We've come so far in race relations, almost to the point that, for a while there had we just let that "RACISM" word go away, the whole thing would have been an afterthought.

But then January 1, 2009 happened. And a huge effort to remind everyone how racist we are began. To remind everyone "Hey, you are NOT the same, look at your skin color". Eric Holder reminded us we are racial "cowards" and refuse to discuss it. Well, Eric, did you think maybe most of us (black and white) have simply moved on BEYOND that stupid shit? Thanks for dragging us back. So rather than running stories on how and why blacks are killing other blacks at such a frightening rate in the inner cities on MSNBC, they pick an isolated incident that they can use to remind everyone "Hey, racism still exists, Al Sharpton still needs a job, and we still want to make sure all you races know the other is different and probably hates you."

Thanks left wingers. Thanks Obama. Thanks Holder. Thanks MSNBC.

We are almost back to the 1960's now. And to think....we were so close. Ho hum. Maybe in another 50 years.

Guilty white people elected Obama. They are the ones who screwed up race relations--again.

How are you sane and how is Romney or Santorum Conservative?

Do you care to explain yourself this time before you neg me?

did you neg me first? :deal::fu:

No, you started it and I just owed you. However, I see that you are pussy who ran away from the conversation.

However, this is what I expected from a one-liner rw-hack who thinks he is sane and that Romney and Santorum are Conservative.
Decades ago, Black Panthers, Neo Nazis and Klansmen marched the streets. There were racially motivated beatings and killings. The races couldn't mingle or do shit together. Then society changed, slowly, over decades where that shit mostly died down. Sure, there was an occassional spark of something. There were hidden KKK clans in backwoods of rural areas. The Panthers existed in isolated areas of some urban spots.

But unlike the first part of the last century, blacks and whites fought wars together, alongside each other, and cried for each other. Blacks and whites can be seen in huge stadiums, cheering for a common team, hugging each other, and the ONLY color that matters is the uniform their team has on. Interracial dating is not only accepted, but 99% of people dont even have a concious thought about it.

We've come so far in race relations, almost to the point that, for a while there had we just let that "RACISM" word go away, the whole thing would have been an afterthought.

But then January 1, 2009 happened. And a huge effort to remind everyone how racist we are began. To remind everyone "Hey, you are NOT the same, look at your skin color". Eric Holder reminded us we are racial "cowards" and refuse to discuss it. Well, Eric, did you think maybe most of us (black and white) have simply moved on BEYOND that stupid shit? Thanks for dragging us back. So rather than running stories on how and why blacks are killing other blacks at such a frightening rate in the inner cities on MSNBC, they pick an isolated incident that they can use to remind everyone "Hey, racism still exists, Al Sharpton still needs a job, and we still want to make sure all you races know the other is different and probably hates you."

Thanks left wingers. Thanks Obama. Thanks Holder. Thanks MSNBC.

We are almost back to the 1960's now. And to think....we were so close. Ho hum. Maybe in another 50 years.

Guilty white people elected Obama. They are the ones who screwed up race relations--again.

I cant disagree. Guilty white people are useless. Why are you guilty if you didnt do anything. Wow liberal indoctrination, it's amazing.
Decades ago, Black Panthers, Neo Nazis and Klansmen marched the streets. There were racially motivated beatings and killings. The races couldn't mingle or do shit together. Then society changed, slowly, over decades where that shit mostly died down. Sure, there was an occassional spark of something. There were hidden KKK clans in backwoods of rural areas. The Panthers existed in isolated areas of some urban spots.

But unlike the first part of the last century, blacks and whites fought wars together, alongside each other, and cried for each other. Blacks and whites can be seen in huge stadiums, cheering for a common team, hugging each other, and the ONLY color that matters is the uniform their team has on. Interracial dating is not only accepted, but 99% of people dont even have a concious thought about it.

We've come so far in race relations, almost to the point that, for a while there had we just let that "RACISM" word go away, the whole thing would have been an afterthought.

But then January 1, 2009 happened. And a huge effort to remind everyone how racist we are began. To remind everyone "Hey, you are NOT the same, look at your skin color". Eric Holder reminded us we are racial "cowards" and refuse to discuss it. Well, Eric, did you think maybe most of us (black and white) have simply moved on BEYOND that stupid shit? Thanks for dragging us back. So rather than running stories on how and why blacks are killing other blacks at such a frightening rate in the inner cities on MSNBC, they pick an isolated incident that they can use to remind everyone "Hey, racism still exists, Al Sharpton still needs a job, and we still want to make sure all you races know the other is different and probably hates you."

Thanks left wingers. Thanks Obama. Thanks Holder. Thanks MSNBC.

We are almost back to the 1960's now. And to think....we were so close. Ho hum. Maybe in another 50 years.

Guilty white people elected Obama. They are the ones who screwed up race relations--again.

It's like white Obama-bots have a desire to be black, and if granted that wish by a genie in a bottle, shortly they'd be screaming to be white again.
Afterall, what has Obie really done for blacks? Are they really better off?
Are any of US overall, really better off?
Decades ago, Black Panthers, Neo Nazis and Klansmen marched the streets. There were racially motivated beatings and killings. The races couldn't mingle or do shit together. Then society changed, slowly, over decades where that shit mostly died down. Sure, there was an occassional spark of something. There were hidden KKK clans in backwoods of rural areas. The Panthers existed in isolated areas of some urban spots.

But unlike the first part of the last century, blacks and whites fought wars together, alongside each other, and cried for each other. Blacks and whites can be seen in huge stadiums, cheering for a common team, hugging each other, and the ONLY color that matters is the uniform their team has on. Interracial dating is not only accepted, but 99% of people dont even have a concious thought about it.

We've come so far in race relations, almost to the point that, for a while there had we just let that "RACISM" word go away, the whole thing would have been an afterthought.

But then January 1, 2009 happened. And a huge effort to remind everyone how racist we are began. To remind everyone "Hey, you are NOT the same, look at your skin color". Eric Holder reminded us we are racial "cowards" and refuse to discuss it. Well, Eric, did you think maybe most of us (black and white) have simply moved on BEYOND that stupid shit? Thanks for dragging us back. So rather than running stories on how and why blacks are killing other blacks at such a frightening rate in the inner cities on MSNBC, they pick an isolated incident that they can use to remind everyone "Hey, racism still exists, Al Sharpton still needs a job, and we still want to make sure all you races know the other is different and probably hates you."

Thanks left wingers. Thanks Obama. Thanks Holder. Thanks MSNBC.

We are almost back to the 1960's now. And to think....we were so close. Ho hum. Maybe in another 50 years.

Guilty white people elected Obama. They are the ones who screwed up race relations--again.

I cant disagree. Guilty white people are useless. Why are you guilty if you didnt do anything. Wow liberal indoctrination, it's amazing.

Liberal indoctrination is destroying the white race. They will be handing all white people white flags pretty soon now.
Where are the sane conservatives? Seriously. Why don't you people put these assholes in their place? Are you afraid of them?

In Nov.

How are you sane and how is Romney or Santorum Conservative?

Do you care to explain yourself this time before you neg me?

How are you sane and how is Romney or Santorum Conservative?

Do you care to explain yourself this time before you neg me?

did you neg me first? :deal::fu:

too damn chickenshit to answer or what?

Decades ago, Black Panthers, Neo Nazis and Klansmen marched the streets. There were racially motivated beatings and killings. The races couldn't mingle or do shit together. Then society changed, slowly, over decades where that shit mostly died down. Sure, there was an occassional spark of something. There were hidden KKK clans in backwoods of rural areas. The Panthers existed in isolated areas of some urban spots.

But unlike the first part of the last century, blacks and whites fought wars together, alongside each other, and cried for each other. Blacks and whites can be seen in huge stadiums, cheering for a common team, hugging each other, and the ONLY color that matters is the uniform their team has on. Interracial dating is not only accepted, but 99% of people dont even have a concious thought about it.

We've come so far in race relations, almost to the point that, for a while there had we just let that "RACISM" word go away, the whole thing would have been an afterthought.

But then January 1, 2009 happened. And a huge effort to remind everyone how racist we are began. To remind everyone "Hey, you are NOT the same, look at your skin color". Eric Holder reminded us we are racial "cowards" and refuse to discuss it. Well, Eric, did you think maybe most of us (black and white) have simply moved on BEYOND that stupid shit? Thanks for dragging us back. So rather than running stories on how and why blacks are killing other blacks at such a frightening rate in the inner cities on MSNBC, they pick an isolated incident that they can use to remind everyone "Hey, racism still exists, Al Sharpton still needs a job, and we still want to make sure all you races know the other is different and probably hates you."

Thanks left wingers. Thanks Obama. Thanks Holder. Thanks MSNBC.

We are almost back to the 1960's now. And to think....we were so close. Ho hum. Maybe in another 50 years.

Nice piece of revisionist history. Are you black?

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