Obama and the 'Competency Crisis'


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
Like many Americans who supported him, I long for a triple-A president to run a triple-A country.
By Mort Zuckerman

Mr. Obama seems unable to get a firm grip on the toughest issue facing his presidency and the country—the economy. He now asserts he is going to "pivot" to jobs. Now we pivot to jobs? When there are already 25 million Americans who are either unemployed or cannot find full-time work? Does this president not appreciate what is going on?

Many voters who supported him are no longer elated by the historic novelty of his candidacy and presidency. They hoped for a president who would be effective. Remember "Yes We Can"? Now many of his sharpest critics are his former supporters. Witness Bill Broyles, a one-time admirer who recently wrote in Newsweek that "Americans aren't inspired by well-meaning weakness."

The president who first inspired with great speeches on red and blue America now seems to lack the ability to communicate any sense of resolve for a program, or any realization of the urgency of what might befall us. The teleprompter he almost always uses symbolizes and compounds his emotional distance from his audience.

We lack a coherent and muscular economic strategy, as Mr. Obama and his staff seem almost completely focused on his re-election. He should be spending most of his time on the nitty-gritty of the job instead of on fund raisers, bus tours and visits to diners, which essentially are in service of his political interests. Increasingly his solutions seem to boil down to Vote for Me.


Mr. Zuckerman is chairman and editor in chief of U.S. News & World Report

Mr. Zuckerman was on Fox today and reiterated that he has made mistakes. His support of Obama was one of them.
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If a Republican president saved the auto-industry, got Bin Laden in a special opts, gave the biggest working class tax cut in American history, signed a bill authorizing the reduction of spending by 15%, all the while reversing the most devastating economic collapse in 80 years....the Republicans would hail him as the Second Coming of Christ!
But instead we have a president who okayed thethe militay's special ops strategy to get Bin laden, did not turn around the economy, but is known as the "5 Trillion Dollar Debt President, strayed as we experienced two credit downgrades, and encouraged class divisions in this country.

Pivot to jobs.


How big a fucking moron do you have to be to keep Fluffing Obama?

I wonder what Obama's OWS has to say about Mort?
If a Republican president saved the auto-industry, got Bin Laden in a special opts, gave the biggest working class tax cut in American history, signed a bill authorizing the reduction of spending by 15%, all the while reversing the most devastating economic collapse in 80 years....the Republicans would hail him as the Second Coming of Christ!


It's to bad Obama did none of those things.

He did get our credit rating reduced though. Got to give him that much.
From the op link:

He made the politically tested and calculated statement that if you raise taxes on billionaires and millionaires you could solve the problem. This is not so. Even for those who support higher taxes on the wealthy, as I do, we must remember that we have an income tax system in which fully half the "taxpayers" pay no tax at all, and in which the variety of loopholes cries out for a real reform of the tax code. Even if the government instituted a 100% tax on both corporate profits and personal incomes above $250,000 per year, it would yield enough revenue to run the government for only six months. Why? Because under Mr. Obama's presidency, government spending has swelled to 24% of GDP from 18%.
If a Republican president saved the auto-industry, got Bin Laden in a special opts, gave the biggest working class tax cut in American history, signed a bill authorizing the reduction of spending by 15%, all the while reversing the most devastating economic collapse in 80 years....the Republicans would hail him as the Second Coming of Christ!

We actually had 2 consecutive Conservative Presidents who got us out of a Great Depression and crushed unemployment from 12% to 4% in 18 months.

If FDR was "Great" for never dipping unemployment below 14% for 8 years, they, yes, Harding and Coolidge be Gods in comparison
If a Republican president saved the auto-industry, got Bin Laden in a special opts, gave the biggest working class tax cut in American history, signed a bill authorizing the reduction of spending by 15%, all the while reversing the most devastating economic collapse in 80 years....the Republicans would hail him as the Second Coming of Christ!

If he does anything positive or "good," like kill OBL, republicans will spin away to make it look like republicans deserve the credit. They still say the bush administration's torture policies is what led to OBL going bye bye...or, they will try to make it look like what he did was, "bad." Rush was just beside himself over Obama giving the order to kill those poor innocent Somali Pirates holding the ship's captain hostage. Ya got to wonder if republicans ever get sick of themselves.

Pivot to jobs


The Captain of the Titanic announces he going to pivot to pumping water out of the ship...

The title calls obama inept......he is....at just about everything.

Obama's Inept,Elitist Take On Political Warfare - Forbes

Your talk to the Society of Newspaper Editors was more Political Warfare than a primer in Math or or an effective attack on Class Warfare, Mr. President. You lost me and most of America with all your talk about Trojan Horses and Social Darwinism, as I thought I was back in John Finley’s Course on Classics or Arthur Schlesinger’s course on American Intellectual history at Harvard in the 1950s.
Considering how bad a job Obama has done, he needs people like Chris to fabricate. He needs more time. We are not fully disarmed yet. We still have play money left too. Go on Chris, buy him the time he needs to Completely Screw us over. :clap:


The Post American World.
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