Obama and DNC donations for January 2012 down 30% from January 2008


Democrat Party - the REAL Fascist Party
Dec 31, 2011
Bay State

How about we start this off with a fitting song:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jrFChQUQihE]the thrill is gone - B.B. KING - YouTube[/ame]

I like the excuses made for this drop, they bring forth a good laugh. Contributions to Obama and the Democratic National Committee combined were down 30 percent last month compared with January four years ago. Together they raised $29.1 million in January. That is down from $41.7 million in January 2008. Throw that in with how even though Mitt Romney has not even won the Republican nomination, and he is leading Obama by 4 points in Gallup, things are not looking good for the DNC or Obama.

Obama donations fall short of 2008 - Boston.com

The race hasn't started for one.

The other is that Republicans feel big business should run the country. 8 of the 10 largest donors are corporations and they all give to Republicans. Big corporations know that with Republican help, they can rape the average American and the Republican base loves it. They can dirty the air and foul the water. Create more birth defects and hire Republican workers at minimum wage without health care. This is what Republican fight for. What they want. This is why business supports Republicans.

Be careful what you wish for. You might get it.
Lots of lied to Obama supporters are now in the Paul camp. If anything pushes him at any position as nominee,VP,or any other position,itll knock obama off his pedastal. Lots of those young voters are paulies now.

I opt for a free unrestricted capitalist democracy for the people,by the people,of the people. Not a nanny state exploiting dividing and conquering to control.

How about we start this off with a fitting song:

in january 2008, he was in the midst of a primary campaign against hillary. people had a sense of immediacy. now they're watching the circular firing squad that is the GOP primaries.

when a candidate emerges from the GOP ruins, people get motivated.

and he's still raised almost 30 million dollars in january. i wouldn't worry about him if i were you.

but thanks for your concern.

and mostly, thanks for making the debate about contraception and abortion. :thup:
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I opt for a free unrestricted capitalist democracy for the people,by the people,of the people. Not a nanny state exploiting dividing and conquering to control.
you got something close to that during GWB. tell me again how the financial markets and housing markets did at the end?

How about we start this off with a fitting song:

in january 2008, he was in the midst of a primary campaign against hillary. people had a sense of immediacy. now they're watching the circular firing squad that is the GOP primaries.

when a candidate emerges from the GOP ruins, people get motivated.

and he's still raised almost 30 million dollars in january. i wouldn't worry about him if i were you.

but thanks for your concern.

and mostly, thanks for making the debate about contraception and abortion. :thup:

So, Democrats are not donating to Obama's re-election campaign... because they are too busy watching the GOP?


That's sad.
Obama is sitting on 78 million in the bank right now. ROmney is down to 7 million as of the end of January and he's still fighting for his life against really pathetic opponents. Two has beens and a crazy person.
Scrappy underdogs can convince you to dig into the couch cushions in January. Incumbents with 6-10 point leads over their closest rivals? Maybe when things tighten up.
yeap some think its all about money and not votes.

yeah that is what the founders had in mind huh?
Obama is sitting on 78 million in the bank right now. ROmney is down to 7 million as of the end of January and he's still fighting for his life against really pathetic opponents. Two has beens and a crazy person.

More like $20 million for Romney. Still sucks, but lets at least be accurate in his suckage.

As for Obama, he's at $81.7 million cash on hand.
Obama’s Fundraising Outpacing GOP Rivals « CBS Miami
Obama is sitting on 78 million in the bank right now. ROmney is down to 7 million as of the end of January and he's still fighting for his life against really pathetic opponents. Two has beens and a crazy person.

More like $20 million for Romney. Still sucks, but lets at least be accurate in his suckage.

As for Obama, he's at $81.7 million cash on hand.
Obama’s Fundraising Outpacing GOP Rivals « CBS Miami

Romney and his PACs spent three times as much in January as they took in.

Of course, Romney always has the option of tapping into his 9 figure fortune to continue.

How about we start this off with a fitting song:

in january 2008, he was in the midst of a primary campaign against hillary. people had a sense of immediacy. now they're watching the circular firing squad that is the GOP primaries.

when a candidate emerges from the GOP ruins, people get motivated.

and he's still raised almost 30 million dollars in january. i wouldn't worry about him if i were you.

but thanks for your concern.

and mostly, thanks for making the debate about contraception and abortion. :thup:


I am most appreciative of the thanks, but if anything, I should be thanking Obama, the Democrats and even you for initiating the contraception debate. You see, prior to the contraception debate, Obama had a 54% approval rating amongst Catholics, after, his approval rating dropped to 40%, and the head of the Catholic league called for a war on Obama and said Catholics might need to take the streets. LOL, the Democrats and Obama thought they had something, but it backfired big time, Obama is not going to win in 2012 with a 40% approval rating amongst Catholics.

And Jullian, since I am in such a good mood, I want to include an additional thank you. Thank you to Obama, Democrats and the left for saying how the economy is coming back. Democrat pollster Stan Greeberg polled the results of this statement, and found this statement polled lower than even the weakest of Republican talking points!!! Here, here is the link....

Dem Pollster: Voters Don't Think America's Back - 2012 Decoded

Thank you, keep shooting yourselves in the foot, it is going to make it real easy for whoever the Republican nominee is. And again, latest Gallup, Romney has a 4 point lead over Obama. Just imagine how much more that lead will increase when Republican voters unite to defeat Obama.

Conservative said:
More like $20 million for Romney. Still sucks, but lets at least be accurate in his suckage.

As for Obama, he's at $81.7 million cash on hand.
Obama’s Fundraising Outpacing GOP Rivals « CBS Miami

Excellent reply, and thank you for the link, it was a good read!!! If Romney wins the nomination, his fundraising will increase astronomically. I also was very impressed with Romney in that last GOP debate, he came off very strong, presidential and for the first time...I thought, he could beat Obama.

Locke, if you really think most rank and file Catholics are with the Bishops on this one, you have a screw loose.

Obama is playing the GOP like a fiddle on this one. Much like the Terri Schiavo thing backfired on the GOP, so is this one. Americans don't want government in their private decisions. Santorum managed to move this debate away from one about religious freedom (which it isn't, really) to one about contraception and birth control and abortion.

Which is the last thing the GOP needs to be talking about right now.

As for Romney's fundraising, the thing is, most of the rich douchebags who support him are already tapped out. And no amount of money in the world is going to wash the "Guy who lays you off" veneer from this guy.

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