Obama and Dems Tax Raising Plan


Apr 22, 2007
We all know they like to raise taxes and blame Republicans for the negative effects associated with them!

It's obvious to the most partisan person what they are doing with the fiscal cliff. The bill they gave to the Republicans was a pile of crap. Not even a shred of compromise. In fact it went even more radical then they would have previously gone. The reason? They want the Republicans to reject the bull crap that was give to them. They want America to go over the fiscal cliff! Once we go over the fiscal cliff: Taxes raise on everyone, payroll holiday vanishes, tax deduction go missing and swift spending cuts come into place. The economy will fall into crisis and the leftist media will play the conservative hating the little guy theme.

That is when Obama comes in and says we need to lower the taxes on $250K and below today. We can't wait any longer. We'll worry about the $250K> later (which of course he won't). He won't give back all the tax deductions, but will blame that on the conservatives. He will get a messiah, spending cuts without having to get villified by his base. He will cherish some spending cuts and increase spending on other liberal causes.

In the meantime, everything will backfire. The fall from the cliff will put us in a recession, job losses will be hard hit, small businesses already hit hard by Obaminationcare will close their doors and a depression will be inevitable.

The Democrat plan might lead to another political victory, but it will lead to a destructive economic climate!
We all know they like to raise taxes and blame Republicans for the negative effects associated with them!
Sorry, Skippy....any damage has already been done.

"President Bush and a complicit Congress didn’t want to show the magnitude of the deficits that would result from their tax cuts. To hide those deficits as they were pushing them through they used a variety of accounting tricks. One of those tricks was attaching expiration dates so that, on paper, there wouldn’t be any long-term costs. This made the long-term deficit picture look fairly rosy on paper even as it doomed Bush’s successor and the current Congress to cleaning up the mess."

You can run-along, now......

Anyone who thought a compromise was ever going to be reached by this Administration and the Republicans in the House believes in unicorns and pots of gold at the end of the rainbow.

We "will" be going over the fiscal cliff. The economy "is" going to slip back into a recession. Why? Because it's a political "win" for Barack Obama.

Forget that the tax increase on the wealthy would only bring in enough revenue (at best!) to run the government for 8 days. Forget that even if you were to take ALL of the income the wealthy make, it still wouldn't come close to paying for the entitlements we've obligated ourselves to. Forget all of that! Progressives want you to believe that raising taxes on JUST the rich is going to fix our problems. That's what they ran on in the last election and a heck of a lot of math deficient Americans bought into their so called "plan". So now the election has come and gone and our newly reelected President is faced with a "problem". He's promised something that he knows he can't possibly deliver on. His platform was we'll tax the wealthy and not tax the Middle Class. Yet when you crunch the numbers he's not even CLOSE to shrinking those trillion dollar deficits by doing that. So what's a "Hope and Change" kind of guy gonna do? You can only baffle them with bullshit for so long even with the help of a totally compliant main stream media.

It's simple really. You let the fiscal cliff happen. You get to blame the Republicans for not compromising with you and a compliant main stream media will push that narrative for you because let's face it...that's what they now DO! Those nasty tax increases on everyone? That's the Republican's fault! The nasty recession that we've fallen back into? That's the Republican's fault as well! Unemployment back at 9% again? Those darned Republicans! The next four years just as bad as the last four years? It's not OUR fault...it's the Republicans!!!
Once we're Greece maybe enough morons will actually start thinking?
Once we're Greece maybe enough morons will actually start thinking?

Um have you noticed what is happening in Greece? They right in the street, because they can't retire at 55!!! If we become Greece less people will think. Dependence is proven by the animals.

Ever see the sign, "Don't Feed the Animals, because they will become dependent on handouts and lose their will and instinct to feed and take care of themselves."
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Obama and Dems Tax Raising Plan

this is not the Democrats who are raising taxes, it is the Republicans who passed their 2003 tax legislation with an Expiration date ...

* to disguise the massive budget deficits it would cause by preventing the CBO from making the proper projections the Republicans made unavailable to deceive the American people from the predictable outcome.

their time to pay the Piper has arrived.
Obama and Dems Tax Raising Plan

this is not the Democrats who are raising taxes, it is the Republicans who passed their 2003 tax legislation with an Expiration date ...

* to disguise the massive budget deficits it would cause by preventing the CBO from making the proper projections the Republicans made unavailable to deceive the American people from the predictable outcome.

their time to pay the Piper has arrived.

That explanation must really work wonders in the bubble you live in!
Obama and Dems Tax Raising Plan

this is not the Democrats who are raising taxes, it is the Republicans who passed their 2003 tax legislation with an Expiration date ...

* to disguise the massive budget deficits it would cause by preventing the CBO from making the proper projections the Republicans made unavailable to deceive the American people from the predictable outcome.

their time to pay the Piper has arrived.

That explanation must really work wonders in the bubble you live in!

no, it is your bubble that is KO on January 2nd ... good riddance and Happy New Year to Truth and Fairness.
Obama and Dems Tax Raising Plan

this is not the Democrats who are raising taxes, it is the Republicans who passed their 2003 tax legislation with an Expiration date ...

* to disguise the massive budget deficits it would cause by preventing the CBO from making the proper projections the Republicans made unavailable to deceive the American people from the predictable outcome.

their time to pay the Piper has arrived.

That explanation must really work wonders in the bubble you live in!

no, it is your bubble that is KO on January 2nd ... good riddance and Happy New Year to Truth and Fairness.

Truth? That's amusing...

You progressives just ran for office on a platform of raising taxes on the wealthy to cure our fiscal ills...only what that tax would raise is such a pitifully small amount to what we are spending that it amounts to shooting an elephant in the ass with a BB gun.

The truth is...raising those taxes is going to slow down our already weak economy. The truth is...raising those taxes is going to put more Americans out of work. The truth is...raising those taxes in a "best case" scenario only brings in enough revenue to run the government for about a week.

The truth is...you progressives haven't been truthful about what your so called "plan" would do for the country. Anyone who didn't sleep through Econ. 101 knows it.
Higher taxes give us surpluses!! (according to Neo-Marxists Dems) So why is Obama denying us a surplus?
Romney would have won, if went after Obama the way he went after Newt.

That's why Moderate Republicans always lose
That explanation must really work wonders in the bubble you live in!

no, it is your bubble that is KO on January 2nd ... good riddance and Happy New Year to Truth and Fairness.

Truth? That's amusing...

You progressives just ran for office on a platform of raising taxes on the wealthy to cure our fiscal ills...only what that tax would raise is such a pitifully small amount to what we are spending that it amounts to shooting an elephant in the ass with a BB gun.

The truth is...raising those taxes is going to slow down our already weak economy. The truth is...raising those taxes is going to put more Americans out of work. The truth is...raising those taxes in a "best case" scenario only brings in enough revenue to run the government for about a week.

The truth is...you progressives haven't been truthful about what your so called "plan" would do for the country. Anyone who didn't sleep through Econ. 101 knows it.

All you see is your own truth, as if the money raised was just about that amount. It's also about the signal it sends. It says we're being serious about the deficits, when coupled with cuts that will come with any deal. Being serious gives people hope that things are getting better. People that feel that way spend more money, creating more jobs to meet demand, which leads to more spending by the people getting the jobs and more taxes out of their checks to further lower the deficit. Why does every CON on the board act as if they've never heard this before and ignore basic capitalist principles?!?! :eusa_eh:
no, it is your bubble that is KO on January 2nd ... good riddance and Happy New Year to Truth and Fairness.

Truth? That's amusing...

You progressives just ran for office on a platform of raising taxes on the wealthy to cure our fiscal ills...only what that tax would raise is such a pitifully small amount to what we are spending that it amounts to shooting an elephant in the ass with a BB gun.

The truth is...raising those taxes is going to slow down our already weak economy. The truth is...raising those taxes is going to put more Americans out of work. The truth is...raising those taxes in a "best case" scenario only brings in enough revenue to run the government for about a week.

The truth is...you progressives haven't been truthful about what your so called "plan" would do for the country. Anyone who didn't sleep through Econ. 101 knows it.

All you see is your own truth, as if the money raised was just about that amount. It's also about the signal it sends. It says we're being serious about the deficits, when coupled with cuts that will come with any deal. Being serious gives people hope that things are getting better. People that feel that way spend more money, creating more jobs to meet demand, which leads to more spending by the people getting the jobs and more taxes out of their checks to further lower the deficit. Why does every CON on the board act as if they've never heard this before and ignore basic capitalist principles?!?! :eusa_eh:

Are you smoking some good shit today, Kon? I ask that because anyone who thinks that the Obama Administration has ever been "serious" about addressing the deficit or about making spending cuts has been watching some "alter-universe" and not the one that we've been living in for the past four years.

The "signal" that has been sent by the Democrats is that they struggle with economics in general.

How can passing a tax increase that will slow down an already glacial economy, while saying the major entitlement programs that drive our massive budget deficits are not to be cut, do anything but exacerbate an already bad fiscal picture?

Here's how this will play out. The Democrats will get their coveted tax increases on the wealthy...who in turn will pull capital out of investments and stick that money into things like tax free bonds. This will cause further stagnation in the Private Sector which of course will mean fewer jobs being created and fewer tax revenues being generated. Without tax revenue State and local governments will be forced to lay off Public Sector employees. More people out of work means more people on food stamps and unemployment which means higher costs to government. Those added costs to government will be paid for by borrowing billions more from China and tacking that right onto our National Debt which will most likely result in yet another credit downgrade for the US. The government will respond by yet another round of "quantitative easing" which basically means printing lots of dollars to make the ones you have in your wallet worth less than they used to and that will inflate the cost of buying everything from gas to groceries.

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