Obama and Al Qaeda agree..


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
on two points:

1) Both agree Syria's Assad should be over thrown..even though less
then 5,000 people have been killed by Assad...
"Al Qaeda has called for overthrowing Syrian President Bashar Assad "
Al Qaeda Backs Overthrowing Assad - Middle East - News - Israel National News
2) They Both agree though that Saddam Hussen should NOT have been overthrown.. even though Saddam was estimated to be responsible for,
"... 800,000 deaths not counting the Iran-Iraq war. Estimates as to the number of Iraqis executed by Saddam's regime vary from 300–500,000 to over 600,000,estimates as to the number of Kurds he massacred vary from 70,000 to 300,000,and estimates as to the number killed in the put-down of the 1991 rebellion vary from 60,000 to 200,000.
Estimates for the number of dead in the Iran-Iraq war range upwards from 300,000.
Plus the one million estimated to have starved because Saddam would not abide by the 1991 Cease Fire and Saddam allowed the blockade of Iraq to continue...
Saddam Hussein - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

YES Obama and Al Qaeda both criticized Bush for the Liberation of Iraq and the freeing of 28 million people from a Dictator that KILLED easily 800,000 MORE people then Assad.. YET Obama and Al-Qaeda agree OVERTHROW the dictator.. Assad!

WHAT is the difference.. OH yea Obama is loved by the MSM and other totally ignorant people that also CHEERED Al Qaeda every time they killed US Troops like Obama did..
"US troops air-raiding villages and killing civilians"... Obama's words REALLY helped build morale of Terrorists..never mind his words directly helped kill US troops!
1) Both agree Syria's Assad should be over thrown..even though less
then 5,000 people have been killed by Assad...
"Al Qaeda has called for overthrowing Syrian President Bashar Assad "
What"s the exact number of people you feel need to be murdered by Assad in order for him to be over thrown?

Also, both Al Qaeda and Saddam were Sunni Muslims.

So naturally they were in agreement.

Assad is an Awaite muslim; while most of Syria is populated by Sunni Muslims.

That's why Al Qaeda is against the dictator Assad.

It's very simple once you understand who and what the main players represent.

The rest of your post is just an uneducated knee jerk idiotic rant. :cool:

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