Obama Administration wins again


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
More Marxism from this Administration and another giant step towards finally collapsing our nation. Here are some facts about this awful bill:

To paraphrase Senator Jim DeMint: When you're speeding toward the edge of a cliff, you don't set the cruise control. You stop the car. The current deal to raise the debt ceiling doesn't stop us from going over the fiscal cliff. At best, it slows us from going over it at 80 mph to going over it at 60 mph.

■ Adds at least $7 trillion to our debt over the next 10 years. The deal purports to "cut" $2.1 trillion, but the "cut" is from a baseline that adds $10 trillion to the debt. This deal, even if all targets are met and the Super Committee wields its mandate - results in a BEST case scenario of still adding more than $7 trillion more in debt over the next 10 years. That is sickening.

■ Never, ever balances.

■ The Super Committee's mandate is to add $7 trillion in new debt. Let's be clear: $2.1 trillion in reductions off a nearly $10 trillion,10-year debt is still more than $7 trillion in debt. The Super Committee limits the constitutional check of the filibuster by expediting passage of bills with a simple majority. The Super Committee is not precluded from any issue, therefore the filibuster could be rendered moot. In addition, the plan harms the possible passage of a Balanced Budget Amendment. Since the goal is never to balance, having the BBA as a "trigger" ensures that the committee will simply report its $1.2 trillion deficit reduction plan and never move to a BBA vote.

■ It cuts too slowly. Even if you believe cutting $2.1 trillion out of $10 trillion is a good compromise, surely we can start cutting quickly, say $200 billion-$300 billion per year, right? Wrong. This plan so badly backloads the alleged savings that the cuts are simply meaningless. Why do we believe that the goal of $2.5 trillion over 10 years (that's an average of $250 billion per year) will EVER be met if the first two years cuts are $20 billion and $50 billion. There is simply no path in this bill even to the meager savings they are alleging will take place

To the Tea Party - I say thank you for your efforts. You fought one hell of a fight and made a huge difference with the American people.

To the GOP - I say you failed us once again. And once again, you proved that you are just big government, big spending, liberals.

To the Dumbocrats - I say congratulations. The party that has been hijacked by radical Marxists/Socialists/Communists is one step closer to their ultimate goal of bringing down America, and replacing it's Capitalism with Communism. You even managed to convince your followers that the Tea Party "won" with this new bill so you can later blame them for the failure. I've got to hand it to you radicals - you are damn good with the insane propaganda. Somewhere (most likely in hell - where most of you will end up), Joseph Stalin is proud.
Actually the fascists won.

Der Tea Party prevailed in getting what they wanted.

Swallow, would you like me to post again for you the Tea party bill? This bill that passed was nothing close to a TP bill. The TP bill balanced the budget in 5 years for starters.
Debt deal a victory for President Obama and Democratic Party - latimes.com

Perhaps most important, this week's debt deal does nothing to change the fact that the George W. Bush tax cuts will expire at the end of 2012. Obama and congressional Democrats will be able to bargain for increased taxes on the wealthy, in a situation in which they have much less to lose.

The radicals in the Republican Party dragged the country to the edge of a cliff, but they failed to push us off; and they were even forced, at the last moment, to pull back.

Progressives have reason to lament the incremental cuts in the deal. But that which does not kill a social contract may make it stronger. And neither progressives nor the country should lose sight of the fact that the core institutions of ours — Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid — have all been reaffirmed.

Actually the fascists won.

Der Tea Party prevailed in getting what they wanted.

Swallow, would you like me to post again for you the Tea party bill? This bill that passed was nothing close to a TP bill. The TP bill balanced the budget in 5 years for starters.

Oh gosh..no.

No swallow for you.

My little tea party girlie man.

I ain't into the "Crying Game" thing.

Only blow jobs I like are from women.

Not girlie men.

Like you.
More Marxism from this Administration and another giant step towards finally collapsing our nation. Here are some facts about this awful bill:

To paraphrase Senator Jim DeMint: When you're speeding toward the edge of a cliff, you don't set the cruise control. You stop the car. The current deal to raise the debt ceiling doesn't stop us from going over the fiscal cliff. At best, it slows us from going over it at 80 mph to going over it at 60 mph.

■ Adds at least $7 trillion to our debt over the next 10 years. The deal purports to "cut" $2.1 trillion, but the "cut" is from a baseline that adds $10 trillion to the debt. This deal, even if all targets are met and the Super Committee wields its mandate - results in a BEST case scenario of still adding more than $7 trillion more in debt over the next 10 years. That is sickening.

■ Never, ever balances.

■ The Super Committee's mandate is to add $7 trillion in new debt. Let's be clear: $2.1 trillion in reductions off a nearly $10 trillion,10-year debt is still more than $7 trillion in debt. The Super Committee limits the constitutional check of the filibuster by expediting passage of bills with a simple majority. The Super Committee is not precluded from any issue, therefore the filibuster could be rendered moot. In addition, the plan harms the possible passage of a Balanced Budget Amendment. Since the goal is never to balance, having the BBA as a "trigger" ensures that the committee will simply report its $1.2 trillion deficit reduction plan and never move to a BBA vote.

■ It cuts too slowly. Even if you believe cutting $2.1 trillion out of $10 trillion is a good compromise, surely we can start cutting quickly, say $200 billion-$300 billion per year, right? Wrong. This plan so badly backloads the alleged savings that the cuts are simply meaningless. Why do we believe that the goal of $2.5 trillion over 10 years (that's an average of $250 billion per year) will EVER be met if the first two years cuts are $20 billion and $50 billion. There is simply no path in this bill even to the meager savings they are alleging will take place

To the Tea Party - I say thank you for your efforts. You fought one hell of a fight and made a huge difference with the American people.

To the GOP - I say you failed us once again. And once again, you proved that you are just big government, big spending, liberals.

To the Dumbocrats - I say congratulations. The party that has been hijacked by radical Marxists/Socialists/Communists is one step closer to their ultimate goal of bringing down America, and replacing it's Capitalism with Communism. You even managed to convince your followers that the Tea Party "won" with this new bill so you can later blame them for the failure. I've got to hand it to you radicals - you are damn good with the insane propaganda. Somewhere (most likely in hell - where most of you will end up), Joseph Stalin is proud.

What's worse than all that. Is most of the "cuts" Are not immediate, and will actually require Future Congresses to pass legislation to make it legal. Which of course we can all assume will not happen.

This deal is a shame. All parties involved should be removed from office for incompetence.

If Obama wins re-election Americans are the stupidest people on planet earth. In a nut shell what he has done. Is come into office on a wave that in part was saying "Bush spent to much and crashed the economy" then once in office increased non Defense Discretionary spending by over 80%, Then make a big deal about agreeing to, down the road, cut out a small % of that new Spending, While all the while saying we need more taxes to pay for all his new Non Defense Discretionary spending. So if you guys vote for this man. You are fools. he thinks you are so stupid that he can shovel Shit Down your throats and you will smile and say, Can I have 2nds.

And before you get excited Republicans. I feel the same damn way about 80% of the GOP right now. Including Boner. To hell with them all. Time start studying 3rd party candidates. LOL Really am that fed up with Both Political Parties.
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lol, I wonder if this new awesomeness bill will get the credit rating lowered.

Well YEAH--our credit card--aka government debt is going to be LOWERED. That's what happens when you spend more than you bring in & when you borrow more than you can pay back.

Koodo's to the Freshman Tea party members of congress. You put up one hell of a fight--and you stood your ground on the balanced budget amendment. You were the super minority in this congress--and you jabbed so many politicians ribs (on both sides of the isle) in this-that the crack was heard across this country. You have now been referred to as "terrorists" by democrat politicians--and by Republican rino's--as Hobbit's rising up from middle earth to defeat Mordor. My hat off to ALL of you tea party members of congress--:clap2:
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As the economy comes crashing down around us...the Tea Party celibrates

What else do you expect when you give the keys to nut jobs who do not care what happens
For Christ sakes people. The Deal uses ridiculously optimistic Growth Projections in it's Figures. It also Fails to accurately calculate the possibility of Increased Interest Rates. Between those 2 factors alone I would be willing to bet they are over estimating Revenue in the next 10 years by close to 2 Trillion.

Anyone care to bet? We can meet in 10 years so the winner can collect. LOL

Nothing but meaningless promises based on Overly Optimistic Calculations.

Nobody should be celebrating this deal.
On the other hand, some R's are starting to wake up.

"The Republican Party has left me, and I will run as a Democrat, in a sense permitting a claim to ultimate bipartisanship, along the lines of Ronald Reagan. The current iteration of the party abandoned real Republican principles long ago to cater to ideologues and corporations – the Koch entities, most notably – whose interests lie in the profiteering of America and the sacking of the middle class," Argenziano wrote in a letter announcing her candidacy. "Current Republican leaders have neither patience with nor allowance for honest elected officials, and they demand that members of the various legislatures – who, after all, have sworn to uphold the Constitution – instead just follow the hijacked party line and shut up."

Another Republican says the party left her - David Catanese - POLITICO.com
how can he be a marxist if companies are sitting on two trillion in cash and this crapfest the teaparty had a hissy fit over stalled them from spending some it to create some jobs?

You would think with him being a Marxist they all would be in the red.

Why do you suppose they are sitting on cash, collecting less than 1% interest when they could be investing in businesses earning 15% after tax?
Maybe the risk environment is bad? Hmm? Do you have a fucking clue what your'e talking about?
The fact that the debt ceiling was tied to the budget in the first place and not a clean bill...like has been done 102 times since 1917, including 18 times for Reagan...means that the Tea Baggers *won".

*were mostly successful in their hostage negotiations

It can also be considered somewhat of a success for President Obama in that the main hostage, the debt ceiling, was not killed outright as many of the Tea Baggers wanted.
The fact that the debt ceiling was tied to the budget in the first place and not a clean bill...like has been done 102 times since 1917, including 18 times for Reagan...means that the Tea Baggers *won".

*were mostly successful in their hostage negotiations

It can also be considered somewhat of a success for President Obama in that the main hostage, the debt ceiling, was not killed outright as many of the Tea Baggers wanted.

we wouldn't have to raise the debt ceiling if not for the failure of leadership from the white house.
The fact that the debt ceiling was tied to the budget in the first place and not a clean bill...like has been done 102 times since 1917, including 18 times for Reagan...means that the Tea Baggers *won".

*were mostly successful in their hostage negotiations

It can also be considered somewhat of a success for President Obama in that the main hostage, the debt ceiling, was not killed outright as many of the Tea Baggers wanted.

we wouldn't have to raise the debt ceiling if not for the failure of leadership from the white house.

So Reagan failed 18 times? Strange concept, even for you.

18 times or Once every 5 months: 1981, 1981, 1981, 1982, 1982, 1983, 1983, 1984, 1984, 1984, 1985, 1985, 1986, 1986, 1987, 1987, 1987, 1987

7 times or Once every 13 months: 2002, 2003, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2008.

2 Times or Once every 15 months: 2009 and 2010.

4 Times or Once every 24 months: 1993, 1993, 1996 and 1997.

8 times. (The average debt ceiling increase is 800-billio*n. Ryan’s budget increases the debt by $6-trillio*n)

0 times. The Progressiv*e Budget actually balances the budget in 3 years, and creates surplus by 2021. It does this while saving Social Security and Medicare.
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