Obama administration practices population control NOW!!!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
“The reduction in the number of pregnancies compensates for the cost of contraception,” Sebelius said. She went on to say the estimated cost is “down not up.”
Sebelius: Decrease in Human Beings Will Cover Cost of Contraception Mandate | CNSNews.com

Put another way...
The federal government LIKE CHINA is ACTIVELY controlling without any American's say so the population of the USA by providing population control devices, i.e. contraceptives.

Folks.. don't know if you idiots that FEEL this is cool understand the FACTS of economics!
If you have less people that can have taxes, SS and Medicare payments i.e. WORKERS,
the less YOU that aren't retired now when you do retire will get!

In 1950 there were 16.5 workers for every retired worker.
In 2012 the ratio was reduced to 3.3 to 1.
By 2020 that ratio is projected at 2.2 to 1 and to almost 2 to 1 by 2030. Is anyone considering these projections and their implications for the U.S. economy?

Of course most of you idiots that voted for Obama and hence Obamacare.. YOU don't think too far down the road do you?
Those of you like Obama that continually hate businesses, capitalism... THINK where do these jobs that support Medicare/SS payments come from.. the Government??
Where does the Government get money to hire employees?
They are forcing people to use contraceptives? What other types of drugs do you do, aside from crack?
Im so sick of the constant flow of idiotic LIES from the people who backed Bush on everything which led right to the world wide econoimic crash and thousands dead in a war built on lies to the American people
Your fucking insane

and you can't spell! It is "you're" NOT you f..king idiot!!
So not only are you so stupid you can't correctly spell 3 words BUT
you obviously didn't READ ..
A) The Federal government wants to control population.
B) They provide contraceptives.
C) Means less people born less workers.

YOU f...king idiot!!! How will you survive if you don't have your mental disability check
coming from SS because there are NOW 3.3 people working to support YOU!
What will happen when there is 1 person supporting YOU???

That's f..king insane!
They are forcing people to use contraceptives? What other types of drugs do you do, aside from crack?

Of course! Sexual deviates like you that need that constant gratification will NOT have to worry as government provides FREE contraceptives and if you're (not YOUR as your other equally stupid comrade used..) too stupid to use and you get pregnant..hey free abortion cause you can always claim RAPE!
They are forcing people to use contraceptives? What other types of drugs do you do, aside from crack?

Of course! Sexual deviates like you that need that constant gratification will NOT have to worry as government provides FREE contraceptives and if you're (not YOUR as your other equally stupid comrade used..) too stupid to use and you get pregnant..hey free abortion cause you can always claim RAPE!

^ This post here shows that you're more of a degenerate human being than anyone you assume is using free contraceptives.
You should see the pictures of our first lady berreta is posting

These people jsut lie non stop
Did the rightwing talking point memo this morning lead with "Say all sorts of batshit crazy stuff"? Or is this messageboard just filled with ignorance today?
Did the rightwing talking point memo this morning lead with "Say all sorts of batshit crazy stuff"? Or is this messageboard just filled with ignorance today?

I guess it's been a slow couple of days for News besides the guy who spoke on abortion. In fairness to sane people, though - I don't even think there's a full mo0n :confused:
We need some population control. Too many people. Too many welfare babies.
Did the rightwing talking point memo this morning lead with "Say all sorts of batshit crazy stuff"? Or is this messageboard just filled with ignorance today?

What part of this sentence do you not understand?

“The reduction in the number of pregnancies compensates for the cost of contraception,” Sebelius said. She went on to say the estimated cost is “down not up.”
Sebelius: Decrease in Human Beings Will Cover Cost of Contraception Mandate | CNSNews.com

A) Why is Sebelius/federal government happy there is a reduction in pregnancies?
B) Because the costs of abortions goes down!
C) Therefore it is cheaper to say to the masses that have NO self control.. hey go out
f..k... your brains out BUT you won't get preggie cause WE'RE giving you rubbers!"

If that's not an example of the government practicing Birth control/Population control
tell me what it is???

Of course you being one of the many Insentiate and Pleasure-loving mindless masses will never understand that!
Did the rightwing talking point memo this morning lead with "Say all sorts of batshit crazy stuff"? Or is this messageboard just filled with ignorance today?

What part of this sentence do you not understand?

“The reduction in the number of pregnancies compensates for the cost of contraception,” Sebelius said. She went on to say the estimated cost is “down not up.”
Sebelius: Decrease in Human Beings Will Cover Cost of Contraception Mandate | CNSNews.com

I understood the sentence just fine, thanks.

A) Why is Sebelius/federal government happy there is a reduction in pregnancies?

Because an ever-increasing population accessing a finite amount of resources is not sustainable.

B) Because the costs of abortions goes down!
C) Therefore it is cheaper to say to the masses that have NO self control.. hey go out
f..k... your brains out BUT you won't get preggie cause WE'RE giving you rubbers!"

Oh gawd. You really are this stupid?


Do me a favor: Re-read what you just wrote.
Your fucking insane

and you can't spell! It is "you're" NOT you f..king idiot!!
So not only are you so stupid you can't correctly spell 3 words BUT
you obviously didn't READ ..
A) The Federal government wants to control population.
B) They provide contraceptives.
C) Means less people born less workers.

YOU f...king idiot!!! How will you survive if you don't have your mental disability check
coming from SS because there are NOW 3.3 people working to support YOU!
What will happen when there is 1 person supporting YOU???

That's f..king insane!

Aren't you always ranting about how high unemployment is? How does promoting an increase in the number of people looking for jobs help the unemployment problem?
Did the rightwing talking point memo this morning lead with "Say all sorts of batshit crazy stuff"? Or is this messageboard just filled with ignorance today?

What part of this sentence do you not understand?

“The reduction in the number of pregnancies compensates for the cost of contraception,” Sebelius said. She went on to say the estimated cost is “down not up.”
Sebelius: Decrease in Human Beings Will Cover Cost of Contraception Mandate | CNSNews.com

A) Why is Sebelius/federal government happy there is a reduction in pregnancies?
B) Because the costs of abortions goes down!
C) Therefore it is cheaper to say to the masses that have NO self control.. hey go out
f..k... your brains out BUT you won't get preggie cause WE'RE giving you rubbers!"

If that's not an example of the government practicing Birth control/Population control
tell me what it is???

Of course you being one of the many Insentiate and Pleasure-loving mindless masses will never understand that!

So you think a big problem in this country is that we discourage poor people from having more babies?


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