NYT: Obama jobs plan a failure

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
The NYT recently decided to see just how good the Obama green jobs plan turned out.

A study released in July by the non-partisan Brookings Institution found clean-technology jobs accounted for just 2 percent of employment nationwide and only slightly more — 2.2 percent — in Silicon Valley. Rather than adding jobs, the study found, the sector actually lost 492 positions from 2003 to 2010 in the South Bay, where the unemployment rate in June was 10.5 percent.
Federal and state efforts to stimulate creation of green jobs have largely failed, government records show. Two years after it was awarded $186 million in federal stimulus money to weatherize drafty homes, California has spent only a little over half that sum and has so far created the equivalent of just 538 full-time jobs in the last quarter, according to the State Department of Community Services and Development.
The weatherization program was initially delayed for seven months while the federal Department of Labor determined prevailing wage standards for the industry. Even after that issue was resolved, the program never really caught on as homeowners balked at the upfront costs.
“Companies and public policy officials really overestimated how much consumers care about energy efficiency,” said Sheeraz Haji, chief executive of the Cleantech Group, a market research firm. “People care about their wallet and the comfort of their home, but it’s not a sexy thing.”


Largely failed? If this had been anyone but Obama, and the NYT had not spent the last 3 years telling us that any and all criticism of Obama is racism, they would call this a turd sandwich.

I now know Obama's plan to put people to work.

from Metro Desk

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said today that the agency will launch a case-by-case review of 300,000 cases pending in immigration courts across the nation to focus on the federal government’s top priority, detaining and deporting criminals and serious violators of immigration law.

How many more government employees will need to be hired to complete 300,000 case by case evaluations?
Isn't the NYT the liberals main source of their so called truth? If the NYT are criticizing obamaturd watch out.
His "Jobs Czar" GE CEO Jeffey Immelt has only created Jobs in China. Hopey Changey Land is a real mess. Come on 2012!
Largely failed? If this had been anyone but Obama, and the NYT had not spent the last 3 years telling us that any and all criticism of Obama is racism, they would call this a turd sandwich.

Quantum, I would agree Obama's jobs plans are horrendus. But let me ask you what you think would be better that wouldn't make the deficit worse?

I see no point in voting for the Republican candidate if their plan won't do any better and their policies will just further aggregate the wealth disparity in the country. A party that will continue and expand corrupt and obnoxious policies like the Carry trade being taxed as capital gains will not garner my support.
Obama jobs plan a failure

Yep and so was the one based on tax cuts creating jobs.

Ohh wait that was part of Obama's plan too.
Has Obama ever really HAD a jobs plan? I know he "talks" about jobs quite a bit but his plans always seem to be something that either isn't ready to be unveiled, didn't work out quite like he planned, or will need some more time before it kicks in.

For a guy who said he had a plan and was going to hit the ground running...Barack sure doesn't run very fast and he sure hasn't gone very far.
Has Obama ever really HAD a jobs plan? I know he "talks" about jobs quite a bit but his plans always seem to be something that either isn't ready to be unveiled, didn't work out quite like he planned, or will need some more time before it kicks in.

For a guy who said he had a plan and was going to hit the ground running...Barack sure doesn't run very fast and he sure hasn't gone very far.

Yepper, one reason why I say he is a third bush term.
Bush talked about lots of stuff but for instance did he ever really submit (on paper) a SS reform plan?
Has Obama ever really HAD a jobs plan? I know he "talks" about jobs quite a bit but his plans always seem to be something that either isn't ready to be unveiled, didn't work out quite like he planned, or will need some more time before it kicks in.

For a guy who said he had a plan and was going to hit the ground running...Barack sure doesn't run very fast and he sure hasn't gone very far.

Yepper, one reason why I say he is a third bush term.
Bush talked about lots of stuff but for instance did he ever really submit (on paper) a SS reform plan?

You can fault W. for many things (and I do) but one thing you can't fault him for was not trying to reform SS. If you'll recall he tried for six months in early 2005 to try and get reform done and couldn't convince fellow Republicans to go along with him. Then Katrina hit and the Repubs got killed during the midterm elections losing control of both the House and Senate. After that SS reform was DOA.
Largely failed? If this had been anyone but Obama, and the NYT had not spent the last 3 years telling us that any and all criticism of Obama is racism, they would call this a turd sandwich.

Quantum, I would agree Obama's jobs plans are horrendus. But let me ask you what you think would be better that wouldn't make the deficit worse?

I see no point in voting for the Republican candidate if their plan won't do any better and their policies will just further aggregate the wealth disparity in the country. A party that will continue and expand corrupt and obnoxious policies like the Carry trade being taxed as capital gains will not garner my support.

I see no point in voting for anyone that tells you the government can create jobs, fix the economy, create peace in the Middle East, stop the oceans from rising, or any of the other pie in the sky promises politicians make all the time. Yet, for some reason, you keep voting for them, and they keep getting elected.

There are more than tow parties out there, don't whine to me about either of the major ones that are effectively identical.
I see no point in voting for anyone that tells you the government can create jobs, fix the economy, create peace in the Middle East, stop the oceans from rising, or any of the other pie in the sky promises politicians make all the time. Yet, for some reason, you keep voting for them, and they keep getting elected.

There are more than tow parties out there, don't whine to me about either of the major ones that are effectively identical.


I totally see you as a crotchety 80 year old guy who is pissed at the stupidity around him. But in your defense you do consider smart ideas and I don't see you reflexively ideological. You kind of remind me of my deceased grandfather. :)

So that being said, how about applying that intellect of yours what should be the solution. We already know companies will move jobs and IP to whereever it provides the lowest cost. We know that saving here doesn't mean investing here. So what could or should we do as a nation in response.

I refuse to accept our only option is to allow for a gloabl levelng of wages and a translation of the US into a third world model of wealth disparity which is the track we are on.
Has Obama ever really HAD a jobs plan? I know he "talks" about jobs quite a bit but his plans always seem to be something that either isn't ready to be unveiled, didn't work out quite like he planned, or will need some more time before it kicks in.

For a guy who said he had a plan and was going to hit the ground running...Barack sure doesn't run very fast and he sure hasn't gone very far.

Yeah his plan was to try Keynesian and Reagonomics at the same time and both have failed to generate jobs in this new hyper global economy.
Yup, this pub obstruction economy has ruined a lot of good ideas- Great job, Pubbies. Nothing passed since 1/2010...Obstruct this new plan too- people are starting to get it- not the Fox/Rush bots of course...
I see no point in voting for anyone that tells you the government can create jobs, fix the economy, create peace in the Middle East, stop the oceans from rising, or any of the other pie in the sky promises politicians make all the time. Yet, for some reason, you keep voting for them, and they keep getting elected.

There are more than tow parties out there, don't whine to me about either of the major ones that are effectively identical.


I totally see you as a crotchety 80 year old guy who is pissed at the stupidity around him. But in your defense you do consider smart ideas and I don't see you reflexively ideological. You kind of remind me of my deceased grandfather. :)

So that being said, how about applying that intellect of yours what should be the solution. We already know companies will move jobs and IP to whereever it provides the lowest cost. We know that saving here doesn't mean investing here. So what could or should we do as a nation in response.

I refuse to accept our only option is to allow for a gloabl levelng of wages and a translation of the US into a third world model of wealth disparity which is the track we are on.

What we need to do is encourage people to save, which means increasing interest rates. That is not going to happen anytime soon because the fed has other concerns, and thinks inflation is worse than recession.

By the way, the poorest person in the US is richer than 90% of the worlds population. That income disparity thing is not all it is cracked up to be.

Also, I choose to take being called a crotchety old man as a compliment.
Yup, this pub obstruction economy has ruined a lot of good ideas- Great job, Pubbies. Nothing passed since 1/2010...Obstruct this new plan too- people are starting to get it- not the Fox/Rush bots of course...

Could you be any more vague? What ideas of any kind have the Republicans blocked that didn't already fail big time the first time around? You idiots want to repeat what didn't work with the original stimulus. Why would ANYONE vote to waste more money that we don't have?

If this Administration REALLY wants to fix the economy then it's really not that complicated.

We need to reform entitlements. We need to fix the tax code. We need to eliminate harmful regulations. We need to get rid of government waste.

That's it, Kiddies! Do those four things and then step back and let the Private Sector do what they do best...make money. Revenues will go up. Joblessness will go down. Our debt will shrink.

Or...we can tax rich people until there aren't any rich people left...your choice.
What we need to do is encourage people to save, which means increasing interest rates. That is not going to happen anytime soon because the fed has other concerns, and thinks inflation is worse than recession.

By the way, the poorest person in the US is richer than 90% of the worlds population. That income disparity thing is not all it is cracked up to be.

Also, I choose to take being called a crotchety old man as a compliment.

It was meant as one, I don't compare people to my Grandfather lightly....

However, what makes you think saving will lower interest rates if they have their money in overseas bonds or stocks?

In terms of being poor the cost of living is significantly higher here. The adjustment won't be quick or painless. I would offer we need to have some national strategy to deal with it.

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