NYC installs microphones on public streets.... to fight gun crime


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2006
San Diego, CA
Big Brother is watching you... and now, he's listening to you too.

Ostensibly installed only for the purpose of detecting and pinpointing gunshots, it turns out the system is being used also to record conversations and detect incriminating statements, even from those not charged with the crime in question. And this has been going on for years.

But don't worry, we can trust the governments who are running the systems, not to abuse the information they are getting. Now or in the future.

They said so!


Is NYC s new gunshot detection system recording private conversations Fusion

Is NYC’s new gunshot detection system recording private conversations?

by Daniel Rivero
March 20, 2015

As Tyrone Lyles lay dying from a gunshot wound on an East Oakland street in 2007, he let out a few last words that would ultimately help authorities convict his killer.

“Why you done me like that, Ar?” he pleaded. “Ar, why you do me like that, dude?”

The exchange, which was used in court, was recorded by ShotSpotter, a gunshot detection system that has been installed in over 90 cities across the country. By placing a series of microphones around high-crime neighborhoods, the system is able to pinpoint the location of where a gunshot took place with surprising accuracy, leading to faster response times from police.

This week, 300 of the microphones were activated in Brooklyn and the Bronx as part of a citywide pilot program.
I can't figure out the people in New York. But they don't care then I don't either. I'll remember not to ever visit the nut house. I do believe they have this in other cities. I watch a lot of reality crime shows, like Forensic files, etc. I think I've seen it on those.
The audio system is the modern 'snitch' that hangs on the stoops and watches and listens.

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