Now What? Disney Discovers That Most of its Classics For Children Are Too Racist For Children!


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
On The Way Home To Earth
Disney is pulling all of its classic movies upon which Disney built itself, adding warnings to them all that they are not really suitable for children containing too much disturbing content like -- -- -- hold your breath -- -- -- the "S" word!

Yes, STEREOTYPES! You know, the vehicle by which people, especially kids generally recognize things like Indians, Eskimos (oops, I mean Innuit), robbers, cowboys, bad guys, good guys, etc. Much the same as comedy and comedians generally operate by stereotyping the typical pissed customer, etc.

Tisk, tisk.

Among the movies for now being red flagged for questionable content include:
  • Dumbo
  • Peter Pan
  • Swiss Family Robinson
  • The Aristocats
Don't these idiots know that it was these things which most made these movies funny, entertaining and worth watching? Because they DIDN'T reflect reality!

The entertainment industry was taken over by the religious Power & Control(PC) zealots a long time ago.
Disney is pulling all of its classic movies upon which Disney built itself, adding warnings to them all that they are not really suitable for children containing too much disturbing content like -- -- -- hold your breath -- -- -- the "S" word!

Yes, STEREOTYPES! You know, the vehicle by which people, especially kids generally recognize things like Indians, Eskimos (oops, I mean Innuit), robbers, cowboys, bad guys, good guys, etc. Much the same as comedy and comedians generally operate by stereotyping the typical pissed customer, etc.

Tisk, tisk.

Among the movies for now being red flagged for questionable content include:
  • Dumbo
  • Peter Pan
  • Swiss Family Robinson
  • The Aristocats
Don't these idiots know that it was these things which most made these movies funny, entertaining and worth watching? Because they DIDN'T reflect reality!

Yeah dude, shit was fucked up from the past... Remember Little Black Sambo?!
Disney is pulling all of its classic movies upon which Disney built itself, adding warnings to them all that they are not really suitable for children containing too much disturbing content like -- -- -- hold your breath -- -- -- the "S" word!

Yes, STEREOTYPES! You know, the vehicle by which people, especially kids generally recognize things like Indians, Eskimos (oops, I mean Innuit), robbers, cowboys, bad guys, good guys, etc. Much the same as comedy and comedians generally operate by stereotyping the typical pissed customer, etc.

Tisk, tisk.

Among the movies for now being red flagged for questionable content include:
  • Dumbo
  • Peter Pan
  • Swiss Family Robinson
  • The Aristocats
Don't these idiots know that it was these things which most made these movies funny, entertaining and worth watching? Because they DIDN'T reflect reality!

Yeah dude, shit was fucked up from the past... Remember Little Black Sambo?!
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I have several antiquarian editions that would bring a good price were I to sell them.

As parents we restricted our son's Disney viewings to those films made while Walt was alive. Disney turned to shit after that.
Say good-bye to Snow WHITE. White privilege, don'ca know!

Looks like substitution of "The Seven Vertically Challenged Individuals" wasn't sufficient.

"Song of The South" seems to have vanished decades ago. This PC shit has been creeping up for many years and you let it now that it's a steamroller (whoops....those burn fossil fuel!) GTF outta the way.

Hey, will Tesla build an electric steamroller? But in the interest of honesty it surely would have to have an electric element to heat the water to make the steam to make the steamroller roll! Imagine the weight of the batteries.
Disney is pulling all of its classic movies upon which Disney built itself, adding warnings to them all that they are not really suitable for children containing too much disturbing content like -- -- -- hold your breath -- -- -- the "S" word!

Yes, STEREOTYPES! You know, the vehicle by which people, especially kids generally recognize things like Indians, Eskimos (oops, I mean Innuit), robbers, cowboys, bad guys, good guys, etc. Much the same as comedy and comedians generally operate by stereotyping the typical pissed customer, etc.

Tisk, tisk.

Among the movies for now being red flagged for questionable content include:
  • Dumbo
  • Peter Pan
  • Swiss Family Robinson
  • The Aristocats
Don't these idiots know that it was these things which most made these movies funny, entertaining and worth watching? Because they DIDN'T reflect reality!

Just wow. Disney was always an escape from reality for so many kids. At least it was for me when I was a very small child... now I find out I was really a racist along with millions world wide. I guess these wokesters see the world as a much better place if Disney never existed.
Say good-bye to Snow WHITE. White privilege, don'ca know!

I think more likely, Henry, they will do Snow White over and this time she will be black. You know, racial equity, like redoing all these other movies with superheroes over now as women.

Probably would have been just fine if she had just gone Egg Shell White, but she had to go full Snow White! How insensitive. Definately was a racist Dog Whistle, what was old Walt thinking?
Disney was always an escape from reality for so many kids. At least it was for me when I was a very small child... now I find out I was really a racist along with millions world wide. I guess these wokesters see the world as a much better place if Disney never existed.

Progressives are rewriting entertainment now too. Cartoons of the future will have gay characters, black, underprivileged characters subject to employment discrimination chased nightly by the police, woke groups, transgenders, and domestic terrorists who think elections are faked!

In other words, there will be no escape from reality, every cartoon your kid sees will be a reality-based attempt at social engineering to teach kids to be tolerant of illegal aliens and muslims who fly planes into buildings.

Tolerant, that is, of everything but conservatives, the religious right and the traditional family.
Disney was always an escape from reality for so many kids. At least it was for me when I was a very small child... now I find out I was really a racist along with millions world wide. I guess these wokesters see the world as a much better place if Disney never existed.

Progressives are rewriting entertainment now too. Cartoons of the future will have gay characters, black, underprivileged characters subject to employment discrimination chased nightly by the police, woke groups, transgenders, and domestic terrorists who think elections are faked!

In other words, there will be no escape from reality, every cartoon your kid sees will be a reality-based attempt at social engineering to teach kids to be tolerant of illegal aliens and muslims who fly planes into buildings.

Tolerant, that is, of everything but conservatives, the religious right and the traditional family.

These people are seriously fucked in the head. They have some form of aggression towards anything innocent that kids can find refuge in. After all... That was Walt Disney's whole goal. Creating a safe friendly world for kids in entertainment.... But now these Progs need to project their world view into every aspect of everyones lives. Guess they wouldnt have anything else to do. They sure arnt out creating jobs, services or anything good in the world

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