Now that California now has “free” healthcare for all illegal immigrants.....


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2021
Shenandoah Valley of Virginia

Wouldn't it be a huge selling point for the ones crossing in other states to be shipped there? They should put up huge billboards....Free medical care in CA, have your anchor baby there.

By the way, Medi-CAL is 70% federally funded.....Which means anyone who holds dollars or even dollar denominated/derivative currency is paying for it via inflationary federal debt backed spending.
I hope this information is being presented to Illegals in Texas. Might be a good selling point for Cally instead of New York or Chicago when they decide where they want to settle.

Texas has chain gangs for miscreants and they don't tolerate people shitting on the sidewalks there (except maybe in Austin).

If I was a ne'er-do-well coming in from abroad, I'd definitely consider Dionne Warwick's "Do you know the way to San Jose" as well as Tupac's "California Love"

Wouldn't it be a huge selling point for the ones crossing in other states to be shipped there? They should put up huge billboards....Free medical care in CA, have your anchor baby there.

By the way, Medi-CAL is 70% federally funded.....Which means anyone who holds dollars or even dollar denominated/derivative currency is paying for it via inflationary federal debt backed spending.
I don't mind.
Theoretically-speaking, how much tannerite packed into the San Andreas fault would it take for California to slide off into the Monterrey Canyon in the Pacific?

I'm just asking for a friend.
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California needs to take that Christianity crap and shove it where the sun never shines.
It is only free if doctors and nurses are offering it on a volunteer basis.

They should fulfill a mitzvah and offer an hour or two a week in rotations, it isn't much to ask and they can then say they are doing their part to ensure that a stressed system isn't being further stressed by those illegal within it.

Americans love immigration, but it must be legal. There are plenty of people from Mexico and South America who can contribute to the American Dream, they should apply legally just as Canadians would have to.

Wouldn't it be a huge selling point for the ones crossing in other states to be shipped there? They should put up huge billboards....Free medical care in CA, have your anchor baby there.

By the way, Medi-CAL is 70% federally funded.....Which means anyone who holds dollars or even dollar denominated/derivative currency is paying for it via inflationary federal debt backed spending.
That and the new guns laws that prevent US citizens from defending themselves in public such as schools, libraries and other Gun Free Zones...


Wouldn't it be a huge selling point for the ones crossing in other states to be shipped there? They should put up huge billboards....Free medical care in CA, have your anchor baby there.

By the way, Medi-CAL is 70% federally funded.....Which means anyone who holds dollars or even dollar denominated/derivative currency is paying for it via inflationary federal debt backed spending.
Last time I was in a waiting room in CA the whole place was filled with non-English speaking folks. This was back in 1995
They always had free healthcare in the state, they just made it official. And now all of those libs have to eat crow who swore on a stack of Korans that it wasn't happening. It also puts the lie to Obamacare that the libs claimed would never lead to free health care for illegals.
(1) I have read that the new policy will cost a lot of money.

(2) But it is just the right thing to do. The humane thing to do.

(3) If there are a lot of unauthorized immigrants here in California, it is the fault of the federal government in letting them enter. Blame the federal government.

(4) Therefore, when they get sick, they deserve to be helped and get alleviation from their pain. Just as citizens get help when they are suffering.

(5) There are a lot of rich people in California, so they can pay the extra taxes and still live in mansions and drive expensive motorcars and jet off to Europe.

(6) Most of us would gladly pay to alleviate pain suffered by animals (such as a beloved dog or cat). Surely we do not want to see any other human being suffer pain (except, I admit, those guilty of violent crimes).
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That and the new guns laws that prevent US citizens from defending themselves in public such as schools, libraries and other Gun Free Zones...

View attachment 882289
Those weren`t gun free zones, dum dum. If they were gun free no one would have been shot. Signs can`t confiscate guns and make a place gun free. Commercial airlines are gun free zones. :icon_rolleyes:
We don't give Illegals jackshit here in Florida. Lets hope all the assholes pack up and move to Commie California.

Well you do in the form of higher insurance rates.....A illegale can walk into any EM in the land and get free care.

That's what they do too.....Wait your turn you dirty taxpayer with insurance, a passel of illegale kids have runny noses.

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