Now I'm A Racist!


Diamond Member
Oct 11, 2012
There was nothing racist about Trump’s remarks. If you don't like America, then leave! There, I said it, am I a racist now?
Poor little freshmen House Dems, President Trump has hurt their little feelings, they're calling him a racist who has a white nationalist agenda because called them out on their anti-American rhetoric. And I’m just wondering why so many people from around the world climbing fences to get into our concentration camps!

I'm so glad that Trump can outdo the utterly insane crazy left. That's exactly what this nation has needed for a long time now. We didn't elect Trump as president to play nicely with our out of control government. Trump without question is a fighter ...and we elected him to the highest office in the land to hold up a mirror to all of the anti-American overreaching government policies and corruption for the past fifty years. President Trump is the antidote, not the problem. So never mind the Dems and the lying liberal media, or the CRAZY Progressive Bloggers like “Ms. Shaw, and her Idiotic cronies . President Trump can handle himself very well. And he has my vote come 2020,'s most of the other career politicians who must go, along with the new 4 rookies that need to be voted out as soon as possible. They hate America, and I hate them! . So far President Trump has done one heck of a job exposing them for who and what they truly are ...and that my friends, includes our leftist mainstream and Socialist media
You were tagged as a racist the day you signed up with RadicalRedneck.
Trump just has the balls to say what 99% of the people with common sense are thinking. The DNC and media twisters are pissed that they can't shame Trump into a media induced death spiral. But the racism thing has been so overused that it has lost any real meaning. It has become the last resort for nincompoops who have no real ideas, solutions or recommendations. Shamefully, it's the only thing Democrats have left.
"The new 4 rookies" will still be in politics long after DJTs rotten fat ass is ferried on the Barge of the Dead to Gre'thor.
"The new 4 rookies" will still be in politics long after DJTs rotten fat ass is ferried on the Barge of the Dead to Gre'thor.
that's the problem no term limits for congress. 8 yrs should be the Max term limit for all political offices. It would insure new Ideas and really eliminate the graft and corruption in govt.
There was nothing racist about Trump’s remarks. If you don't like America, then leave! There, I said it, am I a racist now?
Poor little freshmen House Dems, President Trump has hurt their little feelings, they're calling him a racist who has a white nationalist agenda because called them out on their anti-American rhetoric. And I’m just wondering why so many people from around the world climbing fences to get into our concentration camps!

I'm so glad that Trump can outdo the utterly insane crazy left. That's exactly what this nation has needed for a long time now. We didn't elect Trump as president to play nicely with our out of control government. Trump without question is a fighter ...and we elected him to the highest office in the land to hold up a mirror to all of the anti-American overreaching government policies and corruption for the past fifty years. President Trump is the antidote, not the problem. So never mind the Dems and the lying liberal media, or the CRAZY Progressive Bloggers like “Ms. Shaw, and her Idiotic cronies . President Trump can handle himself very well. And he has my vote come 2020,'s most of the other career politicians who must go, along with the new 4 rookies that need to be voted out as soon as possible. They hate America, and I hate them! . So far President Trump has done one heck of a job exposing them for who and what they truly are ...and that my friends, includes our leftist mainstream and Socialist media
Trump was stupid. The squad now has an undeserved status of "victim" and they will flaunt their victory in the face of all whites, who they can now call racist too.
There was nothing racist about Trump’s remarks. If you don't like America, then leave! There, I said it, am I a racist now?
Poor little freshmen House Dems, President Trump has hurt their little feelings, they're calling him a racist who has a white nationalist agenda because called them out on their anti-American rhetoric. And I’m just wondering why so many people from around the world climbing fences to get into our concentration camps!

I'm so glad that Trump can outdo the utterly insane crazy left. That's exactly what this nation has needed for a long time now. We didn't elect Trump as president to play nicely with our out of control government. Trump without question is a fighter ...and we elected him to the highest office in the land to hold up a mirror to all of the anti-American overreaching government policies and corruption for the past fifty years. President Trump is the antidote, not the problem. So never mind the Dems and the lying liberal media, or the CRAZY Progressive Bloggers like “Ms. Shaw, and her Idiotic cronies . President Trump can handle himself very well. And he has my vote come 2020,'s most of the other career politicians who must go, along with the new 4 rookies that need to be voted out as soon as possible. They hate America, and I hate them! . So far President Trump has done one heck of a job exposing them for who and what they truly are ...and that my friends, includes our leftist mainstream and Socialist media
Trump is a racist, his comments were racist.
There was nothing racist about Trump’s remarks. If you don't like America, then leave! There, I said it, am I a racist now?
Poor little freshmen House Dems, President Trump has hurt their little feelings, they're calling him a racist who has a white nationalist agenda because called them out on their anti-American rhetoric. And I’m just wondering why so many people from around the world climbing fences to get into our concentration camps!

I'm so glad that Trump can outdo the utterly insane crazy left. That's exactly what this nation has needed for a long time now. We didn't elect Trump as president to play nicely with our out of control government. Trump without question is a fighter ...and we elected him to the highest office in the land to hold up a mirror to all of the anti-American overreaching government policies and corruption for the past fifty years. President Trump is the antidote, not the problem. So never mind the Dems and the lying liberal media, or the CRAZY Progressive Bloggers like “Ms. Shaw, and her Idiotic cronies . President Trump can handle himself very well. And he has my vote come 2020,'s most of the other career politicians who must go, along with the new 4 rookies that need to be voted out as soon as possible. They hate America, and I hate them! . So far President Trump has done one heck of a job exposing them for who and what they truly are ...and that my friends, includes our leftist mainstream and Socialist media

Racist. White Nationalist. Why? Ever notice that all these freshmen democrats attacking Trump for being pro-border / anti-illegal immigration all have Latino backgrounds? They are hired foreign lobbyists now getting away with working from within our government to promote foreign interests only because most of them were born in the USA, so get a free pass. Obviously, that is not a fair measure of where a person's loyalties are anymore.

Just imagine if Trump was lobbying to give special access and a fast track to building hotels and golf courses in Scotland, and the Republicans called any democrats protesting said action calling them all racist and anti-Scottish?!

Bottom line: no matter what Trump does, the Dems have a different spin on anything to make it out like it were the end of the Earth. NOTICE how fast the Democrats can whip up a resolution to protest the brand toothpaste Trump uses, but in almost a year, they haven't been able to do JACK for the average American.
Quite the contrary. The implication and or accusation of "racist!" is far from the panacea to win all arguments as some believe and practice. The worm is turning, albeit slowly, away from favoring the so-called politically correct twitter mobs and instead to the promotion of truth, logic, reason and renewed patriotism. Does it not bother you, on some level in there somewhere, when rather than arguing with integrity, fact and common sense the core Democrat political personalities try to win every debate by accusing their opponent of racism? Well, it ought to. In many eras of the Soviet Union all arguments or objections to the communist party were shut down by accusations of disloyalty to the same. Didn't matter whether or not the dissenting voice had a point or made sense; the communists only cared about winning or holding on to power and when rebuke by accusation of party disloyalty was no longer potent enough censure, they sent dissidents to the gulag or shot them. I wonder what the radical left core of the Democratic Party will resort to, provided they seize full power of our government, when accusation of racism is no longer a powerful enough political condemnation of their opponents?
There was nothing racist about Trump’s remarks. If you don't like America, then leave! There, I said it, am I a racist now?
Poor little freshmen House Dems, President Trump has hurt their little feelings, they're calling him a racist who has a white nationalist agenda because called them out on their anti-American rhetoric. And I’m just wondering why so many people from around the world climbing fences to get into our concentration camps!

I'm so glad that Trump can outdo the utterly insane crazy left. That's exactly what this nation has needed for a long time now. We didn't elect Trump as president to play nicely with our out of control government. Trump without question is a fighter ...and we elected him to the highest office in the land to hold up a mirror to all of the anti-American overreaching government policies and corruption for the past fifty years. President Trump is the antidote, not the problem. So never mind the Dems and the lying liberal media, or the CRAZY Progressive Bloggers like “Ms. Shaw, and her Idiotic cronies . President Trump can handle himself very well. And he has my vote come 2020,'s most of the other career politicians who must go, along with the new 4 rookies that need to be voted out as soon as possible. They hate America, and I hate them! . So far President Trump has done one heck of a job exposing them for who and what they truly are ...and that my friends, includes our leftist mainstream and Socialist media

I am old enough to remember getting attacked on this very forum and being told that the "love it or leave it" argument was vile and unAmerican.

amazing how times change! :21::21::21:
"The new 4 rookies" will still be in politics long after DJTs rotten fat ass is ferried on the Barge of the Dead to Gre'thor.
name one thing any one of the four have done for their constituents? name a bill, name anything, go for it. you don't think people notice nothing being done?
Trump just has the balls to say what 99% of the people with common sense are thinking. The DNC and media twisters are pissed that they can't shame Trump into a media induced death spiral. But the racism thing has been so overused that it has lost any real meaning. It has become the last resort for nincompoops who have no real ideas, solutions or recommendations. Shamefully, it's the only thing Democrats have left.

Trump's a lying suckwad. People have lost hundreds of millions of dollars trusting Trump. Yet somehow, Trumpkins look to him as their source of truth.
Trump is a racist, his comments were racist.
To make such a claim, you yourself had to look at both the race of the speaker (Trump) and the race of the people about whom Trump was speaking.

Those exact same comments could be made to an Irish immigrant, or a Polish immigrant, or a Belgian immigrant, and the meaning would not change.

It is, in fact YOU who has abandoned logic in favor of emotion. It is YOU who judged all people involved by the color of their skin.

If you have a logical bone in your body, you would acknowledge you abandonment of reason.

Trump is a racist, his comments were racist.
To make such a claim, you yourself had to look at both the race of the speaker (Trump) and the race of the people about whom Trump was speaking.

Those exact same comments could be made to an Irish immigrant, or a Polish immigrant, or a Belgian immigrant, and the meaning would not change.

It is, in fact YOU who has abandoned logic in favor of emotion. It is YOU who judged all people involved by the color of their skin.

If you have a logical bone in your body, you would acknowledge you abandonment of reason.


But he didn't make those comments to Irish, Polish or Belgian immigrants. In fact, with the likelihood immigrants from those locales are white, Trump wouldn't have known, or cared, from whence they came.

Playing 'what if' abandons logic, in this case. Looking at who he wasn't talking about is a limp deflection.
But he didn't make those comments to Irish, Polish or Belgian immigrants. In fact, with the likelihood immigrants from those locales are white, Trump wouldn't have known, or cared, from whence they came.

Playing 'what if' abandons logic, in this case. Looking at who he wasn't talking about is a limp deflection.
So, you are treating people differently, based on the color of their skin?

That is the very essence of illogical.


There was nothing racist about Trump’s remarks. If you don't like America, then leave! There, I said it, am I a racist now?
Poor little freshmen House Dems, President Trump has hurt their little feelings, they're calling him a racist who has a white nationalist agenda because called them out on their anti-American rhetoric. And I’m just wondering why so many people from around the world climbing fences to get into our concentration camps!

I'm so glad that Trump can outdo the utterly insane crazy left. That's exactly what this nation has needed for a long time now. We didn't elect Trump as president to play nicely with our out of control government. Trump without question is a fighter ...and we elected him to the highest office in the land to hold up a mirror to all of the anti-American overreaching government policies and corruption for the past fifty years. President Trump is the antidote, not the problem. So never mind the Dems and the lying liberal media, or the CRAZY Progressive Bloggers like “Ms. Shaw, and her Idiotic cronies . President Trump can handle himself very well. And he has my vote come 2020,'s most of the other career politicians who must go, along with the new 4 rookies that need to be voted out as soon as possible. They hate America, and I hate them! . So far President Trump has done one heck of a job exposing them for who and what they truly are ...and that my friends, includes our leftist mainstream and Socialist media

I am old enough to remember getting attacked on this very forum and being told that the "love it or leave it" argument was vile and unAmerican.

amazing how times change! :21::21::21:
Not one conservative has said that.
But he didn't make those comments to Irish, Polish or Belgian immigrants. In fact, with the likelihood immigrants from those locales are white, Trump wouldn't have known, or cared, from whence they came.

Playing 'what if' abandons logic, in this case. Looking at who he wasn't talking about is a limp deflection.
So, you are treating people differently, based on the color of their skin?

That is the very essence of illogical.


I do. When I have the misfortune to be in a mostly black area, I make sure my doors are locked and my pistol handy.

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