Notice To The Citizens Of Free Palestine


Diamond Member
Jun 9, 2011
Hillbilly Hollywood, Tenn
Honors and Salutations to the NEW Citizens of Free Palestine.
CC: Mamoud Abbas, Benjamin Netanyahu

As you know -- we have been working very hard in Iraq and Syria to create the proper conditions for an Islamic Caliphate. And we have been welcomed with open arms by the faithful and pure that have been awaiting this event. So this notice is to CONGRATULATE the newly created State of Free Palestine. It brings Joy to Allah to see the defeat of the Zionist entity and your victory !! We will be coming to your neighborhood next week after a day of defeating the Jordanians and would like to drop in and welcome Free Palestine to the ISIL controlled Caliphate. No special need to entertain us -- we will fend for ourselves. We only ask that you begin to purge the unholy and unworthy prior to our arrival to save us some time and money. Afterall we have a big week exterminating the Zionist entity that you live amongst in the following week and need to cut the celebrating short. Your leaders should leave immediately or face beheadings and/or crucifixions. And please -- no bottle rockets or guns firing into the air -- you might dent the nice new up-armored cars and field artillery we stole from the Americans.

With Allah's Will,
Abu Bakr al-Bagdadhi, Caliphate of your new Islamic State


So --- after you crap your clothes, as a Leader of new Palestine state, what do you do?
This is not a drill. It points to the neccessity of having a stable survivable plan for the security and defense of ANY new Palestinian state that might be created. And Israel is certainly not gonna make the same mistake they did with Gaza to start a normalization process with a willing partner and see that hijacked just months later by an outside extremist element that NOBODY wants in the neighborhood..

Do you turn to Moscow? To the USA? Do you cave to al-Baghdadi or the next gang of thugs that set sights on your hard won territory. Are you stupid enough to complain to the Blue Helmets at the UN as your protection?

I've been pondering this quite a bit and it seems to me that reality dictates something that the peace process has sorely lacked. And that is a sense of mutual destiny for Israel and the separate State of Palestine. That part of any agreement should be to end up with EXTERNAL BORDERS to both states that can survive in that neighborhood. I know I'm asking for a lot here -- but just let me say it.. A PEACEFUL meaningful settlement can only be built on cooperation against outside threats and insurgencies.

This will be clear in the coming years as instability ROCKS the Mid East and Africa. And makes the threats even clearer to folks who want to be founding fathers of new nations in that area of the world. That's why I believe Israel should have defense access to the Golan and Jordanian river banks. And why the Palis should welcome the opportunity to cooperate with military control of MUTUALLY defensible borders and the duties of customs, immigration, and border control.. Hard to fathom given the divisive tone and staleness of negotiations. But someone could make an excellent sales pitch for why lasting peace looks more like a Federation and less like opposing camps..

How far would YOU go to look ahead to the survivability of both Israel and a Palestinian State? Would you change your tone? Would you CONSIDER a more symbiotic relationship as a model for peace? Would you be willing to confront the radicals on BOTH sides in order to sell a more solid plan than what's on the table now?
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Your attempt to create an islamic boogeyman to scare palestinians into Israel's arms denounces your lack to knowledge of the palestinian society.

Palestinians will always hate the walls and fences put up by the jewish racial dictatorship to prevent their free access to their homeland a million times more than they ever will any islamic movement.

I personally find both equally disgusting but I don't count since I'm not palestinian.

Your plan could even work for a short period of time until the islamists are defeated... after this it would be business as usual... peaceful, political, diplomatic and violent pressure on Israel to allow them access to their homeland.

Don't take this the wrong way, buddy, but after having read at least 30 of your posts I have to tell you that your knowledge of the palestinian society leaves much to be desired.
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Your attempt to create an islamic boogeyman to scare palestinians into Israel's arms denounces your lack to knowledge to the palestinian society.

Palestinians will always hate the walls and fences put up by the jewish racial dictatorship to prevent their free access to their homeland a million times more than they ever will any islamic movement.

I personally find both equally disgusting but I don't count since I'm not palestinian.

Your plan could even work for a short period of time until the islamists are defeated... after this it would be business as usual... peaceful, political, diplomatic and violent pressure on Israel to allow them access to their homeland.

Don't take this the wrong way, buddy, but after having read at least 30 of your posts I have to tell you that your knowledge of the palestinian society leaves much to be desired.
FYI, Hamas has already declared their intention to merge with ISIL. Don't you get the news in LaLa Land?
Just for the sake of the argument, Hoss, let's assume it's true... it kind of proves my point...

Even secular palestinians will at best hold their noses, wait for Israel to take care of the islamists before resuming their national liberation struggle.
Honors and Salutations to the NEW Citizens of Free Palestine.
CC: Mamoud Abbas, Benjamin Netanyahu

As you know -- we have been working very hard in Iraq and Syria to create the proper conditions for an Islamic Caliphate. And we have been welcomed with open arms by the faithful and pure that have been awaiting this event. So this notice is to CONGRATULATE the newly created State of Free Palestine. It brings Joy to Allah to see the defeat of the Zionist entity and your victory !! We will be coming to your neighborhood next week after a day of defeating the Jordanians and would like to drop in and welcome Free Palestine to the ISIL controlled Caliphate. No special need to entertain us -- we will fend for ourselves. We only ask that you begin to purge the unholy and unworthy prior to our arrival to save us some time and money. Afterall we have a big week exterminating the Zionist entity that you live amongst in the following week and need to cut the celebrating short. Your leaders should leave immediately or face beheadings and/or crucifixions. And please -- no bottle rockets or guns firing into the air -- you might dent the nice new up-armored cars and field artillery we stole from the Americans.

With Allah's Will,
Abu Bakr al-Bagdadhi, Caliphate of your new Islamic State


So --- after you crap your clothes, as a Leader of new Palestine state, what do you do?
This is not a drill. It points to the neccessity of having a stable survivable plan for the security and defense of ANY new Palestinian state that might be created. And Israel is certainly not gonna make the same mistake they did with Gaza to start a normalization process with a willing partner and see that hijacked just months later by an outside extremist element that NOBODY wants in the neighborhood..

Do you turn to Moscow? To the USA? Do you cave to al-Baghdadi or the next gang of thugs that set sights on your hard won territory. Are you stupid enough to complain to the Blue Helmets at the UN as your protection?

I've been pondering this quite a bit and it seems to me that reality dictates something that the peace process has sorely lacked. And that is a sense of mutual destiny for Israel and the separate State of Palestine. That part of any agreement should be to end up with EXTERNAL BORDERS to both states that can survive in that neighborhood. I know I'm asking for a lot here -- but just let me say it.. A PEACEFUL meaningful settlement can only be built on cooperation against outside threats and insurgencies.

This will be clear in the coming years as instability ROCKS the Mid East and Africa. And makes the threats even clearer to folks who want to be founding fathers of new nations in that area of the world. That's why I believe Israel should have defense access to the Golan and Jordanian river banks. And why the Palis should welcome the opportunity to cooperate with military control of MUTUALLY defensible borders and the duties of customs, immigration, and border control.. Hard to fathom given the divisive tone and staleness of negotiations. But someone could make an excellent sales pitch for why lasting peace looks more like a Federation and less like opposing camps..

How far would YOU go to look ahead to the survivability of both Israel and a Palestinian State? Would you change your tone? Would you CONSIDER a more symbiotic relationship as a model for peace? Would you be willing to confront the radicals on BOTH sides in order to sell a more solid plan than what's on the table now?
As leader of Free Palestine, I'd go to America, EU, Russia, China, even Iran whoever is receptive, and say, "Guys, give us the tools and we'll do the job of defending ourselves just fine thanks."
As leader of Free Palestine, I'd go to America, EU, Russia, China, even Iran whoever is receptive, and say, "Guys, give us the tools and we'll do the job of defending ourselves just fine thanks."

As leader of "whoever" I would just tell you to fuck off.
The Palestinians should be greatful to Israel for making peace offerings to them, building a security fence & granting them their own land so they can remain in Israel. No surrounding Arab country, who know the Palestinians best, ever treated them like Israel does. When will Israel ever learn from the surrounding Arab countries how to deal with Palestinians?
The Palestinians should be greatful to Israel for making peace offerings to them, building a security fence & granting them their own land so they can remain in Israel. No surrounding Arab country, who know the Palestinians best, ever treated them like Israel does. When will Israel ever learn from the surrounding Arab countries how to deal with Palestinians?

It's like saying the Native Americans should be grateful to the invading Europeans for putting them in reservations. You are a hoot.
Your attempt to create an islamic boogeyman to scare palestinians into Israel's arms denounces your lack to knowledge of the palestinian society.
It's rotten throughout, of course.
Palestinians will always hate the walls and fences put up by the jewish racial dictatorship to prevent their free access to their homeland a million times more than they ever will any islamic movement.
It's only natural for those settlers and squatters from the hood to hate fences and walls, of course.
As leader of Free Palestine, I'd go to America, EU, Russia, China, even Iran whoever is receptive, and say, "Guys, give us the tools and we'll do the job of defending ourselves just fine thanks."
From under their fems' legs, of course! hehehehe
Just for the sake of the argument, Hoss, let's assume it's true... it kind of proves my point...

Even secular palestinians will at best hold their noses, wait for Israel to take care of the islamists before resuming their national liberation struggle.

Now there is some honesty. In effect, you just validated my point. There DEFINITELY IS a mutual benefit to having defensible and controlled borders and security. Accusing me of "not knowing the Palestinians" when you ASSUME that they are willing to wait for statehood until Israel clears the imminent threats to their anticipated Homeland is naive..

My naivety stems from knowing that the PA and even most Gazans don't approve of provoking Israel just for propaganda purposes and there is a sufficient of MASS of Pali leaders that TRULY want to be a legitimate world nation -- rather than an echo of an extremist agenda.

The walls are there because Palis DONT WANT to be citizens of Israel. And I don't blame them for that.
Honors and Salutations to the NEW Citizens of Free Palestine.
CC: Mamoud Abbas, Benjamin Netanyahu

As you know -- we have been working very hard in Iraq and Syria to create the proper conditions for an Islamic Caliphate. And we have been welcomed with open arms by the faithful and pure that have been awaiting this event. So this notice is to CONGRATULATE the newly created State of Free Palestine. It brings Joy to Allah to see the defeat of the Zionist entity and your victory !! We will be coming to your neighborhood next week after a day of defeating the Jordanians and would like to drop in and welcome Free Palestine to the ISIL controlled Caliphate. No special need to entertain us -- we will fend for ourselves. We only ask that you begin to purge the unholy and unworthy prior to our arrival to save us some time and money. Afterall we have a big week exterminating the Zionist entity that you live amongst in the following week and need to cut the celebrating short. Your leaders should leave immediately or face beheadings and/or crucifixions. And please -- no bottle rockets or guns firing into the air -- you might dent the nice new up-armored cars and field artillery we stole from the Americans.

With Allah's Will,
Abu Bakr al-Bagdadhi, Caliphate of your new Islamic State


So --- after you crap your clothes, as a Leader of new Palestine state, what do you do?
This is not a drill. It points to the neccessity of having a stable survivable plan for the security and defense of ANY new Palestinian state that might be created. And Israel is certainly not gonna make the same mistake they did with Gaza to start a normalization process with a willing partner and see that hijacked just months later by an outside extremist element that NOBODY wants in the neighborhood..

Do you turn to Moscow? To the USA? Do you cave to al-Baghdadi or the next gang of thugs that set sights on your hard won territory. Are you stupid enough to complain to the Blue Helmets at the UN as your protection?

I've been pondering this quite a bit and it seems to me that reality dictates something that the peace process has sorely lacked. And that is a sense of mutual destiny for Israel and the separate State of Palestine. That part of any agreement should be to end up with EXTERNAL BORDERS to both states that can survive in that neighborhood. I know I'm asking for a lot here -- but just let me say it.. A PEACEFUL meaningful settlement can only be built on cooperation against outside threats and insurgencies.

This will be clear in the coming years as instability ROCKS the Mid East and Africa. And makes the threats even clearer to folks who want to be founding fathers of new nations in that area of the world. That's why I believe Israel should have defense access to the Golan and Jordanian river banks. And why the Palis should welcome the opportunity to cooperate with military control of MUTUALLY defensible borders and the duties of customs, immigration, and border control.. Hard to fathom given the divisive tone and staleness of negotiations. But someone could make an excellent sales pitch for why lasting peace looks more like a Federation and less like opposing camps..

How far would YOU go to look ahead to the survivability of both Israel and a Palestinian State? Would you change your tone? Would you CONSIDER a more symbiotic relationship as a model for peace? Would you be willing to confront the radicals on BOTH sides in order to sell a more solid plan than what's on the table now?
As leader of Free Palestine, I'd go to America, EU, Russia, China, even Iran whoever is receptive, and say, "Guys, give us the tools and we'll do the job of defending ourselves just fine thanks."

Good decision. Obviously if Syria, Jordan and Lebanon are mortally threatened by a LONG list of militant Islamists bent on a Caliphate, YOU certainly could fend them off.. Something you really want to do as a new Nation state.. Instead of focusing on DOMESTIC issues and a trading economy..
The Palestinians should be greatful to Israel for making peace offerings to them, building a security fence & granting them their own land so they can remain in Israel. No surrounding Arab country, who know the Palestinians best, ever treated them like Israel does. When will Israel ever learn from the surrounding Arab countries how to deal with Palestinians?

Israel needs to BOLSTER that reality. They need to partner in development and infrastructure on the West Bank. Invite Pali leadership to periodically address the Knesset and BUILD the moderates with visions of independence UP.. There are already free Pali advocates IN the Knesset. Instead of Peace Table -- the parties need to brought into "business" negotiation for mutual economic and security benefit.

If even HALF of the civilian Pali population wants LEGITIMATE international recognition instead of insurrection, moves like those will succeed. The REST can go join ISIL..
... If even HALF of the civilian Pali population wants LEGITIMATE international recognition instead of insurrection, moves like those will succeed. ...
Won't happen. The palistanian educational system has been working overtime fulfilling Lenin's words "Give us the child for 8 years and it will be a Bolshevik forever."
The Palestinians should be greatful to Israel for making peace offerings to them, building a security fence & granting them their own land so they can remain in Israel. No surrounding Arab country, who know the Palestinians best, ever treated them like Israel does. When will Israel ever learn from the surrounding Arab countries how to deal with Palestinians?

It's like saying the Native Americans should be grateful to the invading Europeans for putting them in reservations. You are a hoot.

You are not getting Haifa or Eilat back. Although someday, Palis may live and run businesses there. At a time when they DO HAVE a valid stable state -- there is no limit to the economic and social interchange that can go on. VERY similiar to the condition of the American Indians today. Those that choose to RETAIN their Indian heritage MUST remain loyal to the reservations. But they have the OPTION to fully integrate outside.

Hoot !!
... If even HALF of the civilian Pali population wants LEGITIMATE international recognition instead of insurrection, moves like those will succeed. ...
Won't happen. The palistanian educational system has been working overtime fulfilling Lenin's words "Give us the child for 8 years and it will be a Bolshevik forever."

Perhaps 1/2 of the Palis don't cater to that type of indoctrination. Plenty of joint Arab/Israeli schools in Israel today. And joint military and economic interests would overcome the value of that type of separatism.
Given their foolhardy past history, it's fairly easy to conjure a future in which Hamas makes the mistake of closely allying with IS(IL)(IS) and attempting a coordinated multi-pronged attack from North and South, comprised of IS(IL)(IS) elements, Hezbollah, and Hamas.

When they do, they may open-up a can of whoop-ass that has the US and the UK and others targeting Hezbollah and Hamas, as well as IS(IL)(IS).

Here's to hoping that they're truly that stupid.

Perfect excuse to slaughter more Hamas (and Hezbollah) numbnuts along with IS(IL)(IS) creeps.

Your attempt to create an islamic boogeyman to scare palestinians into Israel's arms denounces your lack to knowledge of the palestinian society.

Palestinians will always hate the walls and fences put up by the jewish racial dictatorship to prevent their free access to their homeland a million times more than they ever will any islamic movement.

I personally find both equally disgusting but I don't count since I'm not palestinian.

Your plan could even work for a short period of time until the islamists are defeated... after this it would be business as usual... peaceful, political, diplomatic and violent pressure on Israel to allow them access to their homeland.

Don't take this the wrong way, buddy, but after having read at least 30 of your posts I have to tell you that your knowledge of the palestinian society leaves much to be desired.

Just thinking about your lack of confidence in my desire to understand the Pali wants and needs --------

Lemme ask you the questions in the OP.

How far would YOU go to look ahead to the survivability of both Israel and a Palestinian State? Would you change your tone? Would you CONSIDER a more symbiotic relationship as a model for peace? Would you be willing to confront the radicals on BOTH sides in order to sell a more solid plan than what's on the table now?

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