Nothing to See Here – According to Libs


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

The Odd Book One Texas Rancher Found Near the Border

Now, why on earth would poor, innocent refugees from the horrors of Central America – which is overwhelmingly Catholic – be carrying one of these?

Dear Leader is turning his back on one of his most important constitutional duties, to defend the borders of this nation.

Will he go on vacation when a terrorist bomb goes off – again – in an American city? :eusa_whistle:

Read more @ The Odd Book One Texas Rancher Found Near the Border |

And yes, I fully expect the liberals to attack the messenger. Here goes ….1,2,3
You're in luck. I'm a conservative. This is quite interesting but not shocking. I'm also waiting for the "liberals" to start responding with "that's just fear mongering" or "I bet they're making this is up" "they probably got it at the store". But in all reality people should have thought about this the very second this "border crisis" was reported. It definitely ran through my head. Everyone's so busy focussing on the "children" (who are mostly males between 14-30) that they are ignoring the bigger issue. These open borders are a huge threat to national security. No ones being identified or held. They aren't filtering this influx. If people are dumb enough to believe that word of our open borders hasn't traveled, then this countries in deep shit. This is WORLD NEWS. People in other countries are well aware what's going on. It's a free-for-all. Murderers, gangbangers, thieves, rapists, sex slave traffickers, drug cartel, and terrorists are obviously going to take advantage of this "crisis" (distraction) while they can.

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