Nothing like Hiring the Enemy to keep you safe


Diamond Member
May 20, 2014
Brings home the absurdity of govt policy in so called war on terror. Lets import more muslims by the boatload, few of which can be vetted, and then to show we are tolerant we must hire them at all levels of govt. This is happening here too. Entire Fed apparatus is chock full of these. If its a war then treat it as such and quit importing the enemy
By day at heart of counter-terror policing. And by night preacher of extremism - Telegraph
By day, at heart of counter-terror policing. And by night, preacher of extremism
Government watchdog, which inspects police forces’ readiness for terrorism, employed preacher of extremism
Brings home the absurdity of govt policy in so called war on terror. Lets import more muslims by the boatload, few of which can be vetted, and then to show we are tolerant we must hire them at all levels of govt. This is happening here too. Entire Fed apparatus is chock full of these. If its a war then treat it as such and quit importing the enemy
By day at heart of counter-terror policing. And by night preacher of extremism - Telegraph
By day, at heart of counter-terror policing. And by night, preacher of extremism
Government watchdog, which inspects police forces’ readiness for terrorism, employed preacher of extremism
Limeys want to outdo us on Political Correctness… funny as fuck!
they gladly offer up their daughters to be defiled without so much as a peep.. They are good people....yeesss ssiiirrr

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