Not The Sharpest Knives In The LA Drawer

Said1 said:
Blame them for being trapped in the city.

Being brainwashed by what?

Ok gotcha--staying behind---no doubt many of them had no means to leave. I'm not blaming them at all nor am I going to blame anyone else. Perhaps in certain circumstances a family member could have assisted them but generally I was speaking to the fact that some people simply do not believe things like this can happen in America.
Obviously they can and will continue to happen. Somethings are simply uncontrollable. Reality is not always pretty.
dilloduck said:
Ok gotcha--staying behind---no doubt many of them had no means to leave. I'm not blaming them at all nor am I going to blame anyone else. Perhaps in certain circumstances a family member could have assisted them but generally I was speaking to the fact that some people simply do not believe things like this can happen in America.
Obviously they can and will continue to happen. Somethings are simply uncontrollable. Reality is not always pretty.

I was just making a general comment, not directed at anyone.

Some good data can be found here:

if you're interested.
rtwngAvngr said:
The lawlessness can blamed on the thugs shooting at rescuers and looting, who evidently may have been incited to Lawlessness by the nation of islam.

Dang, it's so seldom I agree with other Catholics. Then again, I seldom agree with Protestants, Jews, and with one exception can't remember agreeing with a Muslim. Whoops, funny I agree with some things more with atheists and agnostics politically, but never religiously:

Catholic League President Blasts New Orleans Contract With Farrakhan’s Security Chief

Author: Staff Bayoubuzz | 6/14/2005

Today, in his Bayoubuzz column, Jeff Crouere commented about the New Orleans Chief of Police, Superintendent Edwin P. Compass hiring the security chief of the Nation of Islam, Dennis Muhammad. The column made the Drudge Report and other national media.

Bayoubuzz has received an email regarding a letter from Catholic League President William Donohue directed to the New Orleans City Council about the Muhammad appointment. Here is the text of the letter received by Bayoubuzz and the text of the letter from the president of the Catholic League, William Donohue.

Catholic League president William Donohue wrote a letter today to the seven members of the New Orleans City Council requesting that they intervene to stop New Orleans Police Superintendent Edwin P. Compass from allowing the security chief of the Nation of Islam, Captain Dennis Muhammad, from conducting sensitivity training for the police. Here is the text of his letter:

“As president of the nation’s largest Catholic civil rights organization, I am appalled that a close associate of Nation of Islam leader Minister Louis Farrakhan has been chosen to give sensitivity training to the New Orleans Police Department. For Police Superintendent Edwin P. Compass to commission Captain Dennis Muhammad, Farrakhan’s security chief, to conduct sensitivity training for the police is on the order of having David Duke advise public school teachers on how to conduct Black History Month events. It reeks of ignorance.

“Farrakhan is anti-Jewish, anti-Catholic and anti-gay. He has mocked Catholicism, ridiculed the pope and insulted Catholics everywhere with his vitriolic comments. In short, he’s a bigot. Common sense, never mind common decency, argues against any Nation of Islam official lecturing the police on tolerance. I ask that you intervene to find someone with impeccable credentials to carry out this task.”

Kiera M. McCaffrey
Director of Communications
The Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights
450 Seventh Avenue
New York, NY 10123
Said1 said:
Sadly, some of the victims were children, elderly, handicap, mentally ill etc. No one was looking out for these people and I wouldn't blame them.

They certainly weren't the ones doing the shooting at guardsmen or helos. They were the victims of their children or parents. Many stayed behind to be with the sick or elderly, they too were not the lawbreakers.

It's a very sad state of affairs, but blame is being unfairly placed by the MSM and demo spinners.
Three kinds of people got left behind in NOLA.
1ST WAS the ones that could not leave. Helpless, homeless, hospitalized, prisoners in jail, etc.
2ND WAS the ones tasked to help the 1st group. Cops, EMT's, Firefighters etc.
3RD WAS the ones that ignored the order and figured that "as usual" someone was wrong. I'll ride it out.

The local government failed the first group. Members of the second group also failed the first group. I got no pity to spare for the third group.

There is plenty wrong with the FEDS response time and bureaucratic bullshit. But in no way is this the FEDS fault. It is now however, the feds problem.
pegwinn said:
Three kinds of people got left behind in NOLA.
1ST WAS the ones that could not leave. Helpless, homeless, hospitalized, prisoners in jail, etc.
2ND WAS the ones tasked to help the 1st group. Cops, EMT's, Firefighters etc.
3RD WAS the ones that ignored the order and figured that "as usual" someone was wrong. I'll ride it out.

The local government failed the first group. Members of the second group also failed the first group. I got no pity to spare for the third group.

There is plenty wrong with the FEDS response time and bureaucratic bullshit. But in no way is this the FEDS fault. It is now however, the feds problem.

Nice take.
pegwinn said:
Three kinds of people got left behind in NOLA.
1ST WAS the ones that could not leave. Helpless, homeless, hospitalized, prisoners in jail, etc.
2ND WAS the ones tasked to help the 1st group. Cops, EMT's, Firefighters etc.
3RD WAS the ones that ignored the order and figured that "as usual" someone was wrong. I'll ride it out.

The local government failed the first group. Members of the second group also failed the first group. I got no pity to spare for the third group.

There is plenty wrong with the FEDS response time and bureaucratic bullshit. But in no way is this the FEDS fault. It is now however, the feds problem.

Points for you!
Shattered said:
Like hell there's not.. Do you have any idea how many people left in the week long build up? Do you have any idea how many more left on those busses, in vans, on feet, bicycles, and anything else they could get their hands on?

THEN, the jackasses that are left there have the fucking NERVE to shoot at the same people trying to come and haul their asses out?


You say I want to blame the victims.. In a way, I suppose you're right. But, it makes more sense than those you're blaming.

You cannot reasonably blame the US Government. It is not (nor should it
be) their responsibility to hold everyone's hand as they cross the
street, send special agents to every child each morning to strap on
bicycle helmets and knee pads for their ride to school, and pour money
out to buy homes and food and care for everyone so it's constituents
don't have to exercise any self-control or will of their own.

You can only blame the people who moved there, stayed there, and did
nothing in their time there to adequately protect themselves from a
known situation. Insufficient levy's built of necessity out of inferior
materials to protect a dry lake bed on the gulf coast so people could
continue to build houses there. They can't build sound foundations,
everything is sodden and damp and decaying, but let's move out there
anyways. After all, the Government has to keep us safe. Idiots.

What a bitch. Marry me? :whip3:
Kathianne said:
They certainly weren't the ones doing the shooting at guardsmen or helos. They were the victims of their children or parents. Many stayed behind to be with the sick or elderly, they too were not the lawbreakers.

It's a very sad state of affairs, but blame is being unfairly placed by the MSM and demo spinners.

The MSM and the Demo Spinners are guilty of nothing less than bigotted HATE SPEECH. Thanks to Condi for calling them on the carpet for it!!
Aww.. Look.. Dillo's mad, because I responded to a post directly to me... Talk about messing shit up, Dillo...

<i> Not The Sharpest Knives... 09-04-2005 05:44 PM dilloduck This silly flirting of yours messes up many a good thread--get a room or play on the lower part of the board</i>

Dinged over jealousy. How tragic.
my take on the lawlessness its up to the state to sent in enough
security forces / National guard to keep up public order.

I dont blame people who did not leave in time, they didnt
ask for being flooded , bad descision on their part
the thousands dead paid the ulitmate price.

As part of our flood procedures in Germany always was to have
police in place to secure abandoned areas where we evacuated
people. Over all can anyone argue that the organziation in the
aftermess was ineffective ?
Shattered said:
Aww.. Look.. Dillo's mad, because I responded to a post directly to me... Talk about messing shit up, Dillo...

<i> Not The Sharpest Knives... 09-04-2005 05:44 PM dilloduck This silly flirting of yours messes up many a good thread--get a room or play on the lower part of the board</i>

Dinged over jealousy. How tragic.

I thought I would keep my comments to you private but apparently you don't mind public flamming. It was my understanding that effort is supposed to be made to keep this to a minimum.
nosarcasm said:
my take on the lawlessness its up to the state to sent in enough
security forces / National guard to keep up public order.

I dont blame people who did not leave in time, they didnt
ask for being flooded , bad descision on their part
the thousands dead paid the ulitmate price.

As part of our flood procedures in Germany always was to have
police in place to secure abandoned areas where we evacuated
people. Over all can anyone argue that the organziation in the
aftermess was ineffective ?

This wasn't exactly a freak of nature, you know.. It wasn't a matter of "if".. It was a matter of "when" it was going to happen. Like I said.. People chose to live there.. People also CHOSE NOT TO LEAVE WHEN IT BECAME NECESSARY. (While there are SOME that probably couldn't do anything, that's not the case for everyone). If you're going to be stubborn, be prepared to pay the ultimate price.
dilloduck said:
I thought I would keep my comments to you private but apparently you don't mind public flamming. It was my understanding that effort is supposed to be made to keep this to a minimum.

Deal with the aftermath of what you start.

Dismissed yet again. :dev3:

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