Not quite as fun as Bachmann would have been


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!
But almost. It's very close.

WASHINGTON -- A top staffer for the Republican National Committee got the party’s election-year outreach to Latino voters off to a disastrous public start Monday when she told a roomful of reporters that likely GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney, a hard-liner on immigration, was still formulating his position on the issue.

“As a candidate, to my understanding, that he’s still deciding what his position on immigration is,” said Bettina Inclàn, who became the RNC’s director of Hispanic Outreach in January. “I can’t talk about something that I don’t know what the position is.”

Inclàn, a former executive director of the Republican National Hispanic Assembly who worked in Rick Scott’s 2010 campaign for governor of Florida, had just finished attacking President Obama’s record on immigration. “He talked about uniting families, and all he’s done is deport more immigrants than any president in American history,” she told a news conference at Republican headquarters in Washington.

Surely she could have found a better way to put that. One that didn't involve a major shout-out to President Obama. Good job, Sir!!

Republican Party's Latino outreach off to a stumbling start -

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