Not native Indians

You are absolutely wrong on that. There are millions of people with very fair skin in America.
The vast majority tan easily, this can be seen in sports competitions, mass events and so on. The non-tanning type comes from the British colonists. That's why they were called rednecks.
There are very few rednecks among Americans. Almost no. Miss America:
What is the shape of the feet of most Americans? I'm probably not mistaken if I assume that most Americans have "cowboy" feet, and lean on the outside of the foot, right?

There should be few people in America with flat feet, x-shaped curvature and a "duck" gait. Americans usually walk gracefully, like Banderas.
about half of Europeans, or even more, according to my observations, have hallux valgus and flatness. It's obviously related.
This is partly related to the fashion for cowboy style and jeans. jeans look good only on slender legs of a cowboy type.
here is the shape of the legs for which straight or tapered classic skinny jeans are well suited. Those are American legs, not European ones.

Surely the fashion for flared style was to hide European legs. Then the left power of European bastards was just frank, this is the 60s
The vast majority tan easily, this can be seen in sports competitions, mass events and so on. The non-tanning type comes from the British colonists. That's why they were called rednecks.

The term rednecks, originally, had nothing to do with tans.
here is the shape of the legs for which straight or tapered classic skinny jeans are well suited. Those are American legs, not European ones.

Surely the fashion for flared style was to hide European legs. Then the left power of European bastards was just frank, this is the 60s

So you are basing your claim about there being no Europeans in America on the cut of jeans? LMAO!!
This is obviously due to the fact that such skin, instead of a bronze american tan, is burned and turns red.


The term "redneck" has nothing to do with tanning. It was about union organizers and union members in the coal mines of Appalachia.
In the sense of the British type of skin that is white or pink

You obviously have no clue what you are talking about. There are more fair skinned Americans than any "swarthy" groups you want to point out.

Ellis Island had 12 million immigrants go through it. Most were European.

In fact, in the 1840s, half of all immigrants coming to the US on the east coast were Irish.
The term "redneck" has nothing to do with tanning. It was about union organizers and union members in the coal mines of Appalachia.
I think it's a fabrication. My version is more logical and corresponds to historical realities
Only this form of legs will give a graceful cowboy gait. Europeans walk like bears.

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