Northam Isn't Learning


Paladin of the Lost Hour
Mar 4, 2013
Now, Northam is asking for a $4.8 million, 18-officer team to enforce his proposed plan to confiscate commonly owned firearms categorized by lawmakers as "assault weapons,"

What will they do? Travel throughout the state breaking into houses?

I would think the participant list - names, addresses and other pertinent information - would be leaked in say ... a week?

Virginia governor requests 18-officer team to enforce gun ban - WND
Being a prog means you don't have to learn anything....Everyone is to comply, whether right or wrong, or else.

I'm just wondering where he'll find 18 idiots willing to become targets.
I can't find the part about "confiscation" in the link and I doubt if it's real. I'm thinking that dirty tricks democrats are trying to create a confrontation.
I've seen reports where some sheriffs have been threatening to deputize their entire counties...

It looks like those 18 guys are kind of outnumbered!!!
Being a prog means you don't have to learn anything....Everyone is to comply, whether right or wrong, or else.

One way or another, it appears that he's going to learn. Probably, the hard way. The way things are going, if he doesn't back off, I think there's a very good chance that he's going to find a lot more well-armed and well-organized men coming after him, than he can possibly put together to go after those that he's trying to threaten.

I hope he has his will up to date, and his affairs in order, so he doesn't leave too much of a mess for his next-of-kin to untangle.
Now, Northam is asking for a $4.8 million, 18-officer team to enforce his proposed plan to confiscate commonly owned firearms categorized by lawmakers as "assault weapons,"

What will they do? Travel throughout the state breaking into houses?

I would think the participant list - names, addresses and other pertinent information - would be leaked in say ... a week?

Virginia governor requests 18-officer team to enforce gun ban - WND

It's the World Net Daily. Any real sources on this or is this just another outrage machine fake news piece?
I have to say...I find this more concerning than iran right now.

I hope and pray it ends up to be fake news...but it ain't looking that way.

We shall find out around january 20th.
Now, Northam is asking for a $4.8 million, 18-officer team to enforce his proposed plan to confiscate commonly owned firearms categorized by lawmakers as "assault weapons,"

What will they do? Travel throughout the state breaking into houses?

I would think the participant list - names, addresses and other pertinent information - would be leaked in say ... a week?

Virginia governor requests 18-officer team to enforce gun ban - WND
And liberals claim with a straight face that they dont want to take gun away

its obvious that they do
And liberals claim with a straight face that they dont want to take gun away

its obvious that they do

LIbErals very often speak with forked tongues.

Thank God Virginia has a strong governor. Assault weapons have no legitimate place in civilian U.S. society. The people who have to "learn" something are the vermin who think that they ought to have them in order to intimidate, and too often kill their fellow human beings. We have an ongoing public-health crisis because of the proliferation of this type of weaponry.

The narrative that "progressives, "liberals," "commies," and the rest of these "terrible" "unpatriotic" "sheep" people somehow do not think for themselves and are being taught to obey some outside force and oppose these weapons is absurd Goebbels-style propaganda. The filth that spreads this nonsense is the same filth that promotes all sorts of discrimination against many/most demographic groups and hatred in our society and wants to impose a caste system on American society according to their liking, and destroy the basic governmental structures that protect our basic freedoms, all the while claiming to be uber-patriots. What they are is a cancer in U.S. society.

If you are one of those who opposes the rule of law, remember that the laws that you have imposed or want to impose in every state become worthless as a result. It's anarchy time. We will all do as we wish.
If you are one of those who opposes the rule of law, remember that the laws that you have imposed or want to impose in every state become worthless as a result. It's anarchy time. We will all do as we wish.

The Second Amendment is the law. As part of the Constitution, it is the highest law in this nation, taking precedence over any and all lesser laws.

Anyone who defends violating the Constitution is in no position to speak of the rule if law.
If you are one of those who opposes the rule of law, remember that the laws that you have imposed or want to impose in every state become worthless as a result. It's anarchy time. We will all do as we wish.

The Second Amendment is the law. As part of the Constitution, it is the highest law in this nation, taking precedence over any and all lesser laws.

Anyone who defends violating the Constitution is in no position to speak of the rule if law.

Not every restriction on weaponry is unconstitutional. The Second Amendment was passed at a time when people had muskets that fired only one shot before having to be reloaded. "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State." Written with the knowledge that the British might be back, and they were in 1812.

We now have this "well regulated Militia" to defend "the security of a free State." The people who want to be allowed to possess modern, rapid-fire weapons of war, unknown to the writers of the Second Amendment at the time, want to use them to attack the security of the United States and to attack its people from within.

In all of your posts on various threads, you seem to want to live in the worlds of of centuries ago, and even in the worlds of ancient tribal times of 2,000-3,000 thousands years ago.

We live in the present day.
If you are one of those who opposes the rule of law, remember that the laws that you have imposed or want to impose in every state become worthless as a result. It's anarchy time. We will all do as we wish.

The Second Amendment is the law. As part of the Constitution, it is the highest law in this nation, taking precedence over any and all lesser laws.

Anyone who defends violating the Constitution is in no position to speak of the rule if law.

Not every restriction on weaponry is unconstitutional. The Second Amendment was passed at a time when people had muskets that fired only one shot before having to be reloaded. "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State." Written with the knowledge that the British might be back, and they were in 1812.

We now have this "well regulated Militia" to defend "the security of a free State." The people who want to be allowed to possess modern, rapid-fire weapons of war, unknown to the writers of the Second Amendment at the time, want to use them to attack the security of the United States and to attack its people from within.

In all of your posts on various threads, you seem to want to live in the worlds of of centuries ago, and even in the worlds of ancient tribal times of 2,000-3,000 thousands years ago.

We live in the present day.
Typical lib, not understanding the Constitution.
Thank God Virginia has a strong governor. Assault weapons have no legitimate place in civilian U.S. society. The people who have to "learn" something are the vermin who think that they ought to have them in order to intimidate, and too often kill their fellow human beings. We have an ongoing public-health crisis because of the proliferation of this type of weaponry.

The narrative that "progressives, "liberals," "commies," and the rest of these "terrible" "unpatriotic" "sheep" people somehow do not think for themselves and are being taught to obey some outside force and oppose these weapons is absurd Goebbels-style propaganda. The filth that spreads this nonsense is the same filth that promotes all sorts of discrimination against many/most demographic groups and hatred in our society and wants to impose a caste system on American society according to their liking, and destroy the basic governmental structures that protect our basic freedoms, all the while claiming to be uber-patriots. What they are is a cancer in U.S. society.

If you are one of those who opposes the rule of law, remember that the laws that you have imposed or want to impose in every state become worthless as a result. It's anarchy time. We will all do as we wish.

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