North Korea...


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
...made an unexpected appearance in the Olympics that ended today....


Most agree that North Korea may not have had the most artistic performance.....

....but made up for same in their executions.
Yes I heard their heads will be shipped free of charge back to their parents for proper disposal.
"North Korea willing to talk to US about giving up nuclear weapons, Seoul says"
North Korea willing to talk to US about giving up nuclear weapons, Seoul says - CNN

Here's the best part of the article:

"The announcement represents a significant diplomatic accomplishment for Moon, who used the Winter Olympic Games to engineer a thaw in relations with the North that had previously seemed a distant prospect following a string of North Korean weapons tests and rhetoric from Trump and Kim."

See who gets credit????

Not Trump, the guy who poked the Dictator, and made clear what he was gonna do.....and not the Obama policy of hiding under his desk and squeaking about 'red lines.'
North Korea wants to get into the world markets and with their desire to unite with south Korea they have to get along with the USA.
Folks, the world is running out of oil and soon thereafter natural gas in amounts we can rely on as our energy source. Nuclear electric energy is our future sustainable energy source.

Having said that we need all the existing centrifuges we can make as well as all the uranium we can find to run these electric nuclear generation plants.

The world needs to “buy” North Korea’s enriched uranium giving North Korea a good money source to improve the living standards of their country.

Anyone here agree or disagree?
Folks, the world is running out of oil and soon thereafter natural gas in amounts we can rely on as our energy source. Nuclear electric energy is our future sustainable energy source.

Having said that we need all the existing centrifuges we can make as well as all the uranium we can find to run these electric nuclear generation plants.

The world needs to “buy” North Korea’s enriched uranium giving North Korea a good money source to improve the living standards of their country.

Anyone here agree or disagree?


1. There is every reason to believe that we have far more energy reserves than the Krugman states:

a. The 2008 USGS assessment estimated 3.0 to 4.3 billion barrels of undiscovered, technically recoverable oil in the U.S. portion of the Bakken Formation, elevating it to a “world-class” accumulation. The estimate had a mean value of 3.65 billion barrels. The USGS routinely conducts updates to oil and gas assessments when significant new information is available, such as new understanding of a resource basin’s geology or when advances in technology occur for drilling and production…. The 2008 USGS assessment showed a 25-fold increase in the amount of technically recoverable oil as compared to the agency's 1995 estimate of 151 million barrels of oil.
Bakken Formation Oil Assessment in North Dakota Montana will be updated by U.S. Geological Survey

b. Oil giant BP says it has made a "giant" new oil discovery in its fields in the Gulf of Mexico…. BP said the discovery, amounting to more than three billion barrels, would "support the continuing growth of our deepwater Gulf of Mexico business into the second half of the next decade".
BBC NEWS Business BP in giant new oil discovery

c. According to theUS Geological Survey, the Arctic sea floor has 13% of the world's undiscovered "conventional" oil reserves and 30% of undiscovered natural-gas reserves.
Oil-Drilling Trade-Offs Keystone for Alaska

2. The largest oil deposit ever found in America was just discovered in Texas
The US Geological Survey said Tuesday that it found what could be the largest deposit of untapped oil ever discovered in America.

An estimated average of 20 billion barrels of oil and 1.6 billion barrels of natural gas liquids are available for the taking in the Wolfcamp shale, which is in the Midland Basin portion of Texas' Permian Basin.

The largest oil deposit ever found in America was just discovered in Texas

3. There is every reason to believe that we have far more energy reserves than the government estimates.
  1. The 2008 USGS assessment estimated 3.0 to 4.3 billion barrels of undiscovered, technically recoverable oil in the U.S. portion of the Bakken Formation, elevating it to a “world-class” accumulation. The estimate had a mean value of 3.65 billion barrels. The USGS routinely conducts updates to oil and gas assessments when significant new information is available, such as new understanding of a resource basin’s geology or when advances in technology occur for drilling and production…. The 2008 USGS assessment showed a 25-fold increase in the amount of technically recoverable oil as compared to the agency's 1995 estimate of 151 million barrels of oil. Bakken Formation Oil Assessment in North Dakota, Montana will be updated by U.S. Geological Survey
  2. Oil giant BP says it has made a "giant" new oil discovery in its fields in the Gulf of Mexico…. BP said the discovery, amounting to more than three billion barrels, would "support the continuing growth of our deepwater Gulf of Mexico business into the second half of the next decade". BBC NEWS | Business | BP in 'giant' new oil discovery
  3. According to the US Geological Survey, the Arctic sea floor has 13% of the world's undiscovered "conventional" oil reserves and 30% of undiscovered natural-gas reserves. Oil-Drilling Trade-Offs: Keystone for Alaska |
The Marcellus Shale [Pennsylvania, Oho, New York] could be one of the USA's most promising natural gas ...that the Marcellus might contain more than 500 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. ... Marcellus Shale: Results Continue to Amaze Geologists

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