North Korea pushes to fire its 1st military spy satellite


Gold Member
Mar 8, 2018
Amsterdam, Netherlands
South Korea to conduct satellite launch as North Korea pushes to fire its 1st military spy satellite


Remote : Wed, 24 May 2023 01:36:42 EDT
Local : 2023-05-24(Wednesday) 07 : 36 : 42
Found via
“With three to five satellites, North Korea can have an almost real-time monitoring on the Korean Peninsula,” he said.
heads up..

this is important, because once the Chinese have "secured" the South China Sea for themselves, and the North-Koreans that peninsula "of theirs", *all* of our democratic asian countries (The Philipines, South-Korea, Taiwan, Japan) will be under constant threat of invasion and take over, or at least serve as underdogs in the region from there on.
even Australia would be threatened.
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this is important, because once the Chinese have "secured" the South China Sea for themselves, and the North-Koreans that peninsula "of theirs", *all* of our democratic asian countries (The Philipines, South-Korea, Taiwan, Japan) will be under constant threat of invasion and take over, or at least serve as underdogs in the region from there on.

Not really.

Hell, North Korea does not even need satellites, they have Google Earth for that. And one can pay any number of private companies for satellite imagery in almost real time.

Not sure what that would have to do with anything, to be honest. In fact, I would actually give odds that if North Korea somehow got a hair up its butt and invaded South Korea again, the result would not be unlike 1991.

North Korea pushes to fire its 1st military spy satellite​

It wasn't working hard enough?
You gotta ask yourself what the fuk the isolated N.K. regime has to gain with a freaking spy satellite? Sumthin ain't right.

North Korea says its first spy satellite launch ends in failure, crashes into sea​

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  • The rocket, with a mounted satellite, was launched at 6:27 a.m. local time.
  • South Korea’s military said that they are in the process of recovering what could be wreckage from the purported “space launch vehicle.”
  • Japan, U.S., and South Korea condemned North Korea’s launch and emphasized that it was a violation of a United Nations security council resolution.
A man watches a television screen showing a news broadcast with file footage of North Korea's leader Kim Jong Un, at the Seoul Railway Station in Seoul on May 31, 2023.

A man watches a television screen showing a news broadcast with file footage of North Korea’s leader Kim Jong Un, at the Seoul Railway Station in Seoul on May 31, 2023.
Jung Yeon-je | Afp | Getty Images
North Korea’s first attempt at launching a military spy satellite resulted in failure on Wednesday, with South Korea’s military picking up wreckage after the carrier rocket crashed into its western waters.
North Korea’s state media agency, the Korean Central News Agency, said that an “accident” occurred during the launch of a military reconnaissance satellite.

“The carrier rocket ‘Chollima-1’ fell to the West Sea of Korea after losing thrust due to the abnormal starting of the second-stage engine after the separation of the first stage during the normal flight,” it said on the English language version of its website.
The rocket, with a mounted satellite, was launched at 6:27 a.m. local time as it previously announced.
North Korea’s state media added that the failed launch was due to “low reliability and stability of the new-type engine system applied” to the carrier rocket and the “unstable character of the fuel used.”
South Korean officials added that they are in the process of recovering “what could be the wreckages from the purported ‘space launch vehicle’ fired by North Korea.”
South Korea salvaged what is seen to be objects that fell off from purported 's North Korea's space launch vehicle on Wednesday, May 31, 2023.

South Korea salvaged what is seen to be objects that fell off from purported ’s North Korea’s space launch vehicle on Wednesday, May 31, 2023.
Source: South Korean defense ministry
South Korea salvaged what is seen to be objects that fell off from purported 's North Korea's space launch vehicle on Wednesday, May 31, 2023.

South Korea salvaged what is seen to be objects that fell off from purported ’s North Korea’s space launch vehicle on Wednesday, May 31, 2023.
Source: South Korean defense ministry
South Korea, Japan and the U.S. condemned North Korea’s Wednesday morning launch and emphasized that it was a violation of a United Nations security council resolution.

The U.S.’s National Security Council said in a statement: “The door has not closed on diplomacy but Pyongyang must immediately cease its provocative actions and instead choose engagement.”
“The United States will take all necessary measures to ensure the security of the American homeland and the defense of our Republic of Korea and Japanese allies,” it added.

Second launch ahead​

North Korea state media added that it will make a second attempt “as soon as possible” after looking into the “serious defects” from Wednesday’s launch.
Officials in South Korea and Japan also acknowledged the possibility of an imminent launch from Pyongyang.
“North Korea has consistently shown its intention to strengthen its nuclear and missile capabilities, and we believe there is a possibility that it will continue to launch various types of missiles, conduct nuclear tests, and engage in other provocations in the future,” Japan’s chief cabinet secretary Hirokazu Matsuno told reporters in a briefing.
North Korea's failed satellite launch sent Seoul into 'panic mode'

North Korea’s failed satellite launch sent Seoul into ‘panic mode’

South Korea’s presidential office also said that its National Security Council convened a meeting following North Korea’s launch.
“The NSC members decided to continuously monitor North Korea’s possible additional launch and maintained cooperation with allies and friendly nations,” South Korea’s NSC said.

if you'd ask me, i'd say that spy satellites are unacceptable.
and that perhaps we should be fighting to secure North-Korea *and* Taiwan *and* Ukraine and the far-eastern European countries by somehow overthrowing the governments of Russia and China.
stick all them commies in a re-education camp for *them*, towards responsible democratic governing and life as a businessman or worker.
if that takes a WW2 kind of effort, well, now is certainly the time. you got a generation of pups that grew up mostly smoke free, ready for gun-slinging.
and the robots are nearly ready too :
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or maybe we could just kick and shout eachother into the new age. the 2nd industrial revolution (AI, Robots, and all that that will bring along with fusion power and etc etc etc).
diplomatically and stylishly for the kids in our own populaces.

that's probably a better option than a (semi-)conventional WW3 lasting several decades (like the Cold War and War on Terror did).
South Korea to conduct satellite launch as North Korea pushes to fire its 1st military spy satellite


Remote : Wed, 24 May 2023 01:36:42 EDT
Local : 2023-05-24(Wednesday) 07 : 36 : 42
Found via

heads up..

this is important, because once the Chinese have "secured" the South China Sea for themselves, and the North-Koreans that peninsula "of theirs", *all* of our democratic asian countries (The Philipines, South-Korea, Taiwan, Japan) will be under constant threat of invasion and take over, or at least serve as underdogs in the region from there on.
even Australia would be threatened.
stick all them commies in a re-education camp for *them*, towards responsible democratic governing and life as a businessman or worker.

and the robots are nearly ready too :

Sure, let us know when you're ready to volunteer to do that.

Oh, and that video is fake.
Not really.

Hell, North Korea does not even need satellites, they have Google Earth for that. And one can pay any number of private companies for satellite imagery in almost real time.

Not sure what that would have to do with anything, to be honest. In fact, I would actually give odds that if North Korea somehow got a hair up its butt and invaded South Korea again, the result would not be unlike 1991.
'Rocket Man" likes rockets.
i'm a businessman and a digital artist, not a prison guard.

Got it, you are a coward and want to send others to do thing you yourself will not do.

Needless to say, I have a lot of disdain for armchair warriors that appear to hold the military in as much contempt as you do.

and those videos (plural!) are anything but fake.


Yes, and the video the same people made showing exactly how they did it are fake, right?

Some kinds of stupid just can't be addressed.
Got it, you are a coward and want to send others to do thing you yourself will not do.

Needless to say, I have a lot of disdain for armchair warriors that appear to hold the military in as much contempt as you do.


Yes, and the video the same people made showing exactly how they did it are fake, right?

Some kinds of stupid just can't be addressed.

typical slandering of whistleblowers like myself, who unlike you do have guts & brains.
typical slandering of whistleblowers like myself, who unlike you do have guts & brains.

Uh-huh, more whistling in the dark.

Yet, you want to see wars started, but do not have the intestinal fortitude to serve yourself. Because being a "digital artist" is so important.

One that can not even recognize a CGI robot. Excuse me while I laugh as that really makes your claims outrageous.
Uh-huh, more whistling in the dark.

Yet, you want to see wars started, but do not have the intestinal fortitude to serve yourself. Because being a "digital artist" is so important.

i didn't actually want to see any wars started, i was being frustrated and sarcastic.
i retracted that statement in the post that followed about 2 hours later.

and yes, i serve. i serve myself. i don't go serving some NWO masterplot to take over the world.
let the dumbasses do that.

One that can not even recognize a CGI robot. Excuse me while I laugh as that really makes your claims outrageous.
and you can't recognize a disinfo plausible deniability campaign when you see it.
CGI is shot with a green sheet behind it, and actors wearing little white dots all over their bodies.
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i serve. i serve myself.

That I fully believe. As I said, selfish.

CGI is shot with a green sheet behind it, and actors wearing little white dots all over their bodies.

And you claim you are a graphics artist, yet you do not know how CGI graphics work?

You know, the more you say things the more I realize that you really do not have a clue what you are saying. CGI does not require either chromakey, nor does it require reference markers. And now I am laughing my arse off, as somebody who claims to be a professional in graphics apparently knows nothing about how the technology actually works. The dots are not even required for MOCAP, but it is easier that way.

You really are just flailing all over the place here, ain't ya?
That I fully believe. As I said, selfish.

if i was truly selfish, i wouldn't be here trying to show some light to you people.

And you claim you are a graphics artist, yet you do not know how CGI graphics work?

yeah, i "merely" do full stack web development.
far prettier web-development than anything the major tech companies came up with.

You know, the more you say things the more I realize that you really do not have a clue what you are saying. CGI does not require either chromakey, nor does it require reference markers. And now I am laughing my arse off, as somebody who claims to be a professional in graphics apparently knows nothing about how the technology actually works. The dots are not even required for MOCAP, but it is easier that way.

You really are just flailing all over the place here, ain't ya?
nope, i still think that what you've shown in that video you linked is a disinfo campaign.
nope, i still think that what you've shown in that video you linked is a disinfo campaign.

Right. Made by the exact same people that made that video in the first place.

You really are dense. And not only can you not tell fantasy from reality, you actively reject the reality in order to believe your fantasy.
Right. Made by the exact same people that made that video in the first place.

You really are dense. And not only can you not tell fantasy from reality, you actively reject the reality in order to believe your fantasy.
look as soon as i had found out about those videos in that playlist that i linked in this thread, i also started mailing that link around to people at the and the CIA and on fb and here on this forum (in earlier threads).

so it's entirely plausible (i'm not saying it's a certainty) that the VFX video is fake and that the robots do already exist.
we see robots doing parkour, soccer, and interacting with people at shows. you might wanna keep that in mind, as well as the fact that such more public displays of new tech always lag miles behind what the military is up to.
look as soon as i had found out about those videos in that playlist that i linked in this thread, i also started mailing that link around to people at the and the CIA and on fb and here on this forum (in earlier threads).

Yep, completely delusional and can't tell reality from fantasy.

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