North Korea obtains US South Korea war plans


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Hackers from North Korea are reported to have stolen a large cache of military documents from South Korea, including a plan to assassinate North Korea’s leader Kim Jong-un. Rhee Cheol-hee, a South Korean lawmaker, said the information was from his country’s defense ministry. The compromised documents include wartime contingency plans drawn up by the US and South Korea. They also include reports to the allies’ senior commanders. The South Korean defense ministry has so far refused to..........
North Korea Obtains US-South Korea War Plans | End Time Headlines

Well isn't that special , can't wait to see what comes of this one. Some leftist politcal moron will probably hand over ours blame Trump and say we were hacked . Democrats like to pull that bs.
Granny says, "Dat's right - Trump liable to whomp `em both...

North Korea on verge of 'catastrophe' at nuclear site - China warns Kim to STOP tests
Mon, Oct 30, 2017 | NORTH Korea has been warned not to detonate another hydrogen bomb at its nuclear test site or risk a huge catastrophe for both Kim's hermit state and China.
Scientists from Beijing believe the Punggye-ri nuclear facility is unstable and that just one more explosion could blow the top off of Mount Mantap, beneath which all six of North Korea's nuclear tests thave been conducted. That could lead to the mountain collapsing, causing radioactive waste to escape and blow aross the border into China just 50 miles away. Researchers from the Chinese Academy of Sciences’ Institute of Geology and Geophysics warned Pyongyang delegates of the risk during a briefing in Beijing soon after North Korea's last nuclear test on September 3, according ot the South China Morning Post.


China has urged Kim Jong Un not to test anymore nuclear weapons at Punggye-ri​

Tellingly, the meeting occured two days before North Korean Foreign Minister Ri Yong-ho told reporters at the United Nations Assembly in New York Pyongyang was considering conducting a hydrogen bomb test over the Pacific Ocean. Zhai Mingguo, a senior Chinese geologist who organised the September 20 briefing, told the newspaper: “This is a big, sophisticated problem requiring multiple, systematic approaches. "Our meeting is only a part of the efforts.” The North Korea delegation was reportedly led by Lee Doh-sik, director of the Geological Research Institute at the State Academy of Sciences. Another Chinese professor said the scientist was "a top geologist" but was not involved in the country's nuclear development programme.


North Korea conducted its sixth nuclear weapons test in September​

Kim Han-kwon, a professor at the Korea National Diplomatic Academy in Seoul said: “North Korea has been walking a diplomatic tightrope by taking advantage of strategic mistrust between China and Russia, but it has not been easy as Beijing has sternly responded to its nuclear and missile provocations. North Korea has not engaged in any missile or nuclear provocations since mid-September. Last week it was revealed Pyongyang had written an open letter to Australian MPs asking them not to support US President Donald Trump, a move Canberra politcians showed the tough economic sanctions were working.

North Korea on verge of 'catastrophe' at nuclear site - China warns Kim to STOP tests
No.Korea backs off from giving up nukes...

Now North Korea Says It’s Not Interested in Talks That Will ‘Force Us to Give Up Nukes’
May 16, 2018 | A day after North Korea hinted that next month’s summit between Kim Jong-un and President Trump could be in jeopardy, a senior official in Pyongyang said the regime is “not interested” in nuclear talks where it comes under pressure to “unilaterally” abandon its nuclear weapons.
In comments released through the official KCNA news agency, Vice Foreign Minister Kim Kye Gwan said the regime was not interested in talks that are an attempt “to push us unilaterally into a corner and force us to give up nukes.” Kim Kye Gwan served as North Korea’s nuclear negotiator during the ultimately ill-fated “six-party talks” a decade ago. In his comments Wednesday, he also criticized U.S. officials – National Security Advisor John Bolton in particular – who have suggested that a North Korea denuclearization push should follow the “Libya model.” It was preposterous, he said, to compare a country whose nuclear weapons program was in the initial stages – Muammar Gaddafi’s Libya in 2003 – with North Korea, which already possesses a nuclear arsenal.

Kim Kye Gwan also alluded to the fate of Gaddafi, as well as that of Saddam Hussein, referring to “sinister moves to impose on our dignified state the destiny of Libya or Iraq which had been collapsed due to yielding of their countries to big powers.” And he said North Korea does not hide its “feeling of repugnance” towards Bolton. The diatribe from Pyongyang comes a day after the regime abruptly canceled scheduled North-South talks, and suggested that the Kim-Trump meeting – scheduled for June 12 in Singapore – could be at risk too. In that statement, KCNA lashed out at joint U.S.-South Korean air drills now underway, calling them a “deliberate military provocation” that went against the trend of an improving situation on the Korean peninsula.

It said the drills, known as “Max Thunder” were a rehearsal for invasion of North Korea, and that it was calling off Wednesday’s talks in the face of the “mad-cap North-targeted war and confrontation racket.” The U.S. “have to think twice about the fate" of the Kim-Trump summit, KCNA said. Kim ‘understands’ joint military exercises must continue The wargames cited by the regime have been conducted, twice a year, for the past decade – beginning three years before Kim succeeded his late father.

Described by Pacific Air Forces as the largest flying exercise held on the Korean peninsula, its aim is to increase the interoperability of the different aircraft used by the U.S. and South Korean air forces, “enabling the two allies to be battle-ready.” State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert recalled that Kim Jong Un is himself reported to have expressed understanding for the ongoing U.S.-South Korea military maneuvers. “What we have to go on is what Kim Jong-un had said before – that he understands and appreciates the importance to the United States of having these joint exercises,” she told a briefing. On the day that the plan for a Kim-Trump summit was first made public, on March 8, South Korean national security advisor Chung Eui-yong briefed Trump at the White House about his mission to Pyongyang several days earlier.


See also:

Pompeo: ‘America's Interest Here is Preventing the Risk that NK Will Launch a Nuclear Weapon Into LA’
May 14, 2018 | Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said on Fox News yesterday that the ultimate purpose of the deal the President Donald Trump wants to strike with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un is to ensure that North Korea gives up the capability of being able to strike the United States with a nuclear weapon.
Pompeo also indicated that the U.S. is ready to assure the North Korean regime that the U.S. will not threaten its continued existence if it agrees to this. “But make no mistake about it: America's interest here is preventing the risk that North Korea will launch a nuclear weapon into L.A. or Denver or into the very place we're sitting here this morning,” Pompeo said in an interview with Chris Wallace. Trump is set to meet with Kim in Singapore on June 12:

Here is the excerpt from Pompeo’s interview on Fox where he explains what Trump is trying to achieve in his meeting with Kim:

Wallace: “And as part of that, are we, in effect, saying to Kim: If you give us what we want, you can stay on in power?”

Pompeo: “We will have to provide security assurances to be sure. This has been a tradeoff that has been pending for 25 years. No president has ever put America in a position where the North Korean leadership thought that this was truly possible, that the Americans would actually do this, would lead to the place where America was no longer held at risk by the North Korean regime. That's the objectives. When I said earlier this week that I think Chairman Kim shares the objectives with the American people, I am convinced of that. Now, the task is for President Trump and he to meet to validate the process by which this would go forward, to set out those markers so that we can negotiate this outcome.”

Wallace: “Do you have any problem, given Kim's history and the history of his family as an oppressive regime, any problems with the idea of the U.S., even if we get our deal, in effect, giving a security guarantee to the Kim regime?”

Pompeo: “Look, we'll have to see how the negotiations proceed, but make no mistake about it: America's interest here is preventing the risk that North Korea will launch a nuclear weapon into LA or Denver or into the very place we're sitting here this morning, Chris. That's our objective, that's the end state the president has laid out, and that's the mission that he sent me on this past week to put us on the trajectory to go achieve that.”

Pompeo: ‘America's Interest Here is Preventing the Risk that NK Will Launch a Nuclear Weapon Into LA’
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