North Korea looks at America


liberal / progressive
Jun 4, 2007
Propaganda but interesting prop. What parts did they get right? Watch it.

Narcissistic parasites who do nothing but talk about themselves and shop. Talentless narcissists, consumerism, reality TV...

I only watched this part of their review of America. What do you think?

[ame=]North Korean film exposes Western propaganda - Part 9 of 10 - YouTube[/ame]
I think we should outsource our Progressives to North Korea in a crate labeled "food stuffs", it's the only way they'll accept delivery
Frank, can any of you stay on topic? Get out of your corporate controlled head and listen then report back a real thought. thanks.
Propaganda but interesting prop. What parts did they get right? Watch it.

Narcissistic parasites who do nothing but talk about themselves and shop. Talentless narcissists, consumerism, reality TV...

I only watched this part of their review of America. What do you think?

North Korean film exposes Western propaganda - Part 9 of 10 - YouTube

I believe that here is a great deal missing in the mind of anyone who hates America so very much that he would use the propaganda of the 'prison-camp' nation as a cudgel.

Do you have any idea what happens to people in North Korea?

Do you know about the people who sell their daughter to China for rice?
About the cannibalism reported to take place?

There were jokes, at one time, along the lines of "Hitler was a great painter....two coats in an afternoon."

But to someone like you....that would be a documentary.

I know you idolize Jim Wallis and his communist ilk....but I always thought it was philosophical....
....I see now that what you can excuse is actual.
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...I know you idolize Jim Wallis and his communist ilk....but I always thought it was philosophical....
....I see know that what you can excuse is actual.

OMG another thoughtless reply. Did you watch the video? You people are so locked up in your ideological hatred you sound like a North Korean - a braindead North Korean. Try once in your hatred of a real Christian, Wallis to listen, and see the difference, or is that too hard for you? Comparing him to them shows how really stupid you can be.
North Korea is a Progressive mecca where millions are starving.

Again, what rational person would care what they think?
...I know you idolize Jim Wallis and his communist ilk....but I always thought it was philosophical....
....I see know that what you can excuse is actual.

OMG another thoughtless reply. Did you watch the video? You people are so locked up in your ideological hatred you sound like a North Korean - a braindead North Korean. Try once in your hatred of a real Christian, Wallis to listen, and see the difference, or is that too hard for you? Comparing him to them shows how really stupid you can be.

"...try once in your hatred of a real Christian..."

" really stupid you can be."

1. Of course, Wallis supported global Marxist revolutionary ‘liberation’ movements. “I don’t know how else to express the quiet emotion that rushed through me when the news reports showed that the United States had finally been defeated in Vietnam.” Why the Left Is Not Right

a. “everal Sojourners editorials attempted to exculpate the Khmer Rouge of the charges of genocide, instead shifting blame squarely onto the United States.” Progressivism/Marxism/Communism Through Faith: Jim Wallis (Sojourners), the Gamaliel Foundation etc. « Romanticpoet's Weblog

b. “Wallis—the old Students for a Democratic Society agitator who touted the Vietcong in the 1970s and the Sandinistas in the 1980s, who denounced welfare reform in the 1990s as a betrayal of the poor, and whose funding by George Soros was exposed last year—enlist Catholic bishops and mainstream evangelicals in his endless political campaigns?... Jim Wallis furiously condemned as a “great national sin” President Clinton’s 1996 welfare reform agreement with Republicans….Last year, World magazine reported that Soros’s philanthropy had funded Wallis with $325,000 during 2004-2007. “Jim Wallis | The Weekly Standard

c. Writing in the November 1983 issue of Sojourners, Jacob Laksin notes, “Jim Wallis and Jim Rice drafted what would become the charter of leftist activists committed to the proliferation of communist revolutions in Central America” (Laksin, “Sojourners: History, Activities and Agendas” in, 2005).

2. Last year Jim Wallis encountered a barrage of criticism when WORLD reported that his religious left organization, Sojourners, took $325,000 from the world's most notorious billionaire, pro-abortion atheist George Soros .
Wallis confirmed that Soros' Open Society Foundation has just given Sojourners $150,000 more.

a. Interesting that in 2005, Wallis attempted to paint a picture of the Religious Right being funded by ‘right-wingers:’
“I know of no connections to those liberal funds (the Tides Foundation, etc.) and groups that are as direct as the Religious Right’s ties to right-wing funders.” Beck, Balfe, “Cowards,” p. 165.

3. Olasky says he "buried the lead" by reporting the OSI funding further down in his column, but he stands by his story. "George Soros, one of the leading billionaire leftists—he has financed groups promoting abortion, atheism, same-sex marriage, and gargantuan government—bankrolled Sojourners with a $200,000 grant in 2004," Olasky wrote in his original column. "Since then Sojourners has received at least two more grants from Soros organizations. Sojourners revenues have more than tripled—from $1,601,171 in 2001–2002 to $5,283,650 in 2008–2009—as secular leftists have learned to use the religious left to elect Obama and others." Wallis Apologizes to Olasky after Sojourners Fund... | Christianity Today

BTW.....I'm a South Korean by birth.
But clearly more of a Christian and far more of an American than you are.
Who in their right mind gives a single fuck what the North Korean think about us?

That is why you remain a fool. If this was from a right wing talking head you'd love it and PC too.

Your OP was "North Korea looks at America"

Did someone hack your account to make you look like an asshole?

Why would I check a video in an OP with that title?

Just be grateful she didn't link to Amazon or some left wing bullshit 'research' that she hasn't bothered to actually interrogate. :lol:
North Korea looks at America.

From the back porch? Is there a Korean Sarah Palin on the horizon?

That's funny, right there. I don't care who you are!
(even if it was Tina Fey that said it)

I'm just glad this thread wasn't about looking at us as real estate, like another China.
Frank, can any of you stay on topic? Get out of your corporate controlled head and listen then report back a real thought. thanks.

Not possibly for the ultra right wing trash. They only know how to troll.
Propaganda but interesting prop. What parts did they get right? Watch it.

Narcissistic parasites who do nothing but talk about themselves and shop. Talentless narcissists, consumerism, reality TV...

I only watched this part of their review of America. What do you think?
"America has it's problems so it's just like N. Korea. Or worse".

LOL is the North Korean propaganda machine the modern Tocqueville? Or is the corporate propaganda machine too powerful a counter argument against self knowledge in America today? All that is necessary today is to label another a communist, a Marxist, a socialist, a freeloader, and thought becomes unnecessary. It used to be you were possessed, a witch, satan, or a heretic and categorization explained and labeled the other with the obvious outcomes. Next came you were a Jew, a ****, a ******, a Catholic, any immigrant nationality, or even today, a Muslim. Again the obvious outcomes. Simple categories represent a substitution for thought and thus I call those who use these simple categorizations stupid. Stupid has this wonderful non-specific quality. Seems fair to me. I have to stop using wingnuts! :lol: Nah, that too is nicely non-specific.

One thing I think everyone misses in their propaganda, is that while their intent is to present a negative picture of America, in there is another picture of a land in which personal freedom, even if often bizarre, is allowed. And material well being is somewhat evident. Prop often contains enough of a picture for some to arrive at another point of view. Propaganda doesn't start at zero, it starts at a place where hopefully the intelligent reader see another side. Read PC's propaganda as an example, but then since we are free nation, check out Wallis's site and his work. PC would fit well in North Korea given her dislike of American values of justice and fiarness. Communism as a growth industry died long ago.

[ame=]Rev. Jim Wallis On MSNBC's Morning Joe: Circle of Protection, Standing With Those In Need - YouTube[/ame]
Yeah, like I'm gonna take anything that comes out of N. Korea seriously.

Here's a bit about Korean soccer:

From ESPN:

“Kim Jong-Su, the general secretary of the North Korean FA, has said the Dear Leader gave ‘in-depth guidance’ on how to develop the game in the country and the coach himself has claimed he received regular tactical advice during matches, apparently using mobile phones that are not visible to the naked eye.”

Jong-Il, a man of many talents, is said to have developed the technology himself. Before you laugh in disbelief, remember this is the man who scored 38 under par in his first-ever game of golf — with five holes in one — making him the greatest golfer of all-time. He’s got skills.

No word yet whether North Korea also has an invisible vuvuzela in the works.

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