North Dakota "Reeling" according to Rove ad.


The Big Bad Wolf.
Oct 4, 2010
New York City
Why this man..who lied to the FBI, still runs wild on the political beyond me.

The latest television ad attacking Democratic incumbent Rep. Earl Pomeroy “would be funny if it weren’t so disturbing,” Pomeroy spokesman Brenden Timpe said today.

By now, commercial breaks are already flooded with ads about Pomeroy and Republican challenger Rick Berg as the state’s tight U.S. House race comes to an end. But this ad stands out — mostly because it claims North Dakota has a “reeling” economy.

Crossroads GPS, the Washington, D.C., group behind the ad, began airing its criticism of Pomeroy on Wednesday and plans to continue running the ad on North Dakota stations through Election Day.

Berg spokesman Tom Nelson said the claim of a “reeling” economy doesn’t add up to what Berg himself has been touting on the campaign trail.

“I’ve been traveling with a guy all summer who said North Dakota’s economy is the envy of the nation,” he said.
New TV ad attacks Pomeroy ? for North Dakota?s ?reeling? economy? | Grand Forks Herald | Grand Forks, North Dakota
AG subsidies mostly make ND do well.
That and the very limited number of people dumb enough to live there.

cold enough to freeze the brass balls off of a well digging witch.
What Obama policy has made North Dakota's economy "the enevy of the nation" and why the hell doesn't it work in the other 49 states?

$300 billion in tax cuts that were included with the Stimulus package..helped.

And is helping with the other states.

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