North Carolina bans "Banned Books Week" and then unbans it following publicity

You miss the point of libraries. They are places where you have access to books that you might not normally buy. Where you can broaden your mind.
People on low or no incomes are able to read books they might not usually bother with.
They should not be handicapped by people who struggle to read in the first place.
Book bans in public libraries are a direct assault on your first amendment rights.

No library stocks every single book that has ever been written.

And there are enough books in any public library for any poor people to read in order to educate themselves on literally any subject.

In fact I bet no poor person could read every book in a public library in their lifetime.

We are talking about children's books here not books that broaden the mind
And anyone can read those books outside of a school or public library therefore they are not banned they are merely not stocked in some libraries.
Banned as noted.
Do you really think your middle school library or public library stocks every book that's ever been printed?
See above.
And why do you idiots
think government run institutions are the only place you can get a fucking book?
See above.
Banned as noted.

See above.


See above.
If anyone can read a book the book is not banned.

If there are no legal consequences of reading a book it is not banned.

If you can buy a book it is not banned.

You're whining that you can't get a book for free from the fucking government. It's not the responsibility of the government to get books for you.

Tell me what library stocks every single book that has ever been written?

Its a bad look trying to restrict free speech and when sunlight is applied the state quickly backed down.
I think this quote from an American hero sums it up besst.

“The choice of what to read must be left to the reader or, in the case of children, to parents. That choice does not belong to self-appointed book police,” Caldwell-Stone said.

I wouldnt want right wing crazy evangelists telling me what my kids could read or what was best for them. No normal parent would accept that.

Its a shame that large swathes of America are now subject to the diktats of interfering lunatics who want to shape education and knowledge in their own moronic image.

Its great that north Carolina is fighting back.

No one is restricting free speech......stopping leftists from putting kiddie porn in our school and public libraries is not banning can get all the kiddie porn you want on amazon, and even have it delivered to your house.

Its a bad look trying to restrict free speech and when sunlight is applied the state quickly backed down.
I think this quote from an American hero sums it up besst.

“The choice of what to read must be left to the reader or, in the case of children, to parents. That choice does not belong to self-appointed book police,” Caldwell-Stone said.

I wouldnt want right wing crazy evangelists telling me what my kids could read or what was best for them. No normal parent would accept that.

Its a shame that large swathes of America are now subject to the diktats of interfering lunatics who want to shape education and knowledge in their own moronic image.

Its great that north Carolina is fighting back.

Any parent can order any book from any bookstore including Amazon...if a parent wants to expose their young child to oral sex with adults, they can get the books you are defending just about in any bookstore....
If anyone can read a book the book is not banned.
If there are no legal consequences of reading a book it is not banned.
See above.
If you can buy a book it is not banned.
You're whining that you can't get a book for free from the fucking government. It's not the responsibility of the government to get books for you.
Tell me what library stocks every single book that has ever been written?

And here's a thought:

Stop attacking free speech and demanding book bans, and it won't be an issue. :)
^ Delusional nonsense.

See above.

You guys....passionately defending child porn in public and school you actually understand what you are doing, or are you just repeating the last talking point given out by the democrats?
Any parent can order any book from any bookstore including Amazon...if a parent wants to expose their young child to oral sex with adults, they can get the books you are defending just about in any bookstore....
Or y'all can just stop obsessing over your delusional homophobic fantasies, and respect free speech rather than exhausting everyone with your endless efforts to Talibanize our constitutional republic. :)
Or y'all can just stop obsessing over your delusional homophobic fantasies, and respect free speech rather than exhausting everyone with your endless efforts to Talibanize our constitutional republic. :)

Defending kiddie porn? Why are you so invested in children learning about oral sex from books you leftists are putting in the school libraries......?
You guys....passionately defending child porn in public and school you actually understand what you are doing, or are you just repeating the last talking point given out by the democrats?
You guys...

...driven by Talibanic delusion.

Do you actually understand that, or are you too homophobically obsessed to stop yourselves or care?
You guys...

...driven by Talibanic delusion.

Do you actually understand that, or are you too homophobically obsessed to stop yourselves or care?

You guys are the ones defending books that show young children engaging in oral sex with adults....and fighting tooth and nail to keep those books accessible to small children in our schools and public libraries...and you think it is clever accusing us of being homophobic?

You really are stupid.
You guys are the ones defending books that show young children engaging in oral sex with adults....
^ Delusion.
and fighting tooth and nail to keep those books accessible to small children in our schools and public libraries...
See above.
and you think it is clever accusing us of being homophobic?
Truthful, not clever.
You really are stupid.
I don't know if you're stupid, but y'all definitely have some serious issues. :(
Or y'all can just stop obsessing over your delusional homophobic fantasies, and respect free speech rather than exhausting everyone with your endless efforts to Talibanize our constitutional republic. :)
Maybe we should just put Hustler and Big Butt Bitches in elementary schools too, you gross fuck.
Maybe we should just put Hustler and Big Butt Bitches in elementary schools
Is this what you wish to do?

This would be bizarre and unprecedented, and I think ill-advised.

In addition to the Bible you mean?

As you may know, the Bible glorifies child rape, torture and murder, so definitely not appropriate for under 12s.
you gross fuck.
I don't think you're a gross fuck so much as incredibly triggered, enraged, delusional and gullible.

I hope you get the help you need. :)
Is this what you wish to do?

This would be bizarre and unprecedented, and I think ill-advised.


In addition to the Bible you mean?

As you may know, the Bible glorifies child rape, torture and murder, so definitely not appropriate for under 12s.

I don't think you're a gross fuck so much as incredibly triggered, enraged, delusional and gullible.

I hope you get the help you need. :)
Well, I think you are a gross fuck because you somehow, through some sort of malfunction, harbor the delusion that children should have access to material on gay blow jobs and ass sex. It is just … EWWWW! You are a sick fuck.
There are no banned books in this country.

How many times do you idiot foreigners have to be told this?

Any of those books not stocked in a library of a government run school are readily available for anyone who wants to read them from other sources.

Why don't you go protest your king because in the UK the government actually bans books and you can get arrested and serve time if you read the "wrong " books

In the latest chapter in the book-banning movement, an Idaho sheriff has obtained two books that were checked out of a public library and he says he won’t return them because he thinks they are obscene.

Idaho Sheriff Wonât Return Library Books He Thinks Are Obscene