North and South Korea Out of the News


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

With everything else going on, little or no attention is being paid to what is going on in the Koreas. I’ve read where both sides are working hard to clear the DMZ of mines – a truly major act.

Then, there is this:

Two Koreas, U.N. forces agree to remove weapons at border @ Two Koreas, U.N. forces agree to remove weapons at border | One America News Network

The neighbors are looking to withdraw 11 guard posts within a 1-km (0.6-mile) radius of the Military Demarcation Line on their border by the end of the year.

They also plan to pull out all firearms from a Joint Security Area (JSA) at Panmunjom and cut to 35 each the numbers of personnel stationed there and share information on surveillance equipment.
Because the lowering of tensions and beginning stages of reconciliation between the two Korea's can be directly linked to Pres. Trump's diplomacy and negotiation efforts.

The lame-stream media has basically decided to ignore the Hermit Kingdom's positive progress and focus on other hate Trump news stories. ... :cuckoo:
2 Koreas to destroy 22 front-line guard posts by November

SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — The North and South Korean militaries agreed Friday to completely destroy 22 front-line guard posts by the end of November as they discussed their next steps in implementing a wide-ranging military agreement signed last month to reduce tensions.

They also agreed to conduct a joint survey early next month of a 70-kilometer (43-mile) -long waterway near their western border where civilian vessels from both countries eventually will be allowed to pass freely, according to a statement released after the general-level talks at the border village of Panmunjom.

2 Koreas to destroy 22 front-line guard posts by November
Seemed like only months ago when hysterical people thought Trumps tough rhetoric was going to start a nuclear war on the peninsula.

Good news just doesn't make the news.

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