Norquist needs to move to Somalia


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!
[Norquist] raised an issue we get all the time which is, ‘Well there’s nothing stopping you guys from paying higher taxes, just send a check to the government!’ And this to me is frankly an absurd position; I don’t consider it to be a very serious argument. Government is not a charity and we can’t rely on voluntary contributions from people to support the things that government does. And I also said to him, ‘Look would you be willing to sign a pledge where you’re willing to forgo all the benefits that government provides? Are you willing to sign a pledge that says you don’t want the U.S. military to protect you? That you will refuse to contact the police if somebody steals from you? That you will refuse to contact the fire department if your house is on fire? Because that’s the equivalent! Why should you get a free ride? Why should you benefit from my willingness to support the government? Let’s do it together.’ And he said, ‘If I don’t have to pay any taxes for it, I would forgo all those things!’ To which my response was, ‘Well there’s an easy way to do that, move to Somalia!’ And his argument was, ‘Somalia doesn’t suffer from too little government, it suffers from too much government.’ I don’t even begin to understand what that means, but again there’s only so much you can go into in these conversations.

And take all his supporters with him. Truly.

Yes. I am completely serious.
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Readers Write: Grover Norquist is an extremist; federal spending is the problem (not the answer) -

Good journalism doesn’t have the slightest obligation to give equal time to extreme ideas. It is one thing to provide sufficient context for understanding the ideas and events. It is quite another to serve as a ventriloquist for irrational and inflammatory rants, even if they are differentiated from “tamer” arguments.

People have well and truly had it with the status quo.
Well of course the gov't couldn't survive being a charity! Based on the current "services" they provide who would want to give to them? :lol:
[Norquist] raised an issue we get all the time which is, ‘Well there’s nothing stopping you guys from paying higher taxes, just send a check to the government!’ And this to me is frankly an absurd position; I don’t consider it to be a very serious argument. Government is not a charity and we can’t rely on voluntary contributions from people to support the things that government does. And I also said to him, ‘Look would you be willing to sign a pledge where you’re willing to forgo all the benefits that government provides? Are you willing to sign a pledge that says you don’t want the U.S. military to protect you? That you will refuse to contact the police if somebody steals from you? That you will refuse to contact the fire department if your house is on fire? Because that’s the equivalent! Why should you get a free ride? Why should you benefit from my willingness to support the government? Let’s do it together.’ And he said, ‘If I don’t have to pay any taxes for it, I would forgo all those things!’ To which my response was, ‘Well there’s an easy way to do that, move to Somalia!’ And his argument was, ‘Somalia doesn’t suffer from too little government, it suffers from too much government.’ I don’t even begin to understand what that means, but again there’s only so much you can go into in these conversations.

And take all his supporters with him. Truly.

Yes. I am completely serious.

Patriotic Millionaires To Grover Norquist: 'Move To Somalia'

I'm not saying I would pop Norquist in the grill if he said this to me in a face-to-face debate; Just saying it would take all my effort not to.

Obnoxious, snide little fuck he is.
Readers Write: Grover Norquist is an extremist; federal spending is the problem (not the answer) -

Good journalism doesn’t have the slightest obligation to give equal time to extreme ideas. It is one thing to provide sufficient context for understanding the ideas and events. It is quite another to serve as a ventriloquist for irrational and inflammatory rants, even if they are differentiated from “tamer” arguments.

People have well and truly had it with the status quo.

So the media should never have published your "move to Somalia" idiocy? I agree 100%.
[Norquist] raised an issue we get all the time which is, ‘Well there’s nothing stopping you guys from paying higher taxes, just send a check to the government!’ And this to me is frankly an absurd position; I don’t consider it to be a very serious argument. Government is not a charity and we can’t rely on voluntary contributions from people to support the things that government does. And I also said to him, ‘Look would you be willing to sign a pledge where you’re willing to forgo all the benefits that government provides? Are you willing to sign a pledge that says you don’t want the U.S. military to protect you? That you will refuse to contact the police if somebody steals from you? That you will refuse to contact the fire department if your house is on fire? Because that’s the equivalent! Why should you get a free ride? Why should you benefit from my willingness to support the government? Let’s do it together.’ And he said, ‘If I don’t have to pay any taxes for it, I would forgo all those things!’ To which my response was, ‘Well there’s an easy way to do that, move to Somalia!’ And his argument was, ‘Somalia doesn’t suffer from too little government, it suffers from too much government.’ I don’t even begin to understand what that means, but again there’s only so much you can go into in these conversations.

And take all his supporters with him. Truly.

Yes. I am completely serious.

Patriotic Millionaires To Grover Norquist: 'Move To Somalia'

Quite frankly..yes.

Or buy themselves an island.

Islands for Sale, Private Islands, Luxury Real Estate

I'm honesty so sick of the "small government" types. Small governments are for small countries.
I think we should raise taxes only on Norquist. He should be walking up and down the street wearing a barrel over his barrel-like bod.

People should throw tomatoes at him and laugh.

The little pig should be made to suffer like he is attempting to make hard working Americans suffer.
I think we should raise taxes only on Norquist. He should be walking up and down the street wearing a barrel over his barrel-like bod.

People should throw tomatoes at him and laugh.

The little pig should be made to suffer like he is attempting to make hard working Americans suffer.

He's an anti-american prick. He wants to drown the constitution in a bathtub.

Fuck him.
I think we should raise taxes only on Norquist. He should be walking up and down the street wearing a barrel over his barrel-like bod.

People should throw tomatoes at him and laugh.

The little pig should be made to suffer like he is attempting to make hard working Americans suffer.

He's an anti-american prick. He wants to drown the constitution in a bathtub.

Fuck him.

I agree. I saw him on 60 minutes acting like he was the king of congress. We need to get some of these assholes on a public stage in debate. Not raising taxes is quite a bland stance. Let's hear what else this moron has in mind.
I think we should raise taxes only on Norquist. He should be walking up and down the street wearing a barrel over his barrel-like bod.

People should throw tomatoes at him and laugh.

The little pig should be made to suffer like he is attempting to make hard working Americans suffer.

He's an anti-american prick. He wants to drown the constitution in a bathtub.

Fuck him.

I agree. I saw him on 60 minutes acting like he was the king of congress. We need to get some of these assholes on a public stage in debate. Not raising taxes is quite a bland stance. Let's hear what else this moron has in mind.

Bland? It's insane. I never once heard Norquist come out against going to Iraq..because it was to expensive. I never heard him say, "Hey...don't do the missile defense thing, we can't pay for it." I never heard him say, "Hey..close up some bases overseas..they are to expensive". All I hear him say is that government is to big..and needs to be drowned in a bathtub. And that government is derived from the Constitution.

He's a dangerous and radical zealot bent on destroying the republic by bankrupting it.
I think we should raise taxes only on Norquist. He should be walking up and down the street wearing a barrel over his barrel-like bod.

People should throw tomatoes at him and laugh.

The little pig should be made to suffer like he is attempting to make hard working Americans suffer.

He's an anti-american prick. He wants to drown the constitution in a bathtub.

Fuck him.
How does he want to drown the Constitution?

“I think government, up to a certain point, advances human liberty. Police, a judicial system and an army to prevent people from stealing stuff out of your car, out of your house, knocking you on your head or the Canadians coming over and invading the country,” he said. “Those are actually mentioned in the Constitution and in the history of our country as legitimate things for our government to do and they make us freer, not less free. I am for limited government that does a limited number of things competently.”

Looks like Norquist is a real bad guy for saying that, so un-American.

And, for saying he doesn't want highER taxes.

So, how is he against the Constitution? I'm trying to understand the venom I see for this guy.
I think we should raise taxes only on Norquist. He should be walking up and down the street wearing a barrel over his barrel-like bod.

People should throw tomatoes at him and laugh.

The little pig should be made to suffer like he is attempting to make hard working Americans suffer.

He's an anti-american prick. He wants to drown the constitution in a bathtub.

Fuck him.
How does he want to drown the Constitution?

“I think government, up to a certain point, advances human liberty. Police, a judicial system and an army to prevent people from stealing stuff out of your car, out of your house, knocking you on your head or the Canadians coming over and invading the country,” he said. “Those are actually mentioned in the Constitution and in the history of our country as legitimate things for our government to do and they make us freer, not less free. I am for limited government that does a limited number of things competently.”

Looks like Norquist is a real bad guy for saying that, so un-American.

And, for saying he doesn't want highER taxes.

So, how is he against the Constitution? I'm trying to understand the venom I see for this guy.

You might want to watch his act on 60-minutes before defending him. GN is little different than then the quintessential former general who by coup and violence hijacks a republic and a legislature to do his bidding. Failure to toe the line set by such despots results in the death or imprisonment of law makers.
He's an anti-american prick. He wants to drown the constitution in a bathtub.

Fuck him.
How does he want to drown the Constitution?

“I think government, up to a certain point, advances human liberty. Police, a judicial system and an army to prevent people from stealing stuff out of your car, out of your house, knocking you on your head or the Canadians coming over and invading the country,” he said. “Those are actually mentioned in the Constitution and in the history of our country as legitimate things for our government to do and they make us freer, not less free. I am for limited government that does a limited number of things competently.”

Looks like Norquist is a real bad guy for saying that, so un-American.

And, for saying he doesn't want highER taxes.

So, how is he against the Constitution? I'm trying to understand the venom I see for this guy.

You might want to watch his act on 60-minutes before defending him. GN is little different than then the quintessential former general who by coup and violence hijacks a republic and a legislature to do his bidding. Failure to toe the line set by such despots results in the death or imprisonment of law makers.
I don't watch 60 Minutes because I have something else to do during that time.

I have not seen anything about him that justifies such venom for him. Did someone tell folks that he is a bad guy? Or, what is it that makes him a bad guy?

It's an honest question and I'm looking for an answer.
I don't watch 60 Minutes because I have something else to do during that time.

I have not seen anything about him that justifies such venom for him. Did someone tell folks that he is a bad guy? Or, what is it that makes him a bad guy?

It's an honest question and I'm looking for an answer.

I would suggest, si, that if you don't understand it, you haven't been looking at what he's done. Grover has gotten every republican candidate for office over the past 20 years or so to sign a pledge saying that they will never raise taxes. they have been afraid NOT to sign that pledge because Grover controls huge amounts of corporate and other money to destroy candidates if they don't sign it. he interprets that pledge as saying they won't even close tax loopholes. so... now, any of those people who have signed the pledge try to fix what's happening to this country and DO try to close loopholes, he puts huge amounts of money into defeating them. he won't say where his money comes from. he won't say who is funding him.

grover is a lobbyist who is, in reality, the most powerful man in the country.

it should offend you to your core.

but this article talking about the 60 minutes segment should help.


and if you want to watch, you can find the whole segment on 60 minutes' site.

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