Nord Stream Pipeline Explosion

So..............since you can't find anything about Biden wanting to blow it up, you deflect to Obama saying something about Biden. Nice non sequitur.

From Biden's own mouth..

Pres. Biden: "If Russia invades...then there will be no longer a Nord Stream 2. We will bring an end to it."

Reporter: "But how will you do that, exactly, since...the project is in Germany's control?"

Biden: "I promise you, we will be able to do that." Biden, German chancellor present united front amid tensions with Russia over Ukraine
ABC News (@ABC)
February 7, 2022
You posted after this guy did.
Both of them are late cause I posted about it this morning

Both of them are late cause I posted about it this morning

Your post was in current events not breaking news but, you are correct, you were first. Tell Moonie, he's having a hissy fit. LOL
From Biden's own mouth..
If it makes you feel better Hunter will be in the underground shelter with Joe when the Russians launch their ICBMs. Schumer and McConnel will be watching reruns of Love Boat in the underground recreation room while you and your kids starve in the Nuclear winter if you escape the fireball.

o_O Do you even begin to comprehend just how fucking dumb you are??? Why would Putin blow up his leverage over the EU??? You are literally industrial scale fucking stupid, folks you cannot engage with morons such as the above, so do not, I believe it was Mark Twain who said that all the evidence in the world will not convince the stupid, and above is truly industrial scale stupid! :auiqs.jpg:
So on the surface it sounds like an outlandish claim that our president would be behind blowing up a pipeline. I don't want to believe it.
But the world seems to have become such a crazy place, and Biden and his team have displayed such poor judgement and incompetence, I can't say it isn't possible.
Still, I don't want this to be true.
So on the surface it sounds like an outlandish claim that our president would be behind blowing up a pipeline. I don't want to believe it.
But the world seems to have become such a crazy place, and Biden and his team have displayed such poor judgement and incompetence, I can't say it isn't possible.
Still, I don't want this to be true.
They've been saying since January that one way or another they would shut Nord 2 down. When someone tells you who they are believe them especially with plenty of evidence you've seen yourself
Nord stream AG: Three strands of the Nord Stream gas pipeline system have been damaged Nord Stream AG: it is not yet possible to estimate when the gas transportation infrastructure will be restored Russian gas supplies via Nord Stream have been completely halted.
Danish Energy Agency puts the energy sector on orange alert, the second highest level, amid the multiple Nord Stream gas leaks.
BT: The Danish Energy Agency says that people should stay far away from the Nord Stream gas leaks: "It's life-threatening"

— Danish Newspaper Berlingske says that Danish Royal Air Force F-16s aircrafts spotted that the the sea was "bubbling" over the southeast of Bornholm island Professor Simon Pedersen "There is a risk of an massive explosion at the leak area"

German goverment "Our imagination no longer yields a scenario that is not a targeted attack." Such a suspected attack has to be carried out with special forces, for example, navy divers, or a submarine, according to the German government's assessment.
Leak hapenned on a "very strange place",miraculously ended up in international waters...Near and around Denmark, but not inside.

There is an unprecedented situation on the Nord Stream that requires investigation, the situation affects the energy security of an entire continent -Kremlin
The Kremlin does not exclude the possibility that a diversion occurred on the Nord Stream and Nord Stream-2 gas pipelines Now it is impossible to exclude any option until the conclusions of experts have appeared,- Dmitry Peskov stressed.

Sweden has limited the altitude of flights over the "Nord Stream" The Swedish Maritime Administration-"Appropriate warnings were sent to everyone," Recommended that the aircraft fly at an altitude of at least 1000 meters in connection with the emergency on the Nord Stream.
Danish prime minister Mette Frederiksen suspects the leaks in the Nord Stream pipelines may be caused by sabotage. "It is hard to imagine that it is accidental. We cannot rule out sabotage, but it is too early to conclude,"
Polish Prime-Minister Morawiecki: Today we faced an act of sabotage, we don't know all the details of what happened, but we see clearly that it's an act of sabotage, related to the next step of escalation of the situation in Ukraine,"

Bloomberg: Germany suspects damage to Nord Stream pipeline is the result of sabotage.
The German government does not rule out that the reason for the pressure drop in the Nord Stream pipelines could be a deliberate sabotage, the purpose of which was to create uncertainty in the European gas markets, the Spiegel newspaper reported, citing its own source.

It all comets together as we say all the time...Wall Street doesn't like long-term gas contracts between Russia end EU countires so it can make money with speculations with gas prices, because with long-term contracts there could be no price speculations...That is the main reason

November 14, 2018 17:39
Washington has once again promised to stop the Russian gas transportation project Nord Stream-2. US Ambassador to the EU Gordon Sondland said on November 13 that his country has the means to slow down the construction of the pipeline. The Ambassador explained this position with concern for the Europeans themselves and their security.

"When Europeans are vulnerable, the United States also becomes vulnerable. We don't want the gas to turn off in winter because of the crisis. If the EU does not understand this logic, then the US president can use many other tools that we have at our disposal, I will not list them now to stop this project," Sondland said.

The ambassador did not specify which instruments he was talking about, but added that there were many of them and that the United States had not used all of them yet, but could do so in the future.

However, it may not be necessary to resort to extreme measures, since, according to the diplomat, "more and more Europeans believe that dependence on Russian gas will be the wrong decision."

Who benefits from cutting off gas flow to Western Europe, especially Sweden? The answer is RUSSIA. It puts more pressure on countries supporting Ukraine AND punishes Sweden for joining NATO. Russia also has the means. It has long had submarines and mini-subs designed for underwater sabotage.

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