Nope, GOPers aren't talking impeachment. Uhuh...


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2013
deep within the statistical brain!!
Republican amnesty game plan missing in action

There have always been two main arguments against impeachment even among those who support it in principle – first, that it is not practical because it would never succeed in the Democrat-controlled U.S. Senate, and secondly that, well, you just can’t impeach the first black president no matter what he has done. But given the likely new political circumstances post-Nov. 4, both of those arguments have lost their power.

In the first place, impeachment is no longer “impractical.” In fact, it is the only practical means of stopping the president from undertaking unconstitutional actions. Lawsuits won’t work because even if you win in court after a two-year long appeal process, the Supreme Court’s decision would be moot: The amnesty could not be undone. Everyone understands this.

If Republicans capture the majority in the U.S. Senate as now appears almost certain, the 2015 Congress is a new ballgame. If the House were to bring impeachment charges based on not only the amnesty but several other unconstitutional actions, do Democratic senators want to run for re-election in 2016 on a platform that starts with apologizing for Obama’s unconstitutional behavior?

Here’s the key question: Is Obama so popular now that Democrats in 2015 and 2016 will fall on their swords to defend him? Do Senate Democrats want a vote against impeachment to be the defining issue in their 2016 campaigns, while also defending the influx of millions of additional illegal aliens across our unguarded borders?

The Obama presidency is self-destructing. All that is needed to neutralize his planned amnesty and other unconstitutional actions is Republican courage to follow the Constitution and impeach the man.

Tom (Nuke Mecca) Tancredo was a GOP presidential candidate in 2008. He lost a gubernatorial bid as a Constitution Party candidate in 2010 when Republican Dan Maes completely imploded down to 10%. He also lost a primary bid in this year.

In short, Tom Tancredo, a racist, bigot, homophobe, and loser in general, is a GOPer.

So yeah, no GOPers are talking about "impeachment". Uhuh.

Fun times ahead.
I'm not sure I can take anything WND has to offer, seriously. And, I still can't fathom people so heartless that they would deport young people who have lived here all their life, brought here not of their own volition and being sent to a place where they have never lived and may not have anyone they even know living there. How cruel is that?
Republican amnesty game plan missing in action

There have always been two main arguments against impeachment even among those who support it in principle – first, that it is not practical because it would never succeed in the Democrat-controlled U.S. Senate, and secondly that, well, you just can’t impeach the first black president no matter what he has done. But given the likely new political circumstances post-Nov. 4, both of those arguments have lost their power.

In the first place, impeachment is no longer “impractical.” In fact, it is the only practical means of stopping the president from undertaking unconstitutional actions. Lawsuits won’t work because even if you win in court after a two-year long appeal process, the Supreme Court’s decision would be moot: The amnesty could not be undone. Everyone understands this.

If Republicans capture the majority in the U.S. Senate as now appears almost certain, the 2015 Congress is a new ballgame. If the House were to bring impeachment charges based on not only the amnesty but several other unconstitutional actions, do Democratic senators want to run for re-election in 2016 on a platform that starts with apologizing for Obama’s unconstitutional behavior?

Here’s the key question: Is Obama so popular now that Democrats in 2015 and 2016 will fall on their swords to defend him? Do Senate Democrats want a vote against impeachment to be the defining issue in their 2016 campaigns, while also defending the influx of millions of additional illegal aliens across our unguarded borders?

The Obama presidency is self-destructing. All that is needed to neutralize his planned amnesty and other unconstitutional actions is Republican courage to follow the Constitution and impeach the man.

Tom (Nuke Mecca) Tancredo was a GOP presidential candidate in 2008. He lost a gubernatorial bid as a Constitution Party candidate in 2010 when Republican Dan Maes completely imploded down to 10%. He also lost a primary bid in this year.

In short, Tom Tancredo, a racist, bigot, homophobe, and loser in general, is a GOPer.

So yeah, no GOPers are talking about "impeachment". Uhuh.

Fun times ahead.
Tom Tancredo is not teh GOP.
Wow, that's really really stupid even for an ignorant knuckle dragging cocksucking dolt like you.
A new low!
Republicans need to do whatever is necessary to stop this bastard from dumping another 34 million freeloaders on us when our economy is already teetering. Fucking asshole!
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Republican amnesty game plan missing in action

There have always been two main arguments against impeachment even among those who support it in principle – first, that it is not practical because it would never succeed in the Democrat-controlled U.S. Senate, and secondly that, well, you just can’t impeach the first black president no matter what he has done. But given the likely new political circumstances post-Nov. 4, both of those arguments have lost their power.

In the first place, impeachment is no longer “impractical.” In fact, it is the only practical means of stopping the president from undertaking unconstitutional actions. Lawsuits won’t work because even if you win in court after a two-year long appeal process, the Supreme Court’s decision would be moot: The amnesty could not be undone. Everyone understands this.

If Republicans capture the majority in the U.S. Senate as now appears almost certain, the 2015 Congress is a new ballgame. If the House were to bring impeachment charges based on not only the amnesty but several other unconstitutional actions, do Democratic senators want to run for re-election in 2016 on a platform that starts with apologizing for Obama’s unconstitutional behavior?

Here’s the key question: Is Obama so popular now that Democrats in 2015 and 2016 will fall on their swords to defend him? Do Senate Democrats want a vote against impeachment to be the defining issue in their 2016 campaigns, while also defending the influx of millions of additional illegal aliens across our unguarded borders?

The Obama presidency is self-destructing. All that is needed to neutralize his planned amnesty and other unconstitutional actions is Republican courage to follow the Constitution and impeach the man.

Tom (Nuke Mecca) Tancredo was a GOP presidential candidate in 2008. He lost a gubernatorial bid as a Constitution Party candidate in 2010 when Republican Dan Maes completely imploded down to 10%. He also lost a primary bid in this year.

In short, Tom Tancredo, a racist, bigot, homophobe, and loser in general, is a GOPer.

So yeah, no GOPers are talking about "impeachment". Uhuh.

Fun times ahead.
I'm not sure I can take anything WND has to offer, seriously. And, I still can't fathom people so heartless that they would deport young people who have lived here all their life, brought here not of their own volition and being sent to a place where they have never lived and may not have anyone they even know living there. How cruel is that?
Republicans need to whatever is necessary to stop this bastard from dumping another 34 million freeloaders on us when are economy is already teetering. Fucking asshole!

They are already here....have been here all their life. You really are heartless.
Republican amnesty game plan missing in action

There have always been two main arguments against impeachment even among those who support it in principle – first, that it is not practical because it would never succeed in the Democrat-controlled U.S. Senate, and secondly that, well, you just can’t impeach the first black president no matter what he has done. But given the likely new political circumstances post-Nov. 4, both of those arguments have lost their power.

In the first place, impeachment is no longer “impractical.” In fact, it is the only practical means of stopping the president from undertaking unconstitutional actions. Lawsuits won’t work because even if you win in court after a two-year long appeal process, the Supreme Court’s decision would be moot: The amnesty could not be undone. Everyone understands this.

If Republicans capture the majority in the U.S. Senate as now appears almost certain, the 2015 Congress is a new ballgame. If the House were to bring impeachment charges based on not only the amnesty but several other unconstitutional actions, do Democratic senators want to run for re-election in 2016 on a platform that starts with apologizing for Obama’s unconstitutional behavior?

Here’s the key question: Is Obama so popular now that Democrats in 2015 and 2016 will fall on their swords to defend him? Do Senate Democrats want a vote against impeachment to be the defining issue in their 2016 campaigns, while also defending the influx of millions of additional illegal aliens across our unguarded borders?

The Obama presidency is self-destructing. All that is needed to neutralize his planned amnesty and other unconstitutional actions is Republican courage to follow the Constitution and impeach the man.

Tom (Nuke Mecca) Tancredo was a GOP presidential candidate in 2008. He lost a gubernatorial bid as a Constitution Party candidate in 2010 when Republican Dan Maes completely imploded down to 10%. He also lost a primary bid in this year.

In short, Tom Tancredo, a racist, bigot, homophobe, and loser in general, is a GOPer.

So yeah, no GOPers are talking about "impeachment". Uhuh.

Fun times ahead.
Tom Tacredo leader of the Republican party.... Who knew?:dunno:
And, I still can't fathom people so heartless that they would deport young people who have lived here all their life, brought here not of their own volition and being sent to a place where they have never lived and may not have anyone they even know living there. How cruel is that?

Really? So what of the American kids? Do they get shoved to the back of the line, then? American kids don't have to bear the burden of being the offspring of illegal immigrants. Yes, these Hispanic kids have lived here all of their lives, but the only way to teach them anything is to send them back home with their parents. Actions have consequences, breaking laws have consequences. Their parents knew they were breaking the law, they never once thought it would destroy the future of their child(ren).

I feel sorry for them, I really do. No, they shouldn't be punished for the actions of their parents. But knowing kids, they probably grew up watching their parents violate the sovereignty of another nation by breaking its laws , mainly the immigration ones. The only way you teach them a healthy respect for the law is to send them back where they came from. Hey, it isn't their fault, it's their parents'.
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To be fair, not even most members of the GOP take him very seriously.
Republican amnesty game plan missing in action

There have always been two main arguments against impeachment even among those who support it in principle – first, that it is not practical because it would never succeed in the Democrat-controlled U.S. Senate, and secondly that, well, you just can’t impeach the first black president no matter what he has done. But given the likely new political circumstances post-Nov. 4, both of those arguments have lost their power.

In the first place, impeachment is no longer “impractical.” In fact, it is the only practical means of stopping the president from undertaking unconstitutional actions. Lawsuits won’t work because even if you win in court after a two-year long appeal process, the Supreme Court’s decision would be moot: The amnesty could not be undone. Everyone understands this.

If Republicans capture the majority in the U.S. Senate as now appears almost certain, the 2015 Congress is a new ballgame. If the House were to bring impeachment charges based on not only the amnesty but several other unconstitutional actions, do Democratic senators want to run for re-election in 2016 on a platform that starts with apologizing for Obama’s unconstitutional behavior?

Here’s the key question: Is Obama so popular now that Democrats in 2015 and 2016 will fall on their swords to defend him? Do Senate Democrats want a vote against impeachment to be the defining issue in their 2016 campaigns, while also defending the influx of millions of additional illegal aliens across our unguarded borders?

The Obama presidency is self-destructing. All that is needed to neutralize his planned amnesty and other unconstitutional actions is Republican courage to follow the Constitution and impeach the man.

Tom (Nuke Mecca) Tancredo was a GOP presidential candidate in 2008. He lost a gubernatorial bid as a Constitution Party candidate in 2010 when Republican Dan Maes completely imploded down to 10%. He also lost a primary bid in this year.

In short, Tom Tancredo, a racist, bigot, homophobe, and loser in general, is a GOPer.

So yeah, no GOPers are talking about "impeachment". Uhuh.

Fun times ahead.
Tom Tancredo is not teh GOP.
Wow, that's really really stupid even for an ignorant knuckle dragging cocksucking dolt like you.
A new low!
Yes, by all means. call someone a 'cocksucking dolt' and then tell THEM that they've hit a new low.

No one will notice.
Republican amnesty game plan missing in action

There have always been two main arguments against impeachment even among those who support it in principle – first, that it is not practical because it would never succeed in the Democrat-controlled U.S. Senate, and secondly that, well, you just can’t impeach the first black president no matter what he has done. But given the likely new political circumstances post-Nov. 4, both of those arguments have lost their power.

In the first place, impeachment is no longer “impractical.” In fact, it is the only practical means of stopping the president from undertaking unconstitutional actions. Lawsuits won’t work because even if you win in court after a two-year long appeal process, the Supreme Court’s decision would be moot: The amnesty could not be undone. Everyone understands this.

If Republicans capture the majority in the U.S. Senate as now appears almost certain, the 2015 Congress is a new ballgame. If the House were to bring impeachment charges based on not only the amnesty but several other unconstitutional actions, do Democratic senators want to run for re-election in 2016 on a platform that starts with apologizing for Obama’s unconstitutional behavior?

Here’s the key question: Is Obama so popular now that Democrats in 2015 and 2016 will fall on their swords to defend him? Do Senate Democrats want a vote against impeachment to be the defining issue in their 2016 campaigns, while also defending the influx of millions of additional illegal aliens across our unguarded borders?

The Obama presidency is self-destructing. All that is needed to neutralize his planned amnesty and other unconstitutional actions is Republican courage to follow the Constitution and impeach the man.

Tom (Nuke Mecca) Tancredo was a GOP presidential candidate in 2008. He lost a gubernatorial bid as a Constitution Party candidate in 2010 when Republican Dan Maes completely imploded down to 10%. He also lost a primary bid in this year.

In short, Tom Tancredo, a racist, bigot, homophobe, and loser in general, is a GOPer.

So yeah, no GOPers are talking about "impeachment". Uhuh.

Fun times ahead.
Tom Tancredo is not teh GOP.
Wow, that's really really stupid even for an ignorant knuckle dragging cocksucking dolt like you.
A new low!
Yes, by all means. call someone a 'cocksucking dolt' and then tell THEM that they've hit a new low.

No one will notice.
I am sorry he is a cocksucking dolt. IT's just fact.
Republicans need to whatever is necessary to stop this bastard from dumping another 34 million freeloaders on us when are economy is already teetering. Fucking asshole!
"are" economy? :disbelief: :eusa_doh: Let me guess..... you're a :up: rw'er :eusa_eh:

As to the OP, Tancredo isn't a Democrat & gawd forbid they get something done by working w/ Democrats. :ack-1:
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Republican amnesty game plan missing in action

There have always been two main arguments against impeachment even among those who support it in principle – first, that it is not practical because it would never succeed in the Democrat-controlled U.S. Senate, and secondly that, well, you just can’t impeach the first black president no matter what he has done. But given the likely new political circumstances post-Nov. 4, both of those arguments have lost their power.

In the first place, impeachment is no longer “impractical.” In fact, it is the only practical means of stopping the president from undertaking unconstitutional actions. Lawsuits won’t work because even if you win in court after a two-year long appeal process, the Supreme Court’s decision would be moot: The amnesty could not be undone. Everyone understands this.

If Republicans capture the majority in the U.S. Senate as now appears almost certain, the 2015 Congress is a new ballgame. If the House were to bring impeachment charges based on not only the amnesty but several other unconstitutional actions, do Democratic senators want to run for re-election in 2016 on a platform that starts with apologizing for Obama’s unconstitutional behavior?

Here’s the key question: Is Obama so popular now that Democrats in 2015 and 2016 will fall on their swords to defend him? Do Senate Democrats want a vote against impeachment to be the defining issue in their 2016 campaigns, while also defending the influx of millions of additional illegal aliens across our unguarded borders?

The Obama presidency is self-destructing. All that is needed to neutralize his planned amnesty and other unconstitutional actions is Republican courage to follow the Constitution and impeach the man.

Tom (Nuke Mecca) Tancredo was a GOP presidential candidate in 2008. He lost a gubernatorial bid as a Constitution Party candidate in 2010 when Republican Dan Maes completely imploded down to 10%. He also lost a primary bid in this year.

In short, Tom Tancredo, a racist, bigot, homophobe, and loser in general, is a GOPer.

So yeah, no GOPers are talking about "impeachment". Uhuh.

Fun times ahead.
Tom Tacredo leader of the Republican party.... Who knew?:dunno:
I know, last time I looked no one else in the party took him very seriously when he was on his deport illegals crusade some years ago.
I for one gave him credit for trying though.
Republicans need to whatever is necessary to stop this bastard from dumping another 34 million freeloaders on us when are economy is already teetering. Fucking asshole!

They are already here....have been here all their life. You really are heartless.

You must not work, but if you do I suspect it's off the books and you're a Welfare cheat
Republican amnesty game plan missing in action

There have always been two main arguments against impeachment even among those who support it in principle – first, that it is not practical because it would never succeed in the Democrat-controlled U.S. Senate, and secondly that, well, you just can’t impeach the first black president no matter what he has done. But given the likely new political circumstances post-Nov. 4, both of those arguments have lost their power.

In the first place, impeachment is no longer “impractical.” In fact, it is the only practical means of stopping the president from undertaking unconstitutional actions. Lawsuits won’t work because even if you win in court after a two-year long appeal process, the Supreme Court’s decision would be moot: The amnesty could not be undone. Everyone understands this.

If Republicans capture the majority in the U.S. Senate as now appears almost certain, the 2015 Congress is a new ballgame. If the House were to bring impeachment charges based on not only the amnesty but several other unconstitutional actions, do Democratic senators want to run for re-election in 2016 on a platform that starts with apologizing for Obama’s unconstitutional behavior?

Here’s the key question: Is Obama so popular now that Democrats in 2015 and 2016 will fall on their swords to defend him? Do Senate Democrats want a vote against impeachment to be the defining issue in their 2016 campaigns, while also defending the influx of millions of additional illegal aliens across our unguarded borders?

The Obama presidency is self-destructing. All that is needed to neutralize his planned amnesty and other unconstitutional actions is Republican courage to follow the Constitution and impeach the man.

Tom (Nuke Mecca) Tancredo was a GOP presidential candidate in 2008. He lost a gubernatorial bid as a Constitution Party candidate in 2010 when Republican Dan Maes completely imploded down to 10%. He also lost a primary bid in this year.

In short, Tom Tancredo, a racist, bigot, homophobe, and loser in general, is a GOPer.

So yeah, no GOPers are talking about "impeachment". Uhuh.

Fun times ahead.
Tom Tacredo leader of the Republican party.... Who knew?:dunno:
Really a couple of years ago Rush Limbaugh was the leader at least according to the left. I wish the left would pick one faux party leader and stick with it.
Really a couple of years ago Rush Limbaugh was the leader at least according to the left. I wish the left would pick one faux party leader and stick with it.
that would explain why the then RNC Chair apologized to him for calling him an entertainer you dolt :thup: blackhawk

RNC Chief Apologizes for Ripping Rush Limbaugh Fox News

WASHINGTON -- Two days after calling Rush Limbaugh a mere "entertainer" with an "incendiary" talk show, Republican National Committee chairman Michael Steele apologized and acknowledged the radio commentator as a "national conservative leader."

Stop being a hack chickenhawk!!!
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Really a couple of years ago Rush Limbaugh was the leader at least according to the left. I wish the left would pick one faux party leader and stick with it.
that would explain why the then RNC Chair apologized to him for calling him an entertainer you dolt :thup: blackhawk

RNC Chief Apologizes for Ripping Rush Limbaugh Fox News

WASHINGTON -- Two days after calling Rush Limbaugh a mere "entertainer" with an "incendiary" talk show, Republican National Committee chairman Michael Steele apologized and acknowledged the radio commentator as a "national conservative leader."

Stop being a hack chickenhawk!!!
That was four years ago and it was Michael Steele not the current head of RNC moron good to see your up on current events.
Really a couple of years ago Rush Limbaugh was the leader at least according to the left. I wish the left would pick one faux party leader and stick with it.
that would explain why the then RNC Chair apologized to him for calling him an entertainer you dolt :thup: blackhawk

RNC Chief Apologizes for Ripping Rush Limbaugh Fox News

WASHINGTON -- Two days after calling Rush Limbaugh a mere "entertainer" with an "incendiary" talk show, Republican National Committee chairman Michael Steele apologized and acknowledged the radio commentator as a "national conservative leader."

Stop being a hack chickenhawk!!!
That was four years ago and it was not the current head of RNC moron good to see your up on current events.

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