No way will McConnell work with dems on healthcare - no matter what he says


Diamond Member
Mar 4, 2013
Dog House in back yard
Trump's out of town, so he's free to threaten Randian Paul, Lee and Cruz. And even if by some miracle of actually attempting to govern as a majority part, McConnell passed a bipartisan bill, it would die in the House unless Ryan brought up a bill that couldn't pass with just gop votes.

Republicans are starting to admit they may have to work with Democrats on healthcare

So markets in states will implode. And the gop will be left trying to blame Obama, who will have been out of office for at least 8 months, and Trump vowed to repeal Obamacare on day one.
Trump's out of town, so he's free to threaten Randian Paul, Lee and Cruz. And even if by some miracle of actually attempting to govern as a majority part, McConnell passed a bipartisan bill, it would die in the House unless Ryan brought up a bill that couldn't pass with just gop votes.

Republicans are starting to admit they may have to work with Democrats on healthcare

So markets in states will implode. And the gop will be left trying to blame Obama, who will have been out of office for at least 8 months, and Trump vowed to repeal Obamacare on day one.
The Emperor Has No Clothes

Pay particular attention to the caption in the last graphic in the opening post.

And note the date. :D
Yep and it's a self-inflicted gun shot. He promised "I'll make you're healthcare better and cheaper." And that's what the working class voted for when the jumped from the dems to him in the mid-west

I am mystified. And Ryan is saying he won't do townhalls because there will protests. LOL
We saw and heard Repuplican'ts for 8 straight years vote ghost votes to 'repeal' the ACA, knowing they couldn't. They spent 8 years telling the country they had a better plan and were ready to go on day one. Trump bragged how it would 'happen fast, so fast, better healthcare, so much cheaper, on day one'.

And now they have nothing and still want to blame Obama for THEM having nothing.

I have a hard time, what adult mind sees this and thinks Republicans are trustworthy? At all?

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