“No Trump, No Wall, No USA At All”


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Time To Officially Label Fascist, Self-Proclaimed Anarchist 'Antifa' A Terrorist Group And A 'Domestic Enemy'!

...and all the 'Hate-Speech-Condemning' Liberals should denounce and condemn Antifa now rather than continue to support them ... of course, Liberal Progressives hate this country, too, so it won't happen.

Antifa chants at Berkeley: "No Trump, no wall, no USA at all" - Hot Air

"It’s exceptionally stupid to proclaim yourself literally anti-American when some of your fellow travelers on the left are working hard to portray you as defending American values from the alt-right. But then, most radicals (Liberals) are exceptionally stupid.

The majority of liberal defenses of Antifa thus far are of the “anti-anti” rather than “pro” variety. You don’t see much in the “Antifa is great!” vein but you do see some in the “alt-right is awful, therefore Antifa blah blah” vein. But maybe that’s changing. “Heroic” sounds pretty pro to me:

  • If white supremacists are American terrorists then those willing to physically fight them are doing heroic work
— Touré (@Toure) August 28, 2017

Right, right, Toure’s just one guy, but when someone mainstream enough to have hosted a show on MSNBC is making apologies for Antifa head-cracking, that’s a hint that the movement has a foothold among garden-variety liberals."
I don't know who raised these misfits but whoever it was should be charged with child neglect.
I don't know who raised these misfits but whoever it was should be charged with child neglect.

Talking back and disrespecting your elders are the actions of unruly, undisciplined misfits / children.

The self-proclaimed U.S.-Hating Anarchists - who have used violence to break laws, physically criminally attack others, and to strip Americans of their Constitutional Rights - are not children or misfits. They are admitted seditious 'Enemies Of The State' and continue to attack the Constitution, our Democracy, and our National Security.

It is time to officially declare them to be 'Enemies of the State' and 'put them down' with 'extreme prejudice'.

The Liberals / Leftists / Democratic Party can condemn them publicly or demonstrate their support for them by remaining silent and ordering police to stand down so they can perpetrate their violence on others unhindered.
I can't imagine any parent being proud of this type of behavior. If they are there lies the problem
Hell, why not? Hitler did it and it was successful for him, so why no burn the Constitution like Hitler burned the Reichstag, and lock up all your enemies in concentration camps, and turn into a fascist state already.
Hell, why not? Hitler did it and it was successful for him, so why no burn the Constitution like Hitler burned the Reichstag, and lock up all your enemies in concentration camps, and turn into a fascist state already.

The mind of the F*ed Up Left never ceases to amaze me...

You admit Hitler did it, burned the Constitution...Obama spent 8 years violating both the Constitution and Rule of Law...the self-proclaimed America-hating Anarchist Antifa are chanting 'NO USA At All' while they illegally physically attack Americans in an attempt to strip them of their CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS...to SILENCE their opposition to the Liberal agenda / ideology...

...and you can still, somehow in your twisted, f*ed-up mind, claim that in this scenario it is the NON-'Self-Proclaimed America-Hating Fascist Anarchists calling for the elimination of the United States' who are the ones most like Hitler and the Nazis. You even admitted what Antifa is trying to do is EXACTLY WHAT HITLER / NAZIS DID...but in your mind antifa are the 'Good guys'.

THANK YOU - You can't get a better example of how f*ed up, hate-filled/driven, and anti-American brainwashed Leftist snowflakes are.
Hell, why not? Hitler did it and it was successful for him, so why no burn the Constitution like Hitler burned the Reichstag, and lock up all your enemies in concentration camps, and turn into a fascist state already.
Ah yes, the mandatory regressive nazi card, played early in an attempt to derail the entire thread in order the support antifa terrorists.

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