No Questions Allowed!


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
But, heck.....Democrat voters have already learned that.
They'd be severely punished if they ever questioned the orders of their masters.

Always remember….Rule #1: Every argument by the Left is a fabrication, misrepresentation, or bald-faced lie.

The latest case in point: blame Trump for thousands of deaths in Puerto Rico due to the hurricane....and Trump must be at fault!!!!

1.Washington (CNN) Nearly 3,000 people died in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico. President Donald Trump denied this reality as a hurricane barrels toward the Carolinas.

[Quoting President Trump:]
"3000 people did not die in the two hurricanes that hit Puerto Rico. When I left the Island, AFTER the storm had hit, they had anywhere from 6 to 18 deaths. As time went by it did not go up by much. Then, a long time later, they started to report really large numbers, like 3000," he said in a tweet Thursday morning as Carolinians prepared to be pummeled by Hurricane Florence.” Trump falsely claims nearly 3,000 Americans in Puerto Rico 'did not die' - CNNPolitics

The original reports of death amounted to double digits.....

Now.....with midterm elections on the horizon.....that number has ballooned!!!

2.(CNN) — Puerto Rico’s true death toll from Hurricane Maria remains elusive as the storm’s one-year anniversary approaches.
The island government raised the official death toll to 2,975 on Tuesday after maintaining for months that 64 people had died as a result of the storm.
But the higher figure, based on the findings of researchers from George Washington University in a study commissioned by the US commonwealth’s government, is only an approximation, not a concrete list of names, according to Gov. Ricardo Rossello.

“This number can change,” Rossello said. “It could be less, it could be more, as time passes.” How Puerto Rico’s death toll climbed from 64 to 2,975 in Hurricane Maria

Somehow....without on site reporting, these are the findings:

3.”Researchers at George Washington University’s Milken Institute School of Public Health, commissioned by Puerto Rico Gov. Ricardo Rosselló, in a report last month estimated there were 2,975 excess deaths in Puerto Rico from September 2017 through February 2018 stemming from last year’s hurricane. That far surpassed the original official count.

Puerto Rico’s government—led by a governor with the island’s pro-statehood party who is also a Democrat…” Trump Denies Heavy Death Toll in Puerto Rico From Hurricane Maria

“….only an approximation, not a concrete list of names,…”… list of the names of any beyond about 64…..

If you asked for the names of those who died at Pearl Harbor….you could get it.

Or at the Twin Towers, in NYC… prob.

But….then, the Left didn’t have to blame those on Trump.

Did I mention Rule #1: Every argument by the Left is a fabrication, misrepresentation, or bald-faced lie.
Trumps conspiracy theory was an insult to the dead
I read how they did that. They were attributing deaths to the Hurricane up to a year later, based on things such as poverty, and other nebulous factors. So President Trump called them on their Lying Bullshit.

The entire 'estimate' is theoretical. They cannot give you even a list of 200 names, let alone 3,000.

So truth is, it still is 64 dead total.
The Democrats/Liberals/Leftists have too much power....

....and prove Lord Acton's premise:

"Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely."
4. Sarcastically, the Washington Post writes, quoting Trump:

“Thousands did not die months after the hurricane hit, as the recovery stalled, as the island still struggled with contaminated water and unreliable power, with blocked roads and long doctors’ lines. These are just statistics, concocted for political reasons. Three thousand people did not die.” Opinion | ‘Three thousand people did not die’

Yet, that is exactly the methodology the study used…..any deaths, months after, for whatever reason, is attributed to the hurricane, and used against Trump’s correct statement about a far, far smaller number.

Is that how we enumerate the deaths caused by events?

Or, only when a Republican is President?

If we use the same methodology, Pearl Harbor deaths was not the 2,400 so described…..but rather the 70-80 million attributed to WWII,

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