No pressure: Trump says Jared will get peace in the Middle East


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
Wow, that's quite a promise to make, that your Jewish son-in-law is going to do what everyone else, including Henry Kissinger, has failed to do -- negotiate a permanent peace in the Middle East.
What does him being Jewish have anything to do with it? Your slip is showing again.
What does him being Jewish have anything to do with it? Your slip is showing again.
His being an observant Jew means that he understands the deep spiritual and cultural meaning that Israel and Jerusalem have to the Jewish faith and its people. So he's not going to ask the Israelis to give up something he knows they never will.
LOL Really stupid. The middle east is a vitriolic stew of opposing religious interests. No one is going to solve the the middle east except the people that live there.
What does him being Jewish have anything to do with it? Your slip is showing again.
His being an observant Jew means that he understands the deep spiritual and cultural meaning that Israel and Jerusalem have to the Jewish faith and its people. So he's not going to ask the Israelis to give up something he knows they never will.

You don't have to explain that to me. lol
The only way it gets solved is one side wins and one loses. The Palestinians lost a long time ago, when they joined their Arab brethren in trying to "throw the Jews into the sea" and failed. It's time the world let them face the consequences of their actions. The land has always been, and will always be, the religious, ancestral and cultural homeland of the Jews. The world needs to understand this simple fact.
I think Kissinger is largely responsible for the condition of the place today. It's filled with hardened veterans and warlords thanks to him.

Maybe Jared will take a different approach.
The person most responsible is Moshe Dayan. After winning the 67 war and recapturing Jerusalem, he wanted to show "tolerance" and let the Arabs maintain control of the Dome of Rock mosque, which in essence laid the foundation for the problems they are facing today. Even though he was a hero to his nation, this was a critical mistake. Had they maintained total control over the land that was won fair and square in a defensive war against five Arab nations, none of the shit we see today would be happening.
What does him being Jewish have anything to do with it? Your slip is showing again.
I mentioned Jared is Jewish because he is Jewish, and that's relevant to the discussion, since it involves Israel and Palestine.

The Palestinians know Jared is Jewish, so they're not going to believe he is a neutral in the discussion.

Do you believe a Jew can be truly neutral in a negotiation between Israel and Palestine?
What does him being Jewish have anything to do with it? Your slip is showing again.
I mentioned Jared is Jewish because he is Jewish, and that's relevant to the discussion, since it involves Israel and Palestine.

The Palestinians know Jared is Jewish, so they're not going to believe he is a neutral in the discussion.

Do you believe a Jew can be truly neutral in a negotiation between Israel and Palestine?

Of course I do. The fact that you don't believe a Jew a can be truly neutral when negotiating between Israel and Palestine speaks volumes about you.
What does him being Jewish have anything to do with it? Your slip is showing again.
I mentioned Jared is Jewish because he is Jewish, and that's relevant to the discussion, since it involves Israel and Palestine.

The Palestinians know Jared is Jewish, so they're not going to believe he is a neutral in the discussion.

Do you believe a Jew can be truly neutral in a negotiation between Israel and Palestine?

Of course I do. The fact that you don't believe a Jew a can be truly neutral when negotiating between Israel and Palestine speaks volumes about you.
Whatever, you are a Democrat so accusing me of being a racist is your default argument, you have nothing real or substantial to say. That's why your side lost so big in this election.
What does him being Jewish have anything to do with it? Your slip is showing again.
I mentioned Jared is Jewish because he is Jewish, and that's relevant to the discussion, since it involves Israel and Palestine.

The Palestinians know Jared is Jewish, so they're not going to believe he is a neutral in the discussion.

Do you believe a Jew can be truly neutral in a negotiation between Israel and Palestine?

Of course I do. The fact that you don't believe a Jew a can be truly neutral when negotiating between Israel and Palestine speaks volumes about you.
Whatever, you are a Democrat so accusing me of being a racist is your default argument, you have nothing real or substantial to say. That's why your side lost so big in this election.

The fact you have to continue to lie about shit is why I never take anything you have to say very seriously. Perhaps one day you'll familiarize yourself with Proverbs 12:22. Maybe you can pencil that lesson in between whining about D&D and browbeating Jews into converting to Christianity.
What does him being Jewish have anything to do with it? Your slip is showing again.
I mentioned Jared is Jewish because he is Jewish, and that's relevant to the discussion, since it involves Israel and Palestine.

The Palestinians know Jared is Jewish, so they're not going to believe he is a neutral in the discussion.

Do you believe a Jew can be truly neutral in a negotiation between Israel and Palestine?

Of course I do. The fact that you don't believe a Jew a can be truly neutral when negotiating between Israel and Palestine speaks volumes about you.
Whatever, you are a Democrat so accusing me of being a racist is your default argument, you have nothing real or substantial to say. That's why your side lost so big in this election.

The fact you have to continue to lie about shit is why I never take anything you have to say very seriously. Perhaps one day you'll familiarize yourself with Proverbs 12:22. Maybe you can pencil that lesson in between whining about D&D and browbeating Jews into converting to Christianity.
What have I lied about, pray tell?
What does him being Jewish have anything to do with it? Your slip is showing again.
I mentioned Jared is Jewish because he is Jewish, and that's relevant to the discussion, since it involves Israel and Palestine.

The Palestinians know Jared is Jewish, so they're not going to believe he is a neutral in the discussion.

Do you believe a Jew can be truly neutral in a negotiation between Israel and Palestine?

Of course I do. The fact that you don't believe a Jew a can be truly neutral when negotiating between Israel and Palestine speaks volumes about you.
Whatever, you are a Democrat so accusing me of being a racist is your default argument, you have nothing real or substantial to say. That's why your side lost so big in this election.

The fact you have to continue to lie about shit is why I never take anything you have to say very seriously. Perhaps one day you'll familiarize yourself with Proverbs 12:22. Maybe you can pencil that lesson in between whining about D&D and browbeating Jews into converting to Christianity.
What have I lied about, pray tell?

For starters: that I am a Democrat and that I support abortion; however, my personal favorite is that you stated you couldn't find cards with the word 'Christmas' in it as a result of the War on Christmas. You lie as effortlessly as I breath.
I mentioned Jared is Jewish because he is Jewish, and that's relevant to the discussion, since it involves Israel and Palestine.

The Palestinians know Jared is Jewish, so they're not going to believe he is a neutral in the discussion.

Do you believe a Jew can be truly neutral in a negotiation between Israel and Palestine?

Of course I do. The fact that you don't believe a Jew a can be truly neutral when negotiating between Israel and Palestine speaks volumes about you.
Whatever, you are a Democrat so accusing me of being a racist is your default argument, you have nothing real or substantial to say. That's why your side lost so big in this election.

The fact you have to continue to lie about shit is why I never take anything you have to say very seriously. Perhaps one day you'll familiarize yourself with Proverbs 12:22. Maybe you can pencil that lesson in between whining about D&D and browbeating Jews into converting to Christianity.
What have I lied about, pray tell?

For starters: that I am a Democrat and that I support abortion; however, my personal favorite is that you stated you couldn't find cards with the word 'Christmas' in it as a result of the War on Christmas. You lie as effortlessly as I breath.
I did not say I couldn't find Christmas cards that said "Merry Christmas", what actually happened is I read a news article quoting people saying they could not find a card that said "Merry Christmas". I did not actually try to buy Christmas cards that year, but I believe them because that's how bad things got before O'Reilly turned it around when he started fighting back on his TV show.

Your denial that there was a War on Christmas is itself a lie.

Also, when you say you are not a Democrat and not pro-abortion, that's fine, but you are opposed to me on almost every issue and I can't keep track of everything you believe in or your political affiliations. I don't keep a scorecard of the hundreds of people who post to this forum, and I don't have an eidetic memory either.

I do know you are an enthusiastic supporter of the LGBT agenda, and though you've said you're against the more brutal tactics of these people, I have never seen you speak out against them. For example, I have never seen you speaking out against Christian businesses being forced to participate in a same-sex weddings, and I have never seen you speaking out against the career destroying boycotts the LGBT have mounted against people who spoke out against same-sex marriage.

You can SAY you are against this form of fascism, but your lack of action indicates you really don't care that much when evil is done in your name.
did not say I couldn't find Christmas cards that said "Merry Christmas", what actually happened is I read a news article quoting people saying they could not find a card that said "Merry Christmas". I did not actually try to buy Christmas cards that year, but I believe them because that's how bad things got before O'Reilly turned it around when he started fighting back on his TV show.

Of course you believe them. Your incessant need to feel victimized is a hallmark of your posting here. Sure you could walk your simple ass down to any drug store and find scores of cards with the words 'Merry Christmas' in them, but why do that when feeling persecuted is so much easier.

I do know you are an enthusiastic supporter of the LGBT agenda, and though you've said you're against the more brutal tactics of these people, I have never seen you speak out against them. For example, I have never seen you speaking out against Christian businesses being forced to participate in a same-sex weddings, and I have never seen you speaking out against the career destroying boycotts the LGBT have mounted against people who spoke out against same-sex marriage.

Another bald-faced lie. I have stated on numerous occasions that people shouldn't be forced aganist their wishes to do business with anyone aganist their wishes. Perhaps you must have missed that while you were too busy trying to nail yourself to the cross.
did not say I couldn't find Christmas cards that said "Merry Christmas", what actually happened is I read a news article quoting people saying they could not find a card that said "Merry Christmas". I did not actually try to buy Christmas cards that year, but I believe them because that's how bad things got before O'Reilly turned it around when he started fighting back on his TV show.

Of course you believe them. Your incessant need to feel victimized is a hallmark of your posting here. Sure you could walk your simple ass down to any drug store and find scores of cards with the words 'Merry Christmas' in them, but why do that when feeling persecuted is so much easier.

I do know you are an enthusiastic supporter of the LGBT agenda, and though you've said you're against the more brutal tactics of these people, I have never seen you speak out against them. For example, I have never seen you speaking out against Christian businesses being forced to participate in a same-sex weddings, and I have never seen you speaking out against the career destroying boycotts the LGBT have mounted against people who spoke out against same-sex marriage.

Another bald-faced lie. I have stated on numerous occasions that people shouldn't be forced aganist their wishes to do business with anyone aganist their wishes. Perhaps you must have missed that while you were too busy trying to nail yourself to the cross.
It is obvious you hate me. Perhaps in condemning me, you condemn yourself.
did not say I couldn't find Christmas cards that said "Merry Christmas", what actually happened is I read a news article quoting people saying they could not find a card that said "Merry Christmas". I did not actually try to buy Christmas cards that year, but I believe them because that's how bad things got before O'Reilly turned it around when he started fighting back on his TV show.

Of course you believe them. Your incessant need to feel victimized is a hallmark of your posting here. Sure you could walk your simple ass down to any drug store and find scores of cards with the words 'Merry Christmas' in them, but why do that when feeling persecuted is so much easier.

I do know you are an enthusiastic supporter of the LGBT agenda, and though you've said you're against the more brutal tactics of these people, I have never seen you speak out against them. For example, I have never seen you speaking out against Christian businesses being forced to participate in a same-sex weddings, and I have never seen you speaking out against the career destroying boycotts the LGBT have mounted against people who spoke out against same-sex marriage.

Another bald-faced lie. I have stated on numerous occasions that people shouldn't be forced aganist their wishes to do business with anyone aganist their wishes. Perhaps you must have missed that while you were too busy trying to nail yourself to the cross.
It is obvious you hate me. Perhaps in condemning me, you condemn yourself.

Don't flatter yourself. I don't hate you; however, I do pity you. I truly hope one day you can overcome whatever events in your life that made you such an insufferable twat.
did not say I couldn't find Christmas cards that said "Merry Christmas", what actually happened is I read a news article quoting people saying they could not find a card that said "Merry Christmas". I did not actually try to buy Christmas cards that year, but I believe them because that's how bad things got before O'Reilly turned it around when he started fighting back on his TV show.

Of course you believe them. Your incessant need to feel victimized is a hallmark of your posting here. Sure you could walk your simple ass down to any drug store and find scores of cards with the words 'Merry Christmas' in them, but why do that when feeling persecuted is so much easier.

I do know you are an enthusiastic supporter of the LGBT agenda, and though you've said you're against the more brutal tactics of these people, I have never seen you speak out against them. For example, I have never seen you speaking out against Christian businesses being forced to participate in a same-sex weddings, and I have never seen you speaking out against the career destroying boycotts the LGBT have mounted against people who spoke out against same-sex marriage.

Another bald-faced lie. I have stated on numerous occasions that people shouldn't be forced aganist their wishes to do business with anyone aganist their wishes. Perhaps you must have missed that while you were too busy trying to nail yourself to the cross.
It is obvious you hate me. Perhaps in condemning me, you condemn yourself.

Don't flatter yourself. I don't hate you; however, I do pity you. I truly hope one day you can overcome whatever events in your life that made you such an insufferable twat.
That cuts it. Since you insist on making personal insults, and calling me a liar, I am no longer interesting in having discussions with you. It is obvious you are not interested in having a good faith debate. I am putting you on ignore. Goodbye.

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