No one believes the media anymore


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
We should boycott left-wing media let the left support them, just don't buy there news...
Why the Media’s Trump Lie Machine is Failing
No one believes the media anymore.
February 17, 2017
Daniel Greenfield

Every five minutes the many mouths of the media broadcast, type, post and shriek that President Donald J. Trump is a liar. After months of this treatment, more voters find him truthful than them.

49% of voters believe that Trump and his people are telling the truth. Only 39% believe that the media is.

The media’s war on President Trump isn’t hurting him. It is destroying the media’s own credibility.

After Trump’s win, the media came to the conclusion that its biased attacks on him had been too subtle and understated to connect with the “dumb” voters. So it decided to be far more overt about its smears.

The New York Times, which used to be the best at disguising its biases in the omnipotent voice of professional journalism, called President Trump a liar in its headlines. The media cheered this descent into naked partisanship by the paper of record. But it didn’t hurt Trump. It hurt the Times.

Headlines blasting President Trump as a “liar” are easy enough to find on the internet. The New York Times derives much of its influence from its appearance of serious professionalism. Calling Trump names made it hard to distinguish the New York Times from the Huffington Post.

The first time the New York Times called Trump a liar was during the election. Times editor Dean Baquet insisted that while Hillary Clinton might “obfuscate, exaggerate”, Trump was a liar. And when the Times printed lies about Trump, it too was no doubt merely obfuscating and exaggerating rather than lying.

The Times can’t call its own candidate who lied about landing “under sniper fire” in Bosnia, negotiating peace in Northern Ireland and being kept out of NASA and the Marine Corps by sexism, a liar. And yet it expects someone, anyone, to believe that calling Trump a liar is anything more than a partisan smear.

Before the first debate, the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, the Washington Post and Politico all ran stories accusing Trump of being a liar. The coordinated attack failed to accomplish anything at all.

“Our president is a pathological liar. Say it. Write it. Never become inured to it,” Times columnist Charles Blow ranted in January. By February, the Times was reduced to writing explainers to explain why its lies weren’t working. “Why Nobody Cares the President Is Lying.”

The public had become inured to a partisan attack from a partisan press.


A post-truth world rejects objectivity. The media imagines that its fact checks, which spin and editorialize shamelessly, put it on the side of truth. But truth is more than finding a factoid you can use to make a lie seem more plausible or a truth more unlikely. It’s intellectual honesty for its own sake.

The media believes that its left-wing goals are more important than objectivity or truth. But by abandoning the principles it claimed to live by, it destroyed its ability to achieve those goals.

Why the Media’s Trump Lie Machine is Failing
"No one believes the media any more" and then he links to ---- the media. :lol:

Ironic statement since The Media is what sold us Donald Rump. Or sold you I should say. So it would appear not only do the Gullibles indeed believe the media, they take it far too seriously.
"No one believes the media any more" and then he links to ---- the media. :lol:

LOL....the OP isn't the brightest bulb in the bunch, is he? I suspect he may even be borderline retarded, or at least dropped as a child. Might explain why all of his threads read like a fucking chimp playing on his caretakers laptop.
"No one believes the media any more" and then he links to ---- the media. :lol:

Ironic statement since The Media is what sold us Donald Rump. Or sold you I should say. So it would appear not only do the Gullibles indeed believe the media, they take it far too seriously.

What nonsense.

Trump met with the people - 20,000 - 50,000 at a time - told them what he was going to do. Hillary met with donors - 20-50 at a time and told them what they would get for their money.

Frankly, Trump supporters ignored the media, as proven by how wrong the pollsters got it.

Quit grasping at straws.
Clearly, the media has lost its objectivity. They make no pretense on injecting their personal position.

Give me the news - I will interpret it.

I don't need their opinion - I just need to have confidence that I'm getting the straight, unvarnished truth. I don't expect that, today, and haven't gotten that. So, I ignore them.
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"No one believes the media any more" and then he links to ---- the media. :lol:

LOL....the OP isn't the brightest bulb in the bunch, is he? I suspect he may even be borderline retarded, or at least dropped as a child. Might explain why all of his threads read like a fucking chimp playing on his caretakers laptop.

Does this mean you don't have anything to contribute to this discussion?

Does your petulant little attack mean you need some attention?
Granny says, "Dat's right...

... dey's vehement opposition against Trump...

... belies dey's bias...

... an' is highly suspicious as to dey's agenda."
"No one believes the media any more" and then he links to ---- the media. :lol:

Ironic statement since The Media is what sold us Donald Rump. Or sold you I should say. So it would appear not only do the Gullibles indeed believe the media, they take it far too seriously.

You know that Clinton and the MSM pushed for Donald Trump believing there was no way he could win the election?
We should boycott left-wing media let the left support them, just don't buy there news...
Why the Media’s Trump Lie Machine is Failing
No one believes the media anymore.
February 17, 2017
Daniel Greenfield

Every five minutes the many mouths of the media broadcast, type, post and shriek that President Donald J. Trump is a liar. After months of this treatment, more voters find him truthful than them.

49% of voters believe that Trump and his people are telling the truth. Only 39% believe that the media is.

The media’s war on President Trump isn’t hurting him. It is destroying the media’s own credibility.

After Trump’s win, the media came to the conclusion that its biased attacks on him had been too subtle and understated to connect with the “dumb” voters. So it decided to be far more overt about its smears.

The New York Times, which used to be the best at disguising its biases in the omnipotent voice of professional journalism, called President Trump a liar in its headlines. The media cheered this descent into naked partisanship by the paper of record. But it didn’t hurt Trump. It hurt the Times.

Headlines blasting President Trump as a “liar” are easy enough to find on the internet. The New York Times derives much of its influence from its appearance of serious professionalism. Calling Trump names made it hard to distinguish the New York Times from the Huffington Post.

The first time the New York Times called Trump a liar was during the election. Times editor Dean Baquet insisted that while Hillary Clinton might “obfuscate, exaggerate”, Trump was a liar. And when the Times printed lies about Trump, it too was no doubt merely obfuscating and exaggerating rather than lying.

The Times can’t call its own candidate who lied about landing “under sniper fire” in Bosnia, negotiating peace in Northern Ireland and being kept out of NASA and the Marine Corps by sexism, a liar. And yet it expects someone, anyone, to believe that calling Trump a liar is anything more than a partisan smear.

Before the first debate, the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, the Washington Post and Politico all ran stories accusing Trump of being a liar. The coordinated attack failed to accomplish anything at all.

“Our president is a pathological liar. Say it. Write it. Never become inured to it,” Times columnist Charles Blow ranted in January. By February, the Times was reduced to writing explainers to explain why its lies weren’t working. “Why Nobody Cares the President Is Lying.”

The public had become inured to a partisan attack from a partisan press.


A post-truth world rejects objectivity. The media imagines that its fact checks, which spin and editorialize shamelessly, put it on the side of truth. But truth is more than finding a factoid you can use to make a lie seem more plausible or a truth more unlikely. It’s intellectual honesty for its own sake.

The media believes that its left-wing goals are more important than objectivity or truth. But by abandoning the principles it claimed to live by, it destroyed its ability to achieve those goals.

Why the Media’s Trump Lie Machine is Failing
No one believes the media? Fake news.
Clearly, the media has lost its objectivity. They make no pretense on injecting their personal position.

Give me the news - I will interpret it.

I don't need their opinion - I just need to have confidence that I'm getting the straight, unvarnished truth. I don't expect that, today, and haven't gotten that. So, I ignore them.
Losing objectivity and lying are two different things. They can still be telling the truth, and usually are.
Clearly, the media has lost its objectivity. They make no pretense on injecting their personal position.

Give me the news - I will interpret it.

I don't need their opinion - I just need to have confidence that I'm getting the straight, unvarnished truth. I don't expect that, today, and haven't gotten that. So, I ignore them.
Losing objectivity and lying are two different things. They can still be telling the truth, and usually are.

I don't care ... I don't want their opinion. All I want is the facts!!

I don't need them tainted, I don't need them interpreted, I don't need them analyzed. All I want is the facts.
GCN (Global Consumer Network!)

Here's a guy who believes in the media (me, pictured below in the tie and vest), here to present a Shiva-Krishna mock dialogue about CNN/WikiLeaks-related brain-candy (or is it all gibberish?). I hope Trump is thought of at least with as much respect as the last celebrity President was (Ronald Reagan).


SHIVA: What do you think of CNN?
KRISHNA: They offer the best Election coverage in the USA.
SHIVA: True, but how will they fare with Trump Administration coverage?
KRISHNA: It should be OK, since CNN is not Hollywood.
SHIVA: Do you resent that America has elected another celebrity President (since Reagan)?
KRISHNA: No, Americans like people who embrace the spotlight.
SHIVA: I hate the spotlight, which is why I'm intrigued by the Internet.
KRISHNA: Facebook is a new 'spotlight' my friend.
SHIVA: Yeah maybe, but it's for pedestrianism not marketing.
KRISHNA: Exposure is the same as the bazaar in the new capitalism.
SHIVA: You're referring to the EU/NATO governed world?
KRISHNA: Yes, and how do you think Trump will lead such a world?
SHIVA: He's more 'politically-shrewd' than, say, Tom Cruise!
KRISHNA: Tom Cruise makes some pretty popular films.
SHIVA: Yes, I want to see The Mummy (2017).
KRISHNA: Does the media favor the pro-capitalism Trump?
SHIVA: It has to, and it will continue to do so, as long as Trump does not flounder with eco-issues.
KRISHNA: Eco-activism is huge now. Even Leo DiCaprio has an environmentalism foundation (and website!).
SHIVA: All of these 'developments' have ominously come hand-in-hand with the rise of ISIS.
KRISHNA: It won't be long until ISIS terrorism touches the Internet (i.e., hackers).
SHIVA: The NSA's cyber-division deals with that...
KRISHNA: I saw a photo on the Internet of a young man dressed in a vest and tie and talking about us.
SHIVA: Yes (his name is Ajay Satan), and I think he's trying to promote 'Trump-related capitalism optimism.'
KRISHNA: Satan's method is to use the 'fashion pulpit,' but I'm sure he knows about WikiLeaks.



As long as the media keeps proving trump is a serial liar, day after day and he continues to flip flop on promises made during the campaign, trump's approval rating will continue to drop. The recent PEW Research poll disputes the Rasmussen poll by 16 points, giving him an approval rating of just 39%. So, while the overall consensus of the media vs. trump may be almost even, the fact checking will have the greater effect.
As long as the media keeps proving trump is a serial liar, day after day and he continues to flip flop on promises made during the campaign, trump's approval rating will continue to drop. The recent PEW Research poll disputes the Rasmussen poll by 16 points, giving him an approval rating of just 39%. So, while the overall consensus of the media vs. trump may be almost even, the fact checking will have the greater effect.
Wishful thinking, my friend, wishful thinking.
Why should anyone trust them? Every day they repeatedly demonstrate how fake and dishonest they are.

It's the year 2017, we don't need to rely on the printing press anymore. The legacy media is dying, and in their last ditch attempt they are throwing everything and the kitchen sink at it. If only they turn into an arm of the democratic party, the part will rescue them... Unless of course, the party suffered a devastating loss for being as detached as the media. Now, all that remains is an opportunity to double down and eviscerate the credibility of all these heads full of air, once and for all.
As long as the media keeps proving trump is a serial liar, day after day and he continues to flip flop on promises made during the campaign, trump's approval rating will continue to drop. The recent PEW Research poll disputes the Rasmussen poll by 16 points, giving him an approval rating of just 39%. So, while the overall consensus of the media vs. trump may be almost even, the fact checking will have the greater effect.
Are those the polls that said he lost the election before he won in an electoral landslide...
As long as the media keeps proving trump is a serial liar, day after day and he continues to flip flop on promises made during the campaign, trump's approval rating will continue to drop. The recent PEW Research poll disputes the Rasmussen poll by 16 points, giving him an approval rating of just 39%. So, while the overall consensus of the media vs. trump may be almost even, the fact checking will have the greater effect.
Are those the polls that said he lost the election before he won in an electoral landslide...
He didn't win in a landslide. He just tells you that and you believe him. It's one of those alt-facts he uses to play his brainwashed followers that believe anything he tells them. But anyway, no, the polls in the post reflect current polls taken this last week putting his approval ratings at less than 40%.
As long as the media keeps proving trump is a serial liar, day after day and he continues to flip flop on promises made during the campaign, trump's approval rating will continue to drop. The recent PEW Research poll disputes the Rasmussen poll by 16 points, giving him an approval rating of just 39%. So, while the overall consensus of the media vs. trump may be almost even, the fact checking will have the greater effect.
Are those the polls that said he lost the election before he won in an electoral landslide...
He didn't win in a landslide. He just tells you that and you believe him. It's one of those alt-facts he uses to play his brainwashed followers that believe anything he tells them. But anyway, no, the polls in the post reflect current polls taken this last week putting his approval ratings at less than 40%.

Depends on how you define landslide ... getting 76% more electoral votes than your opponent would seem to be edging up on a "landslide".

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