No nuclear deal between Iran, US


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2013
The U.S.
I thought there was a deal between the U.S. and Iran.


TEHRAN: Iran has not reached any agreement with the US on the nuclear issue, an Iranian foreign ministry spokeswoman said on Saturday, denying recent Western reports that the two sides have agreed to ship part of its enriched uranium abroad.

"No agreement has been made on the topics of (nuclear) negotiations so far," Xinhua quoted the spokeswoman as saying.

"The news aims at certain political ends to spoil the climate of talks and to complicate the issue," she added, referring to Western reports Friday that "Washington and Tehran have allegedly come a step closer to agreeing on shipping part of Iran's enriched uranium stockpile to Russia".

The reports also said that the nuclear talks last December between Iran and the world powers resulted in a "catalogue of areas of potential accord".

On Dec 18, Iran's top nuclear negotiator Abbas Araqchi said the deputy ministerial-level talks in Geneva, Switzerland, were "productive and positive discussions were held".

Araqchi described the atmosphere at the discussions as good, adding that "further meetings will be held".

Talks between Iran and the P5+1 group — US, Britain, France, China, Russia plus Germany — continued Dec 17, weeks after failing to meet a Nov 24 deadline for a comprehensive nuclear deal.

On Wednesday, the spokeswoman said the next round of deputy-level talks will be held Jan 15.
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No nuclear deal between Iran US Official - The Times of India
Anything the U.S. might do to force Iran to give up its nuclear program potentially weakens Iran against ISIS. Assad's forces are not attacking ISIS at the moment. There is an incredibly dangerous game being played in the Middle East right now about when to attack who. By not attacking someone now that person can be used as leverage against someone else. Although that does let that person get stronger when they do decide to attack said person. It also gives time for more and more players to get drawn into the fight either looking to defend something they have or to get something they would like to have.
Anything the U.S. might do to force Iran to give up its nuclear program potentially weakens Iran against ISIS. Assad's forces are not attacking ISIS at the moment. There is an incredibly dangerous game being played in the Middle East right now about when to attack who. By not attacking someone now that person can be used as leverage against someone else. Although that does let that person get stronger when they do decide to attack said person. It also gives time for more and more players to get drawn into the fight either looking to defend something they have or to get something they would like to have.

ISIS to a great extent exists because of iran; had iran not ordered maliki and assad to oppress and slaughter sunnis in iran and iraq, then there would not have been a need or support locally for a sunni counter-response like ISIS.

As long as the current cancerous, diseased, fake regime of thugs and murderers that is iran's continues to exists, peace is impossible in the mideast. That fake regime of scummy murderous, terrorist trash cannot be wiped off the map fast enough. Death and agony to iran.
Anything the U.S. might do to force Iran to give up its nuclear program potentially weakens Iran against ISIS. Assad's forces are not attacking ISIS at the moment. There is an incredibly dangerous game being played in the Middle East right now about when to attack who. By not attacking someone now that person can be used as leverage against someone else. Although that does let that person get stronger when they do decide to attack said person. It also gives time for more and more players to get drawn into the fight either looking to defend something they have or to get something they would like to have.

ISIS to a great extent exists because of iran; had iran not ordered maliki and assad to oppress and slaughter sunnis in iran and iraq, then there would not have been a need or support locally for a sunni counter-response like ISIS.

As long as the current cancerous, diseased, fake regime of thugs and murderers that is iran's continues to exists, peace is impossible in the mideast. That fake regime of scummy murderous, terrorist trash cannot be wiped off the map fast enough. Death and agony to iran.
Examining the catalysts which created ISIS itself is a scholarly endeavour. Realizing that there is an ISIS-like organization is a religions one. Islam points to an ideal. Every organization that does not live up to the Islamic ideal will be superseded by one that gets a little closer. Currently ISIS is the most ideal Islamic organization. If they falter in their pursuit of Islamic perfection another will take its place. Iran will be overcome by a Sunni organization in due time, if things last that long.

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