No more white farmers: Govt vows (Zimbabwe)

Fine. If they don't want white people in their country, than they shouldn't take white aid either. Let them go at it on their own and give them full independence.

As for the leftists here justifying Mugabe's actions. The collapse of Zimbabwe has nothing to do with colonialism, but with the corrupt and inept government of Mugabe. When they were Rhodesia they were the bread basket of the world.

Pause....No one did.

So you oppose what the Mugabe regime is doing?

Yes. Everyone in this thread seems to oppose Mugabe's actions.
If you oppose it, than why argue with the op?
Fine. If they don't want white people in their country, than they shouldn't take white aid either. Let them go at it on their own and give them full independence.

As for the leftists here justifying Mugabe's actions. The collapse of Zimbabwe has nothing to do with colonialism, but with the corrupt and inept government of Mugabe. When they were Rhodesia they were the bread basket of the world.

Pause....No one did.

So you oppose what the Mugabe regime is doing in taking the land of white farmers?

Yes, not sure how you thought...well yeah I do, too sensitive
You were the sensitive one. You posted a video on colonialism and attacked the op and others for caring about whites in Zimbabwe. If you oppose Mugabe and his actions, than why attack the op and others in the first place?
So you oppose Mugabe taking the land of white farmers?

In this manner yes. I was more supportive of the incentive driven voluntary transfer of land first implemented upon majority rule. But I harbor no love for Robert Mugabe. He is a criminal and he has led his country down a path of destruction. I have actively campaigned against his administration for over ten years now.

No it wasnt, along with South Africa it had one of the highest standards of living on the continent and fed the continent as well as an agricultural exporter

Saudi Arabia has a lot of money too, it doesn't mean that it is a good place to live though. The Rhodesian regime was incredibly abusive and kept the vast majority of its citizens in deep poverty simply because of the color of their skin.
Fine. If they don't want white people in their country, than they shouldn't take white aid either. Let them go at it on their own and give them full independence.

As for the leftists here justifying Mugabe's actions. The collapse of Zimbabwe has nothing to do with colonialism, but with the corrupt and inept government of Mugabe. When they were Rhodesia they were the bread basket of the world.

Pause....No one did.

So you oppose what the Mugabe regime is doing?

Yes. Everyone in this thread seems to oppose Mugabe's actions.
If you oppose it, than why argue with the op?

We haven't been arguing with the OP.
No more white farmers: Govt vows (Zimbabwe)
Zimbabwe NewsDay ^ | January 22, 2015 in News | Moses Matenga
No more white farmers Govt vows - NewsDay Zimbabwe

Government yesterday vowed to grab all farms owned by the remaining white former commercial farmers and ruled out joint ventures involving whites.

Addressing chiefs during the handover of A2 (small-scale commercial farm) offer letters to traditional leaders in Mashonaland East province yesterday, Provincial Affairs minister Joel Biggie Matiza said government’s new land policy was set to benefit diplomats, chiefs, war veterans, civil servants and others who missed out at the launch of the land reform program in 2000 because of rampant corruption.

Speaking at the same occasion, Lands and Rural Resettlement minister Douglas Mombeshora also said government would not allow contract farming arrangements where the indigenous farm owners would get only 10% of total produce while their white partners grabbed the lion’s share. […]

He said white former farmers should be given 90 days to vacate their farms if the land has been allocated to a black person to avoid legal battles. …

What a bunch of racist jerks!

Where is the liberal hypocrites on this? What is going on to whites in Zimbabwe and South Africa are the worst atrocities in the world. Yep the WORST!
Fine. If they don't want white people in their country, than they shouldn't take white aid either. Let them go at it on their own and give them full independence.

As for the leftists here justifying Mugabe's actions. The collapse of Zimbabwe has nothing to do with colonialism, but with the corrupt and inept government of Mugabe. When they were Rhodesia they were the bread basket of the world.

Pause....No one did.

So you oppose what the Mugabe regime is doing in taking the land of white farmers?

Yes, not sure how you thought...well yeah I do, too sensitive
You were the sensitive one. You posted a video on colonialism and attacked the op and others for caring about whites in Zimbabwe. If you oppose Mugabe and his actions, than why attack the op and others in the first place?

Lets see how I "attacked" (for the not sensitive, right) the OP

ude, Did you just post a story about Zim-fucking-babwe so you can play the victim? Now you cant move to Zimbabwe and start your farm like you always dreamed :rolleyes:

Oh you're right...That looks just like the words "I support Mugabe" :rolleyes: Dont it?
Not necessarily bad / unjust. The aim has always been there since independence and the overthrow of an incredibly racist regime. The trouble is with how the Mugabe government engages in the swaps; taking them out of the hands of skilled farmers and distributing them to political allies; that and the method of seizure which plays into other nationalization campaigns and can encourage capital flight. There are better ways to engage in land redistribution.

So if I go into an American N#####'s business and just take it over that is AKO! Same damn thing you fucking fool!
Not necessarily bad / unjust. The aim has always been there since independence and the overthrow of an incredibly racist regime. The trouble is with how the Mugabe government engages in the swaps; taking them out of the hands of skilled farmers and distributing them to political allies; that and the method of seizure which plays into other nationalization campaigns and can encourage capital flight. There are better ways to engage in land redistribution.

So if I go into an American N#####'s business and just take it over that is AKO! Same damn thing you fucking fool!

No it isn't. the simple fact was that the land was first seized by force from blacks and redistributed to white farmers. It isn't a terrible crime for them to want to reverse the land ownership imbalance; the question is how to do it in a productive and peaceful manner? That is where Mugabe ended up failing.
So you oppose Mugabe taking the land of white farmers?

In this manner yes. I was more supportive of the incentive driven voluntary transfer of land first implemented upon majority rule. But I harbor no love for Robert Mugabe. He is a criminal and he has led his country down a path of destruction.

No it wasnt, along with South Africa it had one of the highest standards of living on the continent and fed the continent as well as an agricultural exporter

Saudi Arabia has a lot of money too, it doesn't mean that it is a good place to live though. The Rhodesian regime was incredibly abusive and kept the vast majority of its citizens in deep poverty simply because of the color of their skin.
So your issue isn't with the idea of Mugabe of redistributing land from whites, just the method. You are all over the place. You claim to oppose Mugabe, but that is token opposition as you support the underlying premise. That is like being a communist and saying the USSR wasn't really communist because of this or that.

Blacks and Whites had a higher standard of living in Rhodesia than in Zimbabwe, and a higher standard than any of the independent nations in subsaharan africa.
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Fine. If they don't want white people in their country, than they shouldn't take white aid either. Let them go at it on their own and give them full independence.

As for the leftists here justifying Mugabe's actions. The collapse of Zimbabwe has nothing to do with colonialism, but with the corrupt and inept government of Mugabe. When they were Rhodesia they were the bread basket of the world.

Pause....No one did.

So you oppose what the Mugabe regime is doing?

Yes. Everyone in this thread seems to oppose Mugabe's actions.
If you oppose it, than why argue with the op?

We haven't been arguing with the OP.
now you are engaging in revisionism. You said the policy wasn't necessarily bad or unjust.
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Fine. If they don't want white people in their country, than they shouldn't take white aid either. Let them go at it on their own and give them full independence.

As for the leftists here justifying Mugabe's actions. The collapse of Zimbabwe has nothing to do with colonialism, but with the corrupt and inept government of Mugabe. When they were Rhodesia they were the bread basket of the world.

Pause....No one did.

So you oppose what the Mugabe regime is doing in taking the land of white farmers?

Yes, not sure how you thought...well yeah I do, too sensitive
You were the sensitive one. You posted a video on colonialism and attacked the op and others for caring about whites in Zimbabwe. If you oppose Mugabe and his actions, than why attack the op and others in the first place?

Lets see how I "attacked" (for the not sensitive, right) the OP

ude, Did you just post a story about Zim-fucking-babwe so you can play the victim? Now you cant move to Zimbabwe and start your farm like you always dreamed :rolleyes:

Oh you're right...That looks just like the words "I support Mugabe" :rolleyes: Dont it?
Thanks for proving my point. If you oppose what Mugabe is doing than why post videos about colonialism or posts insisting the op shouldn't care about whites? You are justifying the actions of Mugabe. Just be honest and admit it.
So your issue isn't with the idea of Mugabe of redistributing land from whites, just the method.

This is correct.

You are all over the place. You claim to oppose Mugabe, but that is token opposition as you support the underlying premise. That is like being a communist and saying the USA wasn't really communist because of this or that.

Not at all. I've been following the internal and economic development of Zimbabwe for over ten years and have been a constant (and published) critic of Mugabe ever since I started covering the region. There is nothing contradictory in supporting the eventual phasing of land from white control to majority control while simultaneously disliking Mugabe and his administration. There are also FAR more reasons to dislike Mugabe than his land reform laws. Those are only one factor among many.

Blacks and Whites had a higher standard of living in Rhodesia than in Zimbabwe, and a higher standard than any of the independent nations in subsaharan africa.

Most countries in Africa today have a higher standard of living than blacks in Rhodesia did. Zimbabwe has been one of the few countries in Africa that is worse off economically and health speaking post independence than pre-independence, but that just adds to the criminal nature of the Mugabe regime; it doesn't in any way compliment or justify the brutality of the likes of Ian Smith and of colonialism.
Pause....No one did.

So you oppose what the Mugabe regime is doing?

Yes. Everyone in this thread seems to oppose Mugabe's actions.
If you oppose it, than why argue with the op?

We haven't been arguing with the OP.
now you are engaging in revisionism. You said the policy wasn't necessarily bad unjust.

The policy of land redistribution isn't necessarily bad. The current methodology used is unjust. There is nothing contradictory between that statement and any of my current ones.
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Pause....No one did.

So you oppose what the Mugabe regime is doing in taking the land of white farmers?

Yes, not sure how you thought...well yeah I do, too sensitive
You were the sensitive one. You posted a video on colonialism and attacked the op and others for caring about whites in Zimbabwe. If you oppose Mugabe and his actions, than why attack the op and others in the first place?

Lets see how I "attacked" (for the not sensitive, right) the OP

ude, Did you just post a story about Zim-fucking-babwe so you can play the victim? Now you cant move to Zimbabwe and start your farm like you always dreamed :rolleyes:

Oh you're right...That looks just like the words "I support Mugabe" :rolleyes: Dont it?
Thanks for proving my point. If you oppose what Mugabe is doing than why post videos about colonialism or posts insisting the op shouldn't care about whites? You are justifying the actions of Mugabe. Just be honest and admit it.

Someone denied that Euopeans destroyed Africa. I posted a video showing thats a lie. What should I do? Let them lie about to make you feel better?
It's pretty ironic. White folk on this board pissing and moaning about the injustices supposedly committed against whites in Africa.
Yet , they willfully lie and state that whites committed no genocides or slaughters to come into the control of the lands they stole or they state that those actions were justified because they elevated Africans to a higher standard of living.

Why is it that the actions that the Africans may be taking against whites is so atrocious but not when the whites were doing it to the Africans???

So you're one of those dumbasses who justifies a horrible wrong because horrible wrongs have occurred in the past.

So you're one of those shriveled cu-nts that tries to ignore history and it's influence in the present...
Just to sum it up...
Whites came into Africa, butchered, murdered, raped,pillaged and stole the land.
That's "progress"

Blacks murder, butcher,pillaged to take back their land.
That's not "progress"

Pretty much sums the views of any actions done while being either color
The Deadly Consequences of a Progressive Disease

Exactly how many poor people have progressives starved since 1917? It's a good question.

Russia was the breadbasket of Europe until progressives seized power that year and instituted policies to "share the wealth." For the next 70 years -- until socialism collapsed -- Russia was a net importer of food, always on the brink of famine.

In the 1930s, Josef Stalin instigated a campaign to collectivize farming in the Ukraine -- a campaign that created a man-made famine within a year, killing between 6 million and 11 million Ukrainians.

Stalin's crime was protected by the progressives at the New York Times, including Walter Duranty -- now accepted as a Stalin apologist -- and on the Pulitzer Prize Committee, which rewarded Duranty's work.


The left's inability to understand the basic economic fact that people need an incentive to produce has caused the unnecessary deaths of tens of millions of people in the last 75 years. But thanks to a politically corrupted media and educational system, their pigheaded pursuit of socialist fantasies goes on.

A few years ago, when Robert Mugabe, the leftist dictator of Zimbabwe, began his race war against white farmers to the cheers of progressives, I corresponded with a journalist friend of mine who writes for all those leftist news outlets that pretend to care about black people but really care only about their left-wing agendas. I suggested that he might get his friends to protest Mugabe's bloody racism before poor black people began starving in Zimbabwe as a result of these criminal policies.

Naturally, my friend defended the murders and thefts of land from the white farmers as "social justice" and turned a blind eye to the racism because it was directed only against whites, whose parents had been "imperialists."

The United States and Britain, which led the world in ending slavery and even attempted (futilely) to end it in Africa, were put in the dock by progressives at the 2001 U.N. Conference Against Racism and held up for "reparations." Muslim Sudan, which maintains slavery today, and the League of Arab States, whose ancestors enslaved more black Africans than all the Europeans and Americans put together, were not. Israel, the only democracy in the Middle East, whose Arab citizens have more rights than Arabs in all the Arab states, was accused of racism, while the Arab states that forbid Jews to set foot on their territory were not.

Now the progressive chickens are coming home to roost in Zimbabwe. On Christmas Eve, the Wall Street Journal ran a front-page news story on conditions in Mugabe's Marxist police state. The title of the story said it all: "Once a Breadbasket, Now Zimbabwe Can't Feed Itself." The production of corn -- the diet staple -- has declined by two-thirds in the last three years, and 6 million Zimbabweans are on the verge of starvation.

Former Rep. Tony Hall of Ohio, now the United States' ambassador to the U.N. food and agriculture agencies, nearly got it right when he said, "Zimbabwe stands alone as an example of how a country can be ruined by one person." Actually, Zimbabwe is one of many such countries, and it was not ruined by one person but by one person supported by a global movement of arch reactionaries who call themselves progressives and who have millions of people in the last century in the name of "social justice" and learned nothing in the process.


David Horowitz

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