No Mandate & Lame Duck - Obama 2012 - 2016


Diamond Member
Jan 6, 2012
Prague, Czech Republic
You have to go back to Wilson in 1916 to find a re-elected president who had less of the popular vote than in his first election. Wilson's second term was a catastrophe and it is not much of a jump to foresee that Obama's will also be.

In his first two years Obama had a super-majority and was unable to convince members of his own party to work with him. I don't see much prospect of a lame duck president without a mandate being able to do any better in his second term. If you think Bush had problems in his second term, you ain't seen nothing yet.
Ah denial. We are progressing through the stages of grief nicely.......
No, Romney lost. No one is denying that. The point is that 50% of the popular vote with no major third party cannot be seen as a mandate. With the House Republican and 30 of 50 states in Republican control you have to be realistic. What will invariably happen is Dems will blame Republicans for gridlock. While many obviously voted for Obama and yet voted Republican in the House and gubernatorial elections.

The electorate voted for gridlock/ the status quo. That is the way things work sometimes in democracies.

Obama is a lame duck with no mandate, what the hell do you think is going to happen - The Age of Aquarius?! Even Obama can't pull that!
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