“no higher power”


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

A book written by an angry old radical racist white woman
(AKA Conservative Activist) accusing Obama of “waging war on religious freedom.” (AKA Christianity. AKA Domestic Terrorism).
Obama elected President brought religious racists out of the wood work were they had been hiding since the civil rights movement.
Radial Islam is not as dangerous to this country’s freedom as radical Christians. (AKA Conservatives) or radical Jews.
Removing relics of Christianity from Government and public places in not an attack on religious freedom. (AKA Christianity)
If this nation was founded on Christianity, which it wasn’t because NONE of the Founding Fathers were Christians. We are no longer a White Anglo Christian only nation and they are fast becoming a minority or disappearing altogether and they are running scared. Even so far as suggesting a race revolution. Romney; “We are going to take this country back.:eusa_eh:

Religion belong in our hearts, our homes and in our places of worship. Churches, Temples, Synagogues, etc and not in City Hall. When I go to City Hall or Court, I don't want to see reminders of Christianity staring me in my face. And I am a Christian myself and have studied Religions of the World.
We are in this together no matter the race or religion, so why can’t we all just get alone?
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A book written by an angry old radical racist white woman
(AKA Conservative Activist) accusing Obama of “waging war on religious freedom(AKA Christianity. AKA Domestic Terrorism).
Obama elected President brought religious racists out of the wood work were they had been hiding since the civil rights movement.
Radial Islam is not as dangerous to this country’s freedom as radical Christians. (AKA Conservatives) or radical Jews.
Removing relics of Christianity from Government and public places in not an attack on religious freedom. (AKA Christianity)
If this nation was founded on Christianity, which it wasn’t because NONE of the Founding Fathers were Christians. We are no longer a White Anglo Christian only nation and they are fast becoming a minority or disappearing altogether and they are running scared. Even so far as suggesting a race revolution. Romney; “We are going to take this country back.:eusa_eh:

Religion belong in our hearts, our homes and in our places of worship. Churches, Temples, Synagogues, etc and not in City Hall. When I go to City Hall or Court, I don't want to see reminders of Christianity staring me in my face. And I am a Christian myself and have studied Religions of the World.
We are in this together no matter the race or religion, so why can’t we all just get alone?

Contrary to the idiotic "separation of church and state doctrine" inflicted upon us by the infinite wisdom of the supreme court, religion has been a part of our American government from the first days of this Republic, and before.

One of the first acts of the new American congress was to provide for chaplains and prayers prior to every session. That practice still exists today. Obviously, they did not consider that they were violating the new Constitution. The Supreme Court itself opens its sessions with the phrase "God save this honorable court". Obviously, they are a little confused about this separation of church and state thing.

The fact that you are a Christian, does not diminish the fact that you are badly misinformed and misguided as to American tradition.

A book written by an angry old radical racist white woman
(AKA Conservative Activist) accusing Obama of “waging war on religious freedom(AKA Christianity. AKA Domestic Terrorism).
Obama elected President brought religious racists out of the wood work were they had been hiding since the civil rights movement.
Radial Islam is not as dangerous to this country’s freedom as radical Christians. (AKA Conservatives) or radical Jews.
Removing relics of Christianity from Government and public places in not an attack on religious freedom. (AKA Christianity)
If this nation was founded on Christianity, which it wasn’t because NONE of the Founding Fathers were Christians. We are no longer a White Anglo Christian only nation and they are fast becoming a minority or disappearing altogether and they are running scared. Even so far as suggesting a race revolution. Romney; “We are going to take this country back.:eusa_eh:

Religion belong in our hearts, our homes and in our places of worship. Churches, Temples, Synagogues, etc and not in City Hall. When I go to City Hall or Court, I don't want to see reminders of Christianity staring me in my face. And I am a Christian myself and have studied Religions of the World.
We are in this together no matter the race or religion, so why can’t we all just get alone?

Contrary to the idiotic "separation of church and state doctrine" inflicted upon us by the infinite wisdom of the supreme court, religion has been a part of our American government from the first days of this Republic, and before.

One of the first acts of the new American congress was to provide for chaplains and prayers prior to every session. That practice still exists today. Obviously, they did not consider that they were violating the new Constitution. The Supreme Court itself opens its sessions with the phrase "God save this honorable court". Obviously, they are a little confused about this separation of church and state thing.

The fact that you are a Christian, does not diminish the fact that you are badly misinformed and misguided as to American tradition.

Every time this type of topic comes up this would also be my first response

A book written by an angry old radical racist white woman
(AKA Conservative Activist) accusing Obama of “waging war on religious freedom.” (AKA Christianity. AKA Domestic Terrorism).
Obama elected President brought religious racists out of the wood work were they had been hiding since the civil rights movement.
Radial Islam is not as dangerous to this country’s freedom as radical Christians. (AKA Conservatives) or radical Jews.
Removing relics of Christianity from Government and public places in not an attack on religious freedom. (AKA Christianity)
If this nation was founded on Christianity, which it wasn’t because NONE of the Founding Fathers were Christians. We are no longer a White Anglo Christian only nation and they are fast becoming a minority or disappearing altogether and they are running scared. Even so far as suggesting a race revolution. Romney; “We are going to take this country back.:eusa_eh:

Religion belong in our hearts, our homes and in our places of worship. Churches, Temples, Synagogues, etc and not in City Hall. When I go to City Hall or Court, I don't want to see reminders of Christianity staring me in my face. And I am a Christian myself and have studied Religions of the World.
We are in this together no matter the race or religion, so why can’t we all just get alone?

An outright lie and you know it. You are a bitter old hag.
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A book written by an angry old radical racist white woman
(AKA Conservative Activist) accusing Obama of “waging war on religious freedom(AKA Christianity. AKA Domestic Terrorism).
Obama elected President brought religious racists out of the wood work were they had been hiding since the civil rights movement.
Radial Islam is not as dangerous to this country’s freedom as radical Christians. (AKA Conservatives) or radical Jews.
Removing relics of Christianity from Government and public places in not an attack on religious freedom. (AKA Christianity)
If this nation was founded on Christianity, which it wasn’t because NONE of the Founding Fathers were Christians. We are no longer a White Anglo Christian only nation and they are fast becoming a minority or disappearing altogether and they are running scared. Even so far as suggesting a race revolution. Romney; “We are going to take this country back.:eusa_eh:

Religion belong in our hearts, our homes and in our places of worship. Churches, Temples, Synagogues, etc and not in City Hall. When I go to City Hall or Court, I don't want to see reminders of Christianity staring me in my face. And I am a Christian myself and have studied Religions of the World.
We are in this together no matter the race or religion, so why can’t we all just get alone?

Because idiots like you have NO KNOWLEDGE of this country's history, it's Christian Founders or it's relationship to God Almighty.

Every time you post you demonstrate your utter stupidity and hatred of all things Christian.

You're a goat, and your master is Satan.

A book written by an angry old radical racist white woman
(AKA Conservative Activist) accusing Obama of “waging war on religious freedom(AKA Christianity. AKA Domestic Terrorism).
Obama elected President brought religious racists out of the wood work were they had been hiding since the civil rights movement.
Radial Islam is not as dangerous to this country’s freedom as radical Christians. (AKA Conservatives) or radical Jews.
Removing relics of Christianity from Government and public places in not an attack on religious freedom. (AKA Christianity)
If this nation was founded on Christianity, which it wasn’t because NONE of the Founding Fathers were Christians. We are no longer a White Anglo Christian only nation and they are fast becoming a minority or disappearing altogether and they are running scared. Even so far as suggesting a race revolution. Romney; “We are going to take this country back.:eusa_eh:

Religion belong in our hearts, our homes and in our places of worship. Churches, Temples, Synagogues, etc and not in City Hall. When I go to City Hall or Court, I don't want to see reminders of Christianity staring me in my face. And I am a Christian myself and have studied Religions of the World.
We are in this together no matter the race or religion, so why can’t we all just get alone?

Where does racism enter into the argument? In your small mind? A former KKK member appointed to the Supreme Court by FDR created the modern bigoted version of separation/church and state and Democrats (the party of no family values) have been at war with Christianity for decades. A dumb agnostic pretended to be offended by a half century old Korean War monument in San Diego because it had a 40 ft Cross and the next thing you know it is ordered bulldozed. The OWS rabble camp out on public property, shoot dope, piss in the gutters and demonstrate against their own Country and left wingers cite the 1st Amendment but you can't have a freaking Christmas tree in the Town Square anymore or the ACLU will threaten to put the town in the poor house with law suits.

A book written by an angry old radical racist white woman
(AKA Conservative Activist) accusing Obama of “waging war on religious freedom(AKA Christianity. AKA Domestic Terrorism).
Obama elected President brought religious racists out of the wood work were they had been hiding since the civil rights movement.
Radial Islam is not as dangerous to this country’s freedom as radical Christians. (AKA Conservatives) or radical Jews.
Removing relics of Christianity from Government and public places in not an attack on religious freedom. (AKA Christianity)
If this nation was founded on Christianity, which it wasn’t because NONE of the Founding Fathers were Christians. We are no longer a White Anglo Christian only nation and they are fast becoming a minority or disappearing altogether and they are running scared. Even so far as suggesting a race revolution. Romney; “We are going to take this country back.:eusa_eh:

Religion belong in our hearts, our homes and in our places of worship. Churches, Temples, Synagogues, etc and not in City Hall. When I go to City Hall or Court, I don't want to see reminders of Christianity staring me in my face. And I am a Christian myself and have studied Religions of the World.
We are in this together no matter the race or religion, so why can’t we all just get alone?

Editorial Reviews
From the Inside Flap
Power Unrestrained

For four years Barack Obama has waged an unparalleled attack—largely undocumented by the mainstream media—on religious liberty in the United States. Never before has an administration been more convinced that there is no higher power than itself: one nation under Obama. In this stunning new book, veteran conservative lawyer, activist, and commentator Phyllis Schlafly and reporter George Neumayr reveal the greatest assault on American liberty in our time—the Obama administration’s war on religious freedom.

[ame=http://www.amazon.com/No-Higher-Power-Religious-ebook/dp/B008QXDFKU/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1346603441&sr=1-1&keywords=no+higher+power]No Higher Power: Obama's War on Religious Freedom: Phyllis Schlafly,George Neumayr: Amazon.com: Kindle Store[/ame]

In No Higher Power you’ll learn:

Why a second Obama term could spell the end of Catholic hospitals and the court-martialing of Christian military chaplains
How the Obama administration is stripping conscience protections for pro-life doctors and nurses—forcing them to either assist in abortions or quit medicine
How the Obama administration sought to ban Bibles from military hospitals and prohibit invocations of Jesus Christ at military funerals
Why even Justice Elena Kagan—an Obama appointee to the Supreme Court—was shocked by the Obama administration’s dictating employment policy at a Lutheran church
How Obama is defying federal law in the Defense of Marriage Act
How liberal Christians like Jim Wallis have acted as useful idiots for Obama’s war on Christianity—and how the Catholic Left in Chicago actually helped pay for Obama’s training as a disciple of the radical Saul Alinsky
Why the Obama administration coddles Islam while actively discriminating against Christians and Jews
And much more In

In No Higher Power, Schlafly and Neumayr expose the Obama administration’s brazen disregard for the First Amendment, its relentless purging of religion from our public life, and the even more chilling persecution of religion set to come.

sounds like a good read to me. Can't afford the $15.00 though, I think I'll check the local library. Thanks for the heads up.

A book written by an angry old radical racist white woman
(AKA Conservative Activist) accusing Obama of “waging war on religious freedom(AKA Christianity. AKA Domestic Terrorism).
Obama elected President brought religious racists out of the wood work were they had been hiding since the civil rights movement.
Radial Islam is not as dangerous to this country’s freedom as radical Christians. (AKA Conservatives) or radical Jews.
Removing relics of Christianity from Government and public places in not an attack on religious freedom. (AKA Christianity)
If this nation was founded on Christianity, which it wasn’t because NONE of the Founding Fathers were Christians. We are no longer a White Anglo Christian only nation and they are fast becoming a minority or disappearing altogether and they are running scared. Even so far as suggesting a race revolution. Romney; “We are going to take this country back.:eusa_eh:

Religion belong in our hearts, our homes and in our places of worship. Churches, Temples, Synagogues, etc and not in City Hall. When I go to City Hall or Court, I don't want to see reminders of Christianity staring me in my face. And I am a Christian myself and have studied Religions of the World.
We are in this together no matter the race or religion, so why can’t we all just get alone?

Editorial Reviews
From the Inside Flap
Power Unrestrained

For four years Barack Obama has waged an unparalleled attack—largely undocumented by the mainstream media—on religious liberty in the United States. Never before has an administration been more convinced that there is no higher power than itself: one nation under Obama. In this stunning new book, veteran conservative lawyer, activist, and commentator Phyllis Schlafly and reporter George Neumayr reveal the greatest assault on American liberty in our time—the Obama administration’s war on religious freedom.

[ame=http://www.amazon.com/No-Higher-Power-Religious-ebook/dp/B008QXDFKU/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1346603441&sr=1-1&keywords=no+higher+power]No Higher Power: Obama's War on Religious Freedom: Phyllis Schlafly,George Neumayr: Amazon.com: Kindle Store[/ame]

In No Higher Power you’ll learn:

Why a second Obama term could spell the end of Catholic hospitals and the court-martialing of Christian military chaplains
How the Obama administration is stripping conscience protections for pro-life doctors and nurses—forcing them to either assist in abortions or quit medicine
How the Obama administration sought to ban Bibles from military hospitals and prohibit invocations of Jesus Christ at military funerals
Why even Justice Elena Kagan—an Obama appointee to the Supreme Court—was shocked by the Obama administration’s dictating employment policy at a Lutheran church
How Obama is defying federal law in the Defense of Marriage Act
How liberal Christians like Jim Wallis have acted as useful idiots for Obama’s war on Christianity—and how the Catholic Left in Chicago actually helped pay for Obama’s training as a disciple of the radical Saul Alinsky
Why the Obama administration coddles Islam while actively discriminating against Christians and Jews
And much more In

In No Higher Power, Schlafly and Neumayr expose the Obama administration’s brazen disregard for the First Amendment, its relentless purging of religion from our public life, and the even more chilling persecution of religion set to come.

sounds like a good read to me. Can't afford the $15.00 though, I think I'll check the local library. Thanks for the heads up.

Obama elected President brought religious racists out of the wood work...

Are you familiar with Black Liberation Theology and their doctrine of collective salvation? Talk about racists!!!

they were in the woodwork all along, right there with other white KKK churches.

Exactly. The opposite sides of the same coin...both racists, both ridiculous. That our President sat for 20 years listening to that bullshit is astounding.
In the wacky minds of radical libs the 1st Amendment only applies to left wing anti-Americans. The powerful well funded ACLU will defend the 1st Amendment rights of scum to burn the Flag and piss in the gutter but it seems that the same 1st Amendment doesn't apply to the Ten Commandments on a wall in the Court House for fifty years or even a Manger scene in the Town Square for a couple of days on Christmas.
In the wacky minds of radical libs the 1st Amendment only applies to left wing anti-Americans. The powerful well funded ACLU will defend the 1st Amendment rights of scum to burn the Flag and piss in the gutter but it seems that the same 1st Amendment doesn't apply to the Ten Commandments on a wall in the Court House for fifty years or even a Manger scene in the Town Square for a couple of days on Christmas.

Many cities will not allow anyone but christian holiday scenes, so the gruff is not only with the left, but Jews and other religions also that want inclusion upon public property..Their is no Constitutional right to have Christian only decorations, is there?
Are you familiar with Black Liberation Theology and their doctrine of collective salvation? Talk about racists!!!

they were in the woodwork all along, right there with other white KKK churches.

Exactly. The opposite sides of the same coin...both racists, both ridiculous. That our President sat for 20 years listening to that bullshit is astounding.

me too, I found all religions to be bullshit.
In the wacky minds of radical libs the 1st Amendment only applies to left wing anti-Americans. The powerful well funded ACLU will defend the 1st Amendment rights of scum to burn the Flag and piss in the gutter but it seems that the same 1st Amendment doesn't apply to the Ten Commandments on a wall in the Court House for fifty years or even a Manger scene in the Town Square for a couple of days on Christmas.

Many cities will not allow anyone but christian holiday scenes, so the gruff is not only with the left, but Jews and other religions also that want inclusion upon public property..Their is no Constitutional right to have Christian only decorations, is there?

It's not true that "many cities" do not allow the expression of any other religion on Christmas. But even if it was true the left wing justifies outlawing centuries old Christian tradition because a coven of witches don't get to set up a display? Think how ridiculous the argument is. In a stunning display of hypocrisy the federal government authorizes prayer in the freaking Capital building and the gigantic Christmas tree lighting but the folks in fly over country risk arrest and imprisonment for the public display of Christian icons. The world is upside down in the liberal mind.

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