No good deed goes unpunished


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Oak Grove, Massachusetts
A Detroit teacher has learned the truth of the cynical old saw: "No good Deed Goes Unpunished".

A Detroit classroom. Two teens in what would have been a credible barroom brawl, furniture flying, onlookers cheering them on and busily shooting video with their Obamaphones.

So the teacher tried to stop the carnage:

".......the teacher, a 5-foot-2 English instructor named Tiffani Eaton. She did what she was supposed to do. She screamed at them to stop. She radioed for security. No one came because the radio given to her was broken. The teens tumbled to the floor now, one punching the head of the other.

So Eaton grabbed the first thing she could, a broom, and swatted the back of the young man on top, several times, screaming at him to get off the other student. They separated. Soon after, the fight broke up.

If I stop right there, many of you would give this woman a medal.
Instead, she was fired -- fired? -- because she violated the school's corporal punishment rule."

And there's more - read the link below and see how far a nation has failed. A failed school in a failed (bankrupt) city in a failed state in a nation where failure is presidential policy. My opinion? She should have let them kill each other than the world would have been rid of them both.

Detroit Free Press | Detroit and Michigan news, sports, community, entertainment, yellow pages and classifieds | freep.commitchalbom
When I go to your link, I don't get the story. It's difficult to comment without the story, and then it can also be difficult if the article you are referring to doesn't tell the whole story.

However, I think if the school and school district fired a teacher to for trying to prevent injury to students because of a fight, they are making a mistake. BUT, I wonder who insisted on her being fired. Perhaps because parents complained the school was forced to fire her as they had to hold to the 'letter of the law.'

I wouldn't be so fast to accuse the school or school board. If there is a rule in her contract about hitting students, and she hit a student, and the parents pushed this, it is the parents who are responsible for the teachers' firing, not the school.

The school would have to adhere to the specific rules a teacher is bound to. The parents whose son was fighting and who was hit by the broom probably pushed this and caused the teacher being fired. I do not believe the school administration would have fired her had it not been for parents forcing that to happen. For example, did the parents protest the teacher being fired? Probably not, because it was the parents who were behind it.

This is really not about a school not knowing how to administer justice but about people like you, OP, who have no respect for teachers or schools, who send kids to school who have no respect for teachers or schools.

What the teacher did seems reasonable, but because of a rule in her contract about corporal punishment, the parents are able to push beyond the bounds of what is reasonable, are able to ignore their own child's bad behavior, and find the teacher at fault instead of their child.

When the American public starts respecting teachers, the entire problem with education in the US will end. Teachers are not the enemy. The relationship between teachers & schools and parents and students should not be an adversarial relationship.
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The teacher needs to get the hell out of that city and go where she will be appreciated.
When I go to your link, I don't get the story. It's difficult to comment without the story, and then it can also be difficult if the article you are referring to doesn't tell the whole story.

However, I think if the school and school district fired a teacher to for trying to prevent injury to students because of a fight, they are making a mistake. BUT, I wonder who insisted on her being fired. Perhaps because parents complained the school was forced to fire her as they had to hold to the 'letter of the law.'

I wouldn't be so fast to accuse the school or school board. If there is a rule in her contract about hitting students, and she hit a student, and the parents pushed this, it is the parents who are responsible for the teachers' firing, not the school.

The school would have to adhere to the specific rules a teacher is bound to. The parents whose son was fighting and who was hit by the broom probably pushed this and caused the teacher being fired. I do not believe the school administration would have fired her had it not been for parents forcing that to happen. For example, did the parents protest the teacher being fired? Probably not, because it was the parents who were behind it.

This is really not about a school not knowing how to administer justice but about people like you, OP, who have no respect for teachers or schools, who send kids to school who have no respect for teachers or schools.

What the teacher did seems reasonable, but because of a rule in her contract about corporal punishment, the parents are able to push beyond the bounds of what is reasonable, are able to ignore their own child's bad behavior, and find the teacher at fault instead of their child.

When the American public starts respecting teachers, the entire problem with education in the US will end. Teachers are not the enemy. The relationship between teachers & schools and parents and students should not be an adversarial relationship.

Video and story here:

IT is a vicious fight, the one boy was getting beaten horribly. She totally did the right thing and got her job back along with back pay.

Oh and BTW it was former teachers and the school board that wanted her fired because they said she over reacted and their is a history of kids being treated poorly at the school.

Detroit teacher fired after breaking up fight with broom

Broom-wielding teacher gets her job back
CaféAuLait;9092843 said:
When I go to your link, I don't get the story. It's difficult to comment without the story, and then it can also be difficult if the article you are referring to doesn't tell the whole story.

However, I think if the school and school district fired a teacher to for trying to prevent injury to students because of a fight, they are making a mistake. BUT, I wonder who insisted on her being fired. Perhaps because parents complained the school was forced to fire her as they had to hold to the 'letter of the law.'

I wouldn't be so fast to accuse the school or school board. If there is a rule in her contract about hitting students, and she hit a student, and the parents pushed this, it is the parents who are responsible for the teachers' firing, not the school.

The school would have to adhere to the specific rules a teacher is bound to. The parents whose son was fighting and who was hit by the broom probably pushed this and caused the teacher being fired. I do not believe the school administration would have fired her had it not been for parents forcing that to happen. For example, did the parents protest the teacher being fired? Probably not, because it was the parents who were behind it.

This is really not about a school not knowing how to administer justice but about people like you, OP, who have no respect for teachers or schools, who send kids to school who have no respect for teachers or schools.

What the teacher did seems reasonable, but because of a rule in her contract about corporal punishment, the parents are able to push beyond the bounds of what is reasonable, are able to ignore their own child's bad behavior, and find the teacher at fault instead of their child.

When the American public starts respecting teachers, the entire problem with education in the US will end. Teachers are not the enemy. The relationship between teachers & schools and parents and students should not be an adversarial relationship.

Video and story here:

IT is a vicious fight, the one boy was getting beaten horribly. She totally did the right thing and got her job back along with back pay.

Oh and BTW it was former teachers and the school board that wanted her fired because they said she over reacted and there is a history of kids being treated poorly at the school.
Detroit teacher fired after breaking up fight with broom

Broom-wielding teacher gets her job back

Haven't read the articles but cannot believe she lost her job---glad she was reinstated.

just disgusting.

<The present and former students at the school with an enrollment of about 850 had a mixed reaction to Eaton's firing, some saying she didn't have any better options but others saying she went too far by striking a student April 30 as the two male students punched each other out in a classroom, collapsing into desks and onto the floor.

In a video that WJBK-TV, Detroit posted online, one boy appears to be pummeling another in the head when Eaton steps in to break up the fight.

"Ms. Eaton should never have been fired," King wrote. "Period. ... Our teachers at Pershing High and at all other schools are called upon to do the impossible every day: counselor, security guard, teacher and more. They are asked to do so without adequate resources to guarantee even basic bodily safety."

He also said he has asked repeatedly for safety-committee meetings and for administrators to address insufficient security at the school, which is guarded at the entrance with metal detectors.>
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When I go to your link, I don't get the story. It's difficult to comment without the story, and then it can also be difficult if the article you are referring to doesn't tell the whole story.

However, I think if the school and school district fired a teacher to for trying to prevent injury to students because of a fight, they are making a mistake. BUT, I wonder who insisted on her being fired. Perhaps because parents complained the school was forced to fire her as they had to hold to the 'letter of the law.'

I wouldn't be so fast to accuse the school or school board. If there is a rule in her contract about hitting students, and she hit a student, and the parents pushed this, it is the parents who are responsible for the teachers' firing, not the school.

The school would have to adhere to the specific rules a teacher is bound to. The parents whose son was fighting and who was hit by the broom probably pushed this and caused the teacher being fired. I do not believe the school administration would have fired her had it not been for parents forcing that to happen. For example, did the parents protest the teacher being fired? Probably not, because it was the parents who were behind it.

This is really not about a school not knowing how to administer justice but about people like you, OP, who have no respect for teachers or schools, who send kids to school who have no respect for teachers or schools.

What the teacher did seems reasonable, but because of a rule in her contract about corporal punishment, the parents are able to push beyond the bounds of what is reasonable, are able to ignore their own child's bad behavior, and find the teacher at fault instead of their child.

When the American public starts respecting teachers, the entire problem with education in the US will end. Teachers are not the enemy. The relationship between teachers & schools and parents and students should not be an adversarial relationship.

I saw the video. It was a pretty bad fight. One kid was practically trying to murder the other kid. I would have kicked him in the balls so hard his Grandkids felt it, but then I'd be in jail today.

The teacher did the only thing she could do under the circumstances.
teachers are not valued use to rank around 21 st in states that teachers came they flee as fast as they can due to low pay ....thank you gop..

but teachers want professional pay without adhering to professional standards

there needs to be a compromise

as for this teacher....when i taught i did what was needed to break up fist fights....but with heels i am over 6 ft tall.....and then i was a lot stronger.... the 16 to 18 yr old male....will have angry outbursts at any given time....
note: that teacher now knows she has no back that noise level someone should have come into the classroom to see why it was so least in the school i have taught at ....if the noise level in my class was that loud an teacher from an another room would come in to check....
note: that teacher now knows she has no back that noise level someone should have come into the classroom to see why it was so least in the school i have taught at ....if the noise level in my class was that loud an teacher from an another room would come in to check....

I'm still reflecting on the idea that some students felt she 'overreacted'.

I wonder what sort of 'disciplinary action' the students received.

There was a local video of a middle school fight--perhaps not to this level but serious. A smaller girl was punched and choked by a larger girl---the aggressor received only 2 days of suspension. The smaller girl's mother wasn't pleased--I wouldn't have been either.

Whatever reasons the school may have had---who can say? 'No one was seriously injured or killed?'---Not that big of a deal?

I wouldn't want to return to that school. jmo.

<The Education Achievement Authority is a statewide body, created in 2011, that takes over failing schools. It was responsible for the firing and reinstatement. Teachers in the schools governed by the authority do not belong to a union.>
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note: that teacher now knows she has no back that noise level someone should have come into the classroom to see why it was so least in the school i have taught at ....if the noise level in my class was that loud an teacher from an another room would come in to check....

I'm still reflecting on the idea that some students felt she 'overreacted'.

I wonder what sort of 'disciplinary action' the students received.

There was a local video of a middle school fight--perhaps not to this level but serious. A smaller girl was punched and choked by a larger girl---the aggressor received only 2 days of suspension. The smaller girl's mother wasn't pleased--I wouldn't have been either.

Whatever reasons the school may have had---who can say? 'No one was seriously injured or killed?'---Not that big of a deal?

I wouldn't want to return to that school. jmo.

<The Education Achievement Authority is a statewide body, created in 2011, that takes over failing schools. It was responsible for the firing and reinstatement. Teachers in the schools governed by the authority do not belong to a union.>

One boy was suspended for 10 days, the other for 3. One boy and his mother agreed he teacher was wrong. Crazy raising crazy in a society that doesn't care and this is what you get.
note: that teacher now knows she has no back that noise level someone should have come into the classroom to see why it was so least in the school i have taught at ....if the noise level in my class was that loud an teacher from an another room would come in to check....

I'm still reflecting on the idea that some students felt she 'overreacted'.

I wonder what sort of 'disciplinary action' the students received.

There was a local video of a middle school fight--perhaps not to this level but serious. A smaller girl was punched and choked by a larger girl---the aggressor received only 2 days of suspension. The smaller girl's mother wasn't pleased--I wouldn't have been either.

Whatever reasons the school may have had---who can say? 'No one was seriously injured or killed?'---Not that big of a deal?

I wouldn't want to return to that school. jmo.

<The Education Achievement Authority is a statewide body, created in 2011, that takes over failing schools. It was responsible for the firing and reinstatement. Teachers in the schools governed by the authority do not belong to a union.>

One boy was suspended for 10 days, the other for 3. One boy and his mother agreed he teacher was wrong. Crazy raising crazy in a society that doesn't care and this is what you get.

the kids names will surface again at some point in the future
teachers are not valued use to rank around 21 st in states that teachers came they flee as fast as they can due to low pay ....thank you gop..

but teachers want professional pay without adhering to professional standards

there needs to be a compromise
I'm sorry but I am sick of the education propaganda. Half of my property taxes goes to education and we are constantly told teachers are barely squeaking by. They make damn good money and usually have summers off. If they want to get rich then they do need to find another way to do it, we can only dig so deep into our pockets. Talk to administration about where all the cash goes if they feel not enough gets funneled down to the ranks. The GOP is hurting education in NC?

NC House Republicans- State education spending: the facts | NCGOP
Not only were all our teaching positions fully funded, but according to the Department of Public Instruction’s own figures, North Carolina’s public schools actually added 3,198 state-funded education jobs this school year — and 7,811 total teaching jobs since Republicans have held the majority in the General Assembly. And significant education reforms enacted over the last two years have already begun bearing fruit: last year, North Carolina’s high school graduation rate surpassed 80 percent – a first in the state’s history and a 12-point jump from six years ago.

It’s shameful how the hyper-partisan teachers union — the largest and most organized group of paid lobbyists in the state — and their mouthpieces in the media continue to scare hard-working teachers and parents with wild claims that never seem to materialize. Let’s cut through the wild rhetoric and look at the facts.

Nope. The amount spent on education programs will actually increase by $400 million next year. Total spending on public schools, community colleges, and universities amounts to $11.5 billion (that’s more than half of the entire state budget) and of that, $7.9 billion will go to K-12 education. That figure is up from the $7.7 billion we spent last year on K-12 (an increase of 2.1%) and the nearly $7.3 billion spent two years ago.

This year’s state budget will spend more money on public education in North Carolina than we have ever spent.
teachers are not valued use to rank around 21 st in states that teachers came they flee as fast as they can due to low pay ....thank you gop..

but teachers want professional pay without adhering to professional standards

there needs to be a compromise

as for this teacher....when i taught i did what was needed to break up fist fights....but with heels i am over 6 ft tall.....and then i was a lot stronger.... the 16 to 18 yr old male....will have angry outbursts at any given time....

The GOP doesn't control wages. Try raising hell with Democrats for intentionally driving up the cost of living....
note: that teacher now knows she has no back that noise level someone should have come into the classroom to see why it was so least in the school i have taught at ....if the noise level in my class was that loud an teacher from an another room would come in to check....

I'm still reflecting on the idea that some students felt she 'overreacted'.

I wonder what sort of 'disciplinary action' the students received.

There was a local video of a middle school fight--perhaps not to this level but serious. A smaller girl was punched and choked by a larger girl---the aggressor received only 2 days of suspension. The smaller girl's mother wasn't pleased--I wouldn't have been either.

Whatever reasons the school may have had---who can say? 'No one was seriously injured or killed?'---Not that big of a deal?

I wouldn't want to return to that school. jmo.

<The Education Achievement Authority is a statewide body, created in 2011, that takes over failing schools. It was responsible for the firing and reinstatement. Teachers in the schools governed by the authority do not belong to a union.>

One boy was suspended for 10 days, the other for 3. One boy and his mother agreed he teacher was wrong. Crazy raising crazy in a society that doesn't care and this is what you get.

eh--EAA--'a statewide body that takes over failing schools'---I can only imagine what sort of policies they might have in place.

I watched some of the CNN documentary 'Chicagoland' and didn't believe all of what was depicted. I'm certain there are success stories--but 'beatings' are still a part of life in many schools. Difficult for me to accept that---yes, it is.

No--you cannot beat others---never too soon to learn that. I hope.

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