Nike stock surges to all time high

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras
Nike stock hits an all-time high — and Wall Street analysts say it’s because of Colin Kaepernick

Nike arent my favourite company but its great to see old racists eat shit.

I wonder what george soros is going to do with all those shoes..

It won’t last…………..

You cop and law and order haters will lose……….

Just a word of advice to you dumb ass libtards and you black RACIST’S

When you have an encounter with a Police Officer, don’t fluck with them.

Don’t try to bust them in the nose or take their gun and odds

are you will make it out alive……..

Just remember,

Stupid choices result in stupid prizes……
My prediction is this...the people that are buying Nike products NOW because of their hatred of Donald Trump...will cause a brief surge in their sales...whereas the people who will NEVER buy Nike products from this day forward is never going to change because of Nike's support for someone that they feel disrespects the flag!
My prediction is this...the people that are buying Nike products NOW because of their hatred of Donald Trump...will cause a brief surge in their sales...whereas the people who will NEVER buy Nike products from this day forward is never going to change because of Nike's support for someone that they feel disrespects the flag!
Disrespecting the flag by taking a knee to protest police brutality and injustice is a rejected talking point promoted by Donald Trump. A scam and a Trump lie.
All stocks are rising...not surprised...the Trump economy lifts all boats.....
Yes they've been rising for 10 years now.

Remember, your boy Kessler couldn't even get 30 people to march in D.C. this year. Your alt-right movement is dead and anti-minority messaging won't get you far anymore.
All stocks are rising...not surprised...the Trump economy lifts all boats.....
Yes they've been rising for 10 years now.

Remember, your boy Kessler couldn't even get 30 people to march in D.C. this year. Your alt-right movement is dead and anti-minority messaging won't get you far anymore.

Trump has been better for minorities than Barry was. That's a fact. You on the left have to scream racism at the top of your lungs because you're scared to death that your most reliable voting block may finally wise up and realize that you haven't done SQUAT for them in the last 40 years!
My prediction is this...the people that are buying Nike products NOW because of their hatred of Donald Trump...will cause a brief surge in their sales...whereas the people who will NEVER buy Nike products from this day forward is never going to change because of Nike's support for someone that they feel disrespects the flag!
Disrespecting the flag by taking a knee to protest police brutality and injustice is a rejected talking point promoted by Donald Trump. A scam and a Trump lie.
Do you enjoy being wrong?
My prediction is this...the people that are buying Nike products NOW because of their hatred of Donald Trump...will cause a brief surge in their sales...whereas the people who will NEVER buy Nike products from this day forward is never going to change because of Nike's support for someone that they feel disrespects the flag!
Disrespecting the flag by taking a knee to protest police brutality and injustice is a rejected talking point promoted by Donald Trump. A scam and a Trump lie.

No they are disrespecting the flag because they are furious they can't be obnoxious assholes to the police

My prediction is this...the people that are buying Nike products NOW because of their hatred of Donald Trump...will cause a brief surge in their sales...whereas the people who will NEVER buy Nike products from this day forward is never going to change because of Nike's support for someone that they feel disrespects the flag!
Disrespecting the flag by taking a knee to protest police brutality and injustice is a rejected talking point promoted by Donald Trump. A scam and a Trump lie.

There is a trigger to whatever little so called police brutality

and injustice there is….

If you are a criminal or a punk and you antagonize and or threaten

the police, the cop is going to protect himself.

We live in a country with approximately 323 million people,
the odds are better than good if you don’t fluck with the police

you will be OK………..

Do you any of you libtards ever think about seeing this from the cops perspective?

We know you don’t, you just automatically take the side of the punks and the criminals…

There’s a kinship there……………………………
The irony of the left celebrating a white 1%er making a small fortune off a black cause.
images (91).jpeg
Worth 250 million.
I am sure he will show his generosity by donating those profits to the black community.

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