NFL Referees Nearly Decide Another Game


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
On The Way Home To Earth
Raiders were BEATEN at home, 5 minutes left in the game, 23-7. Then the Steelers sack their QB. Clean perfect hit.

Game should have ended 30-7. 4th down. Steelers were on fire and should have gotten the ball back with good field position.

Instead, a referee calls Roughing the Passer because the defender hit the QB's shoulder calling it a helmet hit. Even the NFL rules expert in the booth said it was a clean hit. So the Raiders are given half the distance and score the TD. Raiders go for two points and they call another penalty for DPI when all the defender did was properly block the catch.

Finally, the Steelers stuff them on a final drive forcing a FG and just because a defender jumped up to try to block the kick and his hand touched the guy in front of him, Refs call another penalty for leverage despite the fact that he barely touched the guy, gained no unusual, additional height and wasn't near the ball anyway, giving them another half the distance and the 3 points! It was like the Refs were doing everything in their power to give Garaffolo the game in his opener for the Raiders before his ten-member family in attendance!

End result is that the game ended 23-18, Raiders still lost, but had a few things not gone exactly right for Pittsburgh, they might have easily lost. NFL referees and their insane rules not letting guys play anymore is just killing the game.
Raiders were BEATEN at home, 5 minutes left in the game, 23-7. Then the Steelers sack their QB. Clean perfect hit.

Game should have ended 30-7. 4th down. Steelers were on fire and should have gotten the ball back with good field position.

Instead, a referee calls Roughing the Passer because the defender hit the QB's shoulder calling it a helmet hit. Even the NFL rules expert in the booth said it was a clean hit. So the Raiders are given half the distance and score the TD. Raiders go for two points and they call another penalty for DPI when all the defender did was properly block the catch.

Finally, the Steelers stuff them on a final drive forcing a FG and just because a defender jumped up to try to block the kick and his hand touched the guy in front of him, Refs call another penalty for leverage despite the fact that he barely touched the guy, gained no unusual, additional height and wasn't near the ball anyway, giving them another half the distance and the 3 points! It was like the Refs were doing everything in their power to give Garaffolo the game in his opener for the Raiders before his ten-member family in attendance!

End result is that the game ended 23-18, Raiders still lost, but had a few things not gone exactly right for Pittsburgh, they might have easily lost. NFL referees and their insane rules not letting guys play anymore is just killing the game.
The refs don't make the rules, they enforce them.
1) Old senile members of Congress and POTUS and SCOTUS.
2) Cheating or callings of Cheating in Political Elections.
3) Lying Constantly, and saying shit like, "I support my constituents." but Not supporting.
4) Not Voting for term Limits for Congress members.

Stick to the topic jackass.
5) NFL not enforcing the 7 men on the LOS rule.

The refs don't make the rules, they enforce them.

Stick to the topic jackass.
The 7 men on the LOS.

If you have watched, coached, or participated in even 1/100 of my participation rate, you would clearly see HS or MS rules are strictly enforced.
We coached this. 7 men on the line, 4 men in the backfield.

In the NFL and NCAA, they don't enforce the rule correctly.

You toobfreak care to agree or disagree with me on this, and discuss the LOS rule?
Raiders were BEATEN at home, 5 minutes left in the game, 23-7. Then the Steelers sack their QB. Clean perfect hit.

Game should have ended 30-7. 4th down. Steelers were on fire and should have gotten the ball back with good field position.

Instead, a referee calls Roughing the Passer because the defender hit the QB's shoulder calling it a helmet hit. Even the NFL rules expert in the booth said it was a clean hit. So the Raiders are given half the distance and score the TD. Raiders go for two points and they call another penalty for DPI when all the defender did was properly block the catch.

Finally, the Steelers stuff them on a final drive forcing a FG and just because a defender jumped up to try to block the kick and his hand touched the guy in front of him, Refs call another penalty for leverage despite the fact that he barely touched the guy, gained no unusual, additional height and wasn't near the ball anyway, giving them another half the distance and the 3 points! It was like the Refs were doing everything in their power to give Garaffolo the game in his opener for the Raiders before his ten-member family in attendance!

End result is that the game ended 23-18, Raiders still lost, but had a few things not gone exactly right for Pittsburgh, they might have easily lost. NFL referees and their insane rules not letting guys play anymore is just killing the game.
Same things happened in the Clemson-Florida State game. Almost gave Clemson the win.

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