Nextstrain: real-time tracking of pathogen evolution/NCoV


Platinum Member
Oct 4, 2016
Understanding the spread and evolution of pathogens is important for effective public health measures and surveillance. Nextstrain consists of a database of viral genomes, a bioinformatics pipeline for phylodynamics analysis, and an interactive visualization platform. Together these present a real-time view into the evolution and spread of a range of viral pathogens of high public health importance. The visualization integrates sequence data with other data types such as geographic information, serology, or host species. Nextstrain compiles our current understanding into a single accessible location, open to health professionals, epidemiologists, virologists and the public alike.

The computer generated visualizations created according to the data

The DNA and RNA of pathogens is the same as our DNA...
it is a database of the genetic makeup of parental lineage of an ancestry tree

If you extract my DNA profile, it will show a logical evolution
of the lineage from each of my parents against their individual DNA profiles
and what I have added through my genetic profile making it unique to me

My DNA is not in my mothers DNA profile, hers is in mine
Meaning, whatever I acquired that is genetically unique to me,
outside of what is genetically shared between us, is not a part of her

Viral pathogens can be traced back to an ancestry tree
The DNA and RNA of pathogens change as they mutate,
whether naturally or manipulated, carrying with it a record of its 'parents'
in addition to what they acquired, unique to them

The computer generated visuals, according to the data
show the CoV case that first appeared in the U.S.,
did not originate from China, that came from later strains

Italy and the UK were overwhelmed with strains originating
in China and Iran, the data from the strains in Canda
show they came from Iran, then traveled back there
Yet there is no record of a strain which would be unique to Iran
It is unique to China

Which would indicate to me that Iran is lying
and entered data which is unique to China

There is no indication of infection in Iran

Strains of CoV in the U.S. are linked to Iran, Italy, the UK, China, SA
The cases of CoV on the east coast, NYC, are linked to California
The strains in California all originate from China



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