Newsweek Article Critical of Obama

Well, it appears I broke the rules, got the cite wrong, and got chewed and called an idiot. I guess I deserve it.

I will try harder.

None of these technicalities address the issues raised in the article in the original post. Do you care to take it on?

The issues raised in the RIGHT WING HIT PIECE that you wanted to believe was the work of a respected periodical.....which were actually published in AMERICAN THINKER.....warrant no response. It is nutter bullshit from start to end.

You are, of course welcome to post here. Please know, however, that you are not likely to ever submit an original thought.......or even a cut and paste that has not already been put up here by one of the scores of dummies just like you.

Maybe you can distinguish yourself as a special kind of nutter here......and have lots of fun .....but I doubt it. I don't see you being very interesting at all.

Give it a shot.

news week hasn't been respected in 12+ years.

all it puts out are gop hit parades and oral sex on dems.
Well, it appears I broke the rules, got the cite wrong, and got chewed and called an idiot. I guess I deserve it.

I will try harder.

None of these technicalities address the issues raised in the article in the original post. Do you care to take it on?

The issues raised in the RIGHT WING HIT PIECE that you wanted to believe was the work of a respected periodical.....which were actually published in AMERICAN THINKER.....warrant no response. It is nutter bullshit from start to end.

You are, of course welcome to post here. Please know, however, that you are not likely to ever submit an original thought.......or even a cut and paste that has not already been put up here by one of the scores of dummies just like you.

Maybe you can distinguish yourself as a special kind of nutter here......and have lots of fun .....but I doubt it. I don't see you being very interesting at all.

Give it a shot.

news week hasn't been respected in 12+ years.

all it puts out are gop hit parades and oral sex on dems.

Excellent! You addressed the primary focus of my post! Well done!
LoneLaugher in his case he is a left wing one who likes to call everyone who does not see things as he does right wing nutters.


Nope but believe whatever gets you through the day the description of those you call nutters is incorrect but you will never admit that and I won't waste anymore time in a pointless back and fourth over it.

Of course you won't. You HATE pointless back and forth's. everyone knows that.


There can't be but a couple.

You want names?

USMB members..............


To name a few.

Go ahead...admit failure.

I admit a clear win-win!!

I asked for names and you named them; Win
G5000 and Mac are FAR from the right. Mac is one of the few actual middlemen and G5 is a liber.; Win

Go ahead and ask me to list some non-nutter leftist.

gahead, gahead

There can't be but a couple.

You want names?

USMB members..............


To name a few.

Go ahead...admit failure.

I admit a clear win-win!!

I asked for names and you named them; Win
G5000 and Mac are FAR from the right. Mac is one of the few actual middlemen and G5 is a liber.; Win

Go ahead and ask me to list some non-nutter leftist.

gahead, gahead

I did not say they were conservatives. You said that I call anyone who disagrees with me is a right wing nutter. I proved you wrong.

I don't value your opinion regarding liberals at all. So please don't bother.

Good little nutter.....
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You want names?

USMB members..............


To name a few.

Go ahead...admit failure.

I admit a clear win-win!!

I asked for names and you named them; Win
G5000 and Mac are FAR from the right. Mac is one of the few actual middlemen and G5 is a liber.; Win

Go ahead and ask me to list some non-nutter leftist.

gahead, gahead

I did not say they were conservatives. You said that I call anyone who disagrees with me is a right wing nutter. I proved you wrong.

I don't value your opinion regarding liberals at all. So please don't bother.

Good little nutter.....

uhm, no I didn't

Sir, I got the article from another site and it didn't have a link.

I thought I was doing right by attributing it to the magazine--Newsweek, but now I see it ran in another magazine. Sorry.

Do you agree or disagree with what it said about Obama?

Like so many other rubes, you drank some mass email piss and did not even take the 30 seconds it would have taken to verify this piece was from Newsweek.

You posted a hack partisan piece, and did not hesitate to attribute it to Newsweek to give it legitimacy. But you did not actually bother to find out if that was true.

You WANTED it to be true, and so believed it to be.

I am so sick and tired of you rubes falling for this shit over and over and over and over.

Will you idiots EVER learn?

A conservative used to be the smartest person in the room. Now, you faux conservatives are the stupidest fucks that ever walked the earth.
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Here's the thing.

The people who created the mass emails saying this was from Newsweek (or the Washington Post) knew deep down inside such a piece would only be read and swallowed if it was attributed to Newsweek or the WP. They knew if its source was revealed to be to some hack faux right winger from American Thinker, it would be read with that heavily biased source in mind.

So they lied. Which means we are dealing with people who have ZERO integrity.
Here's the thing.

The people who created the mass emails saying this was from Newsweek (or the Washington Post) knew deep down inside such a piece would only be read and swallowed if it was attributed to Newsweek or the WP. They knew if its source was revealed to be to some hack faux right winger from American Thinker, it would be read with that heavily biased source in mind.

So they lied. Which means we are dealing with people who have ZERO integrity.

You may be right. But the reasoning behind it is that those who write everything off because it is from one source or the another are acting like racists, profiling if you will. The reality of the situation is that it should not matter where it was from the article should stand for itself. But identity politics will have none of that. So although it is wrong that they would do so I can understand why.
Sir, I got the article from another site and it didn't have a link.

I thought I was doing right by attributing it to the magazine--Newsweek, but now I see it ran in another magazine. Sorry.

Do you agree or disagree with what it said about Obama?

Like so many other rubes, you drank some mass email piss and did not even take the 30 seconds it would have taken to verify this piece was from Newsweek.

You posted a hack partisan piece, and did not hesitate to attribute it to Newsweek to give it legitimacy. But you did not actually bother to find out if that was true.

You WANTED it to be true, and so believed it to be.

I am so sick and tired of you rubes falling for this shit over and over and over and over.

Will you idiots EVER learn?

A conservative used to be the smartest person in the room. Now, you faux conservatives are the stupidest fucks that ever walked the earth.

I didn't read anything in the article that wasn't true. Maybe it wasn't News Week but what difference does it really make? It is not a fact filled article in that numbers and such need checked, it is an opinion piece. An opinion piece that is spot on in describing the President.
Here's the thing.

The people who created the mass emails saying this was from Newsweek (or the Washington Post) knew deep down inside such a piece would only be read and swallowed if it was attributed to Newsweek or the WP. They knew if its source was revealed to be to some hack faux right winger from American Thinker, it would be read with that heavily biased source in mind.

So they lied. Which means we are dealing with people who have ZERO integrity.

You may be right. But the reasoning behind it is that those who write everything off because it is from one source or the another are acting like racists, profiling if you will. The reality of the situation is that it should not matter where it was from the article should stand for itself. But identity politics will have none of that. So although it is wrong that they would do so I can understand why.

He is right.

And....what is it with all the talk about identity politics this week? Did somebody have a special on that subject over at FOX?

There can't be but a couple.

You want names?

USMB members..............


To name a few.

Go ahead...admit failure.

I admit a clear win-win!!

I asked for names and you named them; Win
G5000 and Mac are FAR from the right. Mac is one of the few actual middlemen and G5 is a liber.; Win

Go ahead and ask me to list some non-nutter leftist.

gahead, gahead

I am an old school conservative, idiot.

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