Newsome Signs Pro-Prostitute Law, Now Hookers Hanging Out at Oakland Elementary School


Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2020
If signing a law that loitering whores are perfectly legal everywhere isn't the best idea since the invention of emojis, I don't know what is.

Let them loiter outside the Mayors house & see how long that crap lasts.

Gee, who could've seen this coming?

In related news, there has been a sharp uptick in local dad's volunteering to both deliver & pick up the students from the school.
Authorities are happy the baby daddies are finally acknowledging their kids

Last summer the Democrat governor signed a state law that prevents police from arresting sex workers loitering for prostitution.

So now the prostitutes are walking around scantily clad and in some even naked next to children and the police can’t make any arrests thanks to Gavin Newsom.

Victimless crime
You are depraved, a depraved deviant cretin, and a perfect demonstrable example of what the fuck destroys society, a sociopathic basement dwelling weakling, trolling and poisoning the earth with your evil depravity one day at a time! It will be good when the jab gets around to eradicating your ass from our planet, cannot happen soon enough! :fu:
You are depraved, a depraved deviant cretin, and a perfect demonstrable example of what the fuck destroys society, a sociopathic basement dwelling weakling, trolling and poisoning the earth with your evil depravity one day at a time! It will be good when the jab gets around to eradicating your ass from our planet, cannot happen soon enough! :fu:
Prostitution is a victimless crime, prostitutes next to a school where the potential customers can confuse the prostitutes with students or moms there to pick up their kids is asking for some serious trouble.
Forced Prostitution is a crime
Consensual Prostitution is a victimless crime
I've always said prostitution should be heavily regulated and taxed. It would ensure the health and safety of the prostitutes and their customers. Prostitution is a commercial transaction between two people. Unless force is involved there are no victims, just a provider and a consumer.

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