newguy and dillos' discussion


Diamond Member
May 8, 2004
Austin, TX
ok new guy Here's a spot for us. No sense dragging our disagreement all over the place. Now what is the sect of Christianity that you adhere to and what do you have me pegged as. All of my responses to you peronally will apperear here.
oh ya----<<not a compulsive editor so please don't gripe about spelling, grammer etc. It's a waste of time and ignores the issue
looks like you got the room to yourself
no masturbating, thou, please it's still a public space:p:
Hey everyone. I got an interesting bit for you.

This guy dillo and RWA use the same basic vocabulary.

In fact, like RWA, dillo even called me a female name at the end of one of his posts.

He then tried to get on me for not revealing my stance on specifically what my faith was, just like RWA with politics.

-Since I have revealed both quite clearly, there is only 1 person stupid enough to keep this going.

Add the fact the same phraseology was also used, and the fact that both have the same attention span as well, I think it is reasonable to assume we know who we are dealing with here.

-RWA, Don't point that thing at me while you are in this thread.

-How many other people start threads like this OTHER than RWA?
Dillo, NewGuy thinks that you and RWA (rtwngavngr) are the same person.

I suppose one would have to look at IP addresses to ascertain the truth of that hypothesis.
Originally posted by gop_jeff
Dillo, NewGuy thinks that you and RWA (rtwngavngr) are the same person.

I suppose one would have to look at IP addresses to ascertain the truth of that hypothesis.

Yeah, if they're the same that would certainly confirm that. If they're different, well that answers nothing.

All I know is, I hope you are not RWA, Dillo, beacuse I can only handle one stupid mother fucker screwing with all my threads.

Oh wait, Big D, makes two. See, I got my hands full.
Originally posted by nycflasher
All I know is, I hope you are not RWA, Dillo, beacuse I can only handle one stupid mother fucker screwing with all my threads.

Oh wait, Big D, makes two. See, I got my hands full. [/B]

the ignore function works wonders, my friend... :)
Newguy, I am not dillo, dillo's not me. It's not shocking others question your idiocy. It's appararent to all. Oh yeah: Bush Or Kerry, closet commie?
Originally posted by gop_jeff
the ignore function works wonders, my friend... :)

I tried that. Big Dumbass and Rude Wannabe Asshole are on my ignore list but I'm always curious to see what drama they're bringing to my threads so I could never completely ignore them.

I think I'll try again though as my curiousity is never satiated. You know, you want to give someone the benefit of the doubt but when they constantly spew stupid racist crap that I haven't heard since the days of the Neanderthal or misquote me and start stupid pissing matches, it's just not worth it.

<--------taking your advice
RWA keep piling up the style points, you know you're a crowd favorite or was that court jester? I forget.

BTW you mention dicks, Freudian?
Originally posted by OCA
RWA keep piling up the style points, you know you're a crowd favorite or was that court jester? I forget.

BTW you mention dicks, Freudian?

You know I will. I'll be styling all over your face.

hey--I'm trying to straighten out some threads here and intend to keep my shit with new guy right here where I was told to put it. It's not my fault newguy is so paranoid that he thinks I'm am someone else. I don't blame y'all for ignoring this shit and a wise man wouldn't waste their time on this thread. New guy will probably not respond and I'll see how on goes about deleting a thread
I knew you wouldnt be here new guy

"We do have to know a couple of simple points. Biblical prophecy is what proves the Bible devine. -The New and Old Testament MUST prove each other in order to be consistent. As such, they do and the Bible is made of both parts."

How does biblical prophecy prove the Bible to be "devine" ?
Originally posted by dilloduck
I knew you wouldnt be here new guy

"We do have to know a couple of simple points. Biblical prophecy is what proves the Bible devine. -The New and Old Testament MUST prove each other in order to be consistent. As such, they do and the Bible is made of both parts."

How does biblical prophecy prove the Bible to be "devine" ?

Let me answer a question with 2 quotes:

I don't blame y'all for ignoring this shit and a wise man wouldn't waste their time on this thread.

Matthew 7:
6 Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.
7 Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:
8 For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.

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